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,-• MEETINGS. ATTONAL EFFICIENCY CAMPAIGN. TO-NIGHT (WEDNESDAY), ST. THOMAS'S HALT,, NEWTOWN, 8 o'clock. Mrs. W.R: ■ Bon-and Captain W. H. Hawkins:. •...'■ •Collection. . .•■■;.•. _ WOMEN'S .NATIONAL RESERVE,'' MOTHER'S HELP "DIVISION. ALL interested in the above are earnestly. . requested to attend K » meeting, to be held in the' Accountants' Chambers, Johnstone Street, on FRIDAY, MARCn 21, nt .3 o'clock. Business-. Election of Administrative Committee and Officers. ;•,- r_ ' FLORENCE PORTER; • Organiser, AVomeu's National Reserve. CITIZENS' SERVKJE~LEAGUE. A MEETING of the .Members of the -XX Citizons' Service League . will l» held at ■ the; TOWN HALL on FRIDAY, MA.RCH.-21, at-3-p.iu.-'(not Thursday,-. as previously stated), to nr-' range for. file Street' Stall in connection with the Returned Soldiers' Dav on April 4. ■'■■■ E. BARLTKOP. . :■. ■■■ ,■■■ Hon. Secretary. ■" PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. ' PROFESSOR.,I Oil N-A. NICHOLLS,v u.s.a. . ■''",:■ TOWN HALL. , TOWN HALL\ TUESDAY, MARCH 25. " PROFESSOR, NICIIOLLS - : Ifi THE GREATEST " AUTHORITY • ■ ON PROHIBITION, in America. He' has conducted several eiimpaigiis'in England. Reserve this date to hear. Nicholls.' MOTORS AND CYCLES' FOR SALE. FOR SALE, Motor; Lorries, Dcnby 3 . . ton, Republic,.''SOowt. Particulars "Trucks," Box 133, Daniioyirke ';' W'JANTED ;to . Sell, Light r English 'Motor-car, to seat three/persons; guaranteed perfect order. Lambto'n Rubber Supply Co.; .121 I-ambtOii Quay: "FOR SALE, '■• TUTOTOR LORRY, 8 months old, 35 h.p., 30cwt.. capacity;, all in perfect running order;'. trial givoiv. • • .■ ;. .•': A; Si PIKE/';. : ; ' ,13a Courtonay 'Placo.* '. '/■ ~. FOR- SALE, WILLYS-KNIGHT- CAR, IN splendid' running, order; painted ivory white. Price,' J2475. . Owner would consider exchange for. smaller'car , and. cash or good mortgage. '. Apply ' ' .- ■•-■ . ■ "CAR/' . ■ ■:. • C|o "Dominion." . ' .' FOR SALE, ONE 2-ton 1-ton Argyll Motor Lorries, in. splendid order; anytrial before.,delivery, with full load. Seller is going iiv'for electric- motors. , "ARGYLL/ 1 ... C/o Box 71, Palmerston North. . .. ■IF IT'S ELECTRICAL .' WE CAN FIX IT.-,. ANY STARTING, LIGHTING, IGNI- •■■ TION SYSTEM. ■ .. •'. ARMATURE WINDING. •.". AUTO ELECTRIC CO., .97 Courtonay Place, WELLINGTON. THE SIMPLEST, CHEAPEST MOTOR DELIVERY. WANTED,' Purchaser for. Warwick' .-Motor Carrier,. in new condition;. its as cheap as a' motor cycle to operate,, as cheap-to buy,...and.s6 simple'that!a child can handle it! For further'.particulars apply, to G. ; --W.- Lawrence,' representing Magnus, Sandorsou and Co., Ltd., 'Phono 302. ;■ --.-.■ --." , - '. V THE ' FOfiD CARS ENGINEERING ''WORKS, 39, 41, 43a . Lower Tara- , liaki Street, Wellington. WE thoroughly Overhaul and Repair , FORD CAPS. We confine our business to Ford Cars. only.. .Our work : :is absolutely,guaranteed, and our charges strictly moderate. A trial, solicited.'., • "" •' 'DELIVERY VAN- ,•-'',•■' ANE ,8-h.p. "Warwick".Light Delivery Van, had little use,, and in. .firstclass'order; ideal- for town -delivery; Price .£3O. -•■ ' ■:: '-. ■ ' COLLETT'S, LTD., ■" '". DannDvirke.- ' ON SALE'. ... FORD Delivery Van; Warren Touring Car; Enfield one-ton Lorry. NEIL DONEGHUE AND CO., LTD., ' . .50. Willis Street, Wellington. 'Phone -HOG. .Works: Petone. OLD MOTOR TYRES: WANTED, to Buy, OLD TYRES, ally' condition, in part payment for any- , nrnko of new one; Hot less than 7s. fid. each allowed. - ■■-•■• LAMBTON RUBBER SUPPLY.CO., 121 Lamb-ton Quay, . WELLINGTON. . LIGHT 5-SEATER CAR FOR SALE. "I Cfi 7 MODEL,' Overland,' iu perfect xVJII condition; fitted with electric lighting and starting - system; * This car - has not dono 5000, and the price is right. Further particulars from • , - . G. W.: LAWRENCE, .....:. Representing Magnus, Sanderson and Co., ;;".. '.Ltd. ,'Phone 302. . ■ ..... .. -THE HARLEYS ARE.-HERE!' ~■.•• WE have just- landed fresh supplies of the famous Harley-Dnvidson Motor-cycles • and aide-o/irs. Call or write to arrange for demonstration to G. G. Kelly, Solo District Agent, Shannon, Foxton, . and Levin. 'Phone 31.. Head Offico, Shannon. ' ' 8-CYIJNDER rcADILLAC . CAR FOR SALE.OWNER going abroad wants lo Bell his beautiful 7-seator Cadil- ■ lac Todring Car. This car has been wonderfully well cared for, .and is in excellent', condition; equipment includes 5 wire wheels, .with several spare tyres and tubes, rear wind .'screen; engine ,-tyre., pump, complete set. of tools; etc. Price .£850.. Any trial, and subject, to' the strictest examination. The Nattrass and Harris Motor Co., Ltd., IS'Molcsworth Street, City. ' . .' ; BARGAINS FOR MOTORISTS, '. .'. npRUMBULL' Light Delivery Van, carry jL Scivt., •1-cvliiuler, etc., only five months' use, cost <t)210, accept ,-£l2O. 18-20 I Light :l-seater Car,.nearly new, 3 speed, ! etc., .£2!0; Motor-cycle: A.J.S. 2J h.p.. JJI7 i 10s., A.J.S. 2-speed gear-box, clutch, etc., I chain drive,. .C30;,3i h.p.- Rudge, -C 22; 23 Governor, 2-slroke,.-,£20; -IU : P.M.,. .£2O; 3-1 h.p.-Premier, ,£2O; 31- h.p. Hunibor, 3-spoed gear, etc., ,fi3o;'3l- h.p. Rovcivl .'1 speed gear, etc., ,£35; -1 b.p. Ariel. 3- I ■ speed gears, etc., .CM); -th.p. King! Dick, 3-speed gear, ,£lfi; Indian, 5-G h.p., 2-spcnd gear-box, 010.. ,£55; Thor, 3 speed gear-box, nearly now, ,£GO; 7-8 h.p.. Indian, spring,, frame; 2-speed geai\|. C CGS;. Dayton, as new, S-ipeed gears, 4!S0: 31 h.n. Sing' 1 !', 3-spond geai's. ,11-10; Coaoliliiiilt Ride-Cir,_ 0512 10s.; 8.5.A., •»} h.p.. 3-spec-d gear-bn'x. etc., ,£OO. side-car .£lO lfls. For particulars apply ' PITCHER BROS., Bnx 21, Carterton. MR-'/' "BRIDGE, DENTIST (late Upper 'Willis Street), Macartliy's Chambers, . 50 WILLIS STREET.' -'Phone 4491. (Opp. Hotel Windsor.).
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Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 9
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780Page 9 Advertisements Column 5 Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 9
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Page 9 Advertisements Column 5 Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 9
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