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AMUSEMENTS. EVERYBODY'S. TO-DAY VERYBODY'S: TO-NIGHT. CHARLIE CHAPLIN. In"A DOG'S LIFE,'' Also, . GLORIA SWANSON. "In -VOU ■ CAN'T' BELIEVE EVERYTHING." In addition, „„.„„•';.,, Episode Three of "THE HOUSE OF HATE." ' Additional Attraction— Charapter Sketch by MISS FLO GOW ovcry evening at 'J-10. Evening : Prices-Circle, Is. 7d.; Reserves, 2s. Id.; Stalls, Is. Id: Children Half-price. .Day prices r:s i.sual. ORCHESTRAL MA'TINEE TO-DAY, 2.15 THE KING'S 'A Superb Combination HH KING'S of Pictures, Song and . Music. A SFi,ECT,MASTERPIECE. . .-«:,'- ■TnEWiIIKLPOOL, . • ' ' Featuring ALICE: BRADY. Also, The Latest GAUMONT GRAPHIC, showing New Zealand's Press Delegates m • London. -. ' ' Additional Attraction, MISS IVIE RODDA, - Talented Australian Contralto. - Prices as usual, Book at the Bristol. MATINEE •.; ■- 2!s_____TO-jjAY EMPRESS. , . TO-DAY! • M PRESS. TO-NIGHT! GRACE DARMOND ,„„„..„ ■ And li\R-LE. AVILLIAMS ' ■ In- • "THE GIRL IN HIS HOUSE." Another Attraction. , CHARLIE CHAPLIN in- "THE WNK. -.•■••;Also showing. "„„„ ARRIVAL OF THE MAIN BODY- .. EASTBOURNE BOROUGH COUNCIL. mHE S.S. DUCHESS will leave the I Ferry Wharf at 10.30 a.m. TODAY for a 11 arbour Excursion round the 'S.S. ATHENIC, returning with troops. The Waterside Workers' Band will accompany the Duchess. ,'.-,. ' Space reserved -for next-of-kin and relatives. ." ' ' „■ • S. S. HEATH, Manager. WELLINGTON GAS COMPANY, LIMITED, '■' GAS COOKING DEMONSTRATION By •'-' MISS UNA CARTER, TO-DAY (WEDNESDAY), MARCH 19, Subject: Cakes, Pudding,' and Pulping Tomatoes, , To cominence at 3 o'clock. J! H. HELLIWELL, . . Secretary. • '"'A SOUND' INVESTMENT! ONE that is' always profitable; one that brings increasing Batisfuction as tho.years roll cn;.one that satisfies the whole family— ."" '/'.' A PIANO FROM BEGG'S; .•An investment that" means - a lifetime of solid service. BRINSMEAD . ROGERS / CHALLEN JESSE FRENCH Pianos, the instruments with the reputation of years behind them, are all sound investments. We sell ■ these famous Pianos for Cash or on Easy Terms, and are pleased .at any time to discuss their .merits with youCHAS. ; BEGG AND CO., LTD., Manners. Street, -Well' n storiThe Oldest-established Piano House New Zealand. MACHINERY FOR SALE .-. . '■■ . ■£ MACHINERY For Sale, cheap-Lathes, Drills, Engines, Boilers, Pumps, Rails, Wire Ropes, Belting, Dynamos, and motors, etc. Wo are Specialists in new and second-hand Machinery of every description. Manning Machinery Co., 188 Cashel Street, Christchurch. - ' " FOR SALE; ■t 4-SID'E PLANER (M'Dowall), 18in. 1 - x 6in., .£175; I'4-SIDE PLANER (American), SOin. x 6in„ JEI7S. Both guaranteed in perfect order. ' M'MILLAN, LIMITED, Oil and Machinery Merchants, Herbert Street (off Manners. Street), Wellington. ■ •" ■ ■ MACHINERY. WE Specialise in all kinds of Machinery, Engines, Boilers, etc. , WIRE ROPES-Good Lines, new and second hand, for Sale.Inquiries Solicited. HENRY F, MOSS, LTD;, \ Baker's Buildings, Feathewton St., 'Phono 1756. Box 165, G.P.O. BUSINESS NOTICES. CHINA TEA.. STOCKS of China Tea have been very hard to get, but . GAMBLE AND CREEDJS SPECIAL Is still available, and is unrivalled aj the best China Tea on the market to-day. FROM 3s. Od. TO Ss. PER LB. You can have the most delicious China Tea, making that rich, fragrant brew assooiated with all that is in- the art of tea-making. GAMBLE AND CREED'S CHINA TEA. STAFFORD TEA, LUNCHEON, AND SUPPEE ROOMS. Dinner, 5.30 to 7.30. Ono of tho Best Appointed the City. Smoking and Writing Room Provided -. • for Gentlemen. , Open on SATURDAYS until 7.30 p.m. MISS READ, Proprietress. Willis Street (over H. D. Bennett's). ! • DUNLOP "lWBlEir - G7XDb _ S - "FOR THE HOUSEHOLD. Ask your HARDWARE FIRM for DUNIjOP Oceanic or Federal Garden Hose. Ask your STOREKEEPER, for DUNLOP Teapot Spouts. Ask your DRUGGIST, for. DUNLOP Hot Water Dags.. Ask your DRAPER for DUNLOP Blouse Holdfasts. Ask your BOOTMAKER to fit DUNLOP Rubber If eels. Get vonr WRINGER. ROLLERS RE- . COVERED with DUNLOP Rubber. DUNLOP RUBBER CO., OP AUSTRALASIA, LTD., 05 Courtonay Place, Wellington, and at Auoklund arid Christcliui'cli. ARTHUR J. WYCHERLEY, xl Lock and Key Specialist. Keys cut to any pattern. Safe and P. 0." Box Ktfjfi promptly duplicated. Every description--of'Locksmith's Work thoroughly catered for. Address: KING'S CHAMBERS, Wellington. 'Phone 568. Private 'phono 2234 (2 rings).
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Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 9
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629Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 9
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Page 9 Advertisements Column 3 Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 9
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Dominion. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.