Mr. A. De Bavay, the eminent analytical chemist of Melbourne, testified at the Supreme Court of Victoria that SANDER'S EUCALYPTI EXTRACT comfiares with othor eucalyptus products iko .well-refined and matured brandy compares with raw spirit. Ho staled that SANDER'S EXTRACT contains antiseptic and healing ingredients which arc not contained in other eucalyptus preparations, and this is why SANDER'S EXTRACT has a supremo sanative power. ft prevents meiii'ig.'lis, diphtheria, throat troubles, fever, etc. Colds, bronchitis, lung disease, indigestion, kidney and bladder troublo will yield quieklr to its enV.iev when used ns m>cled. If vou insist on the GENUINE SANDER EXTRACT you will hnvo tho tried and approved article, i.utl you will derive the benefit. No experimenting nth SANDER'S EXTRACT.-Advt. "'Tis something to lie willing to commend."—Southerne. And just think of the thousands of homes in the Dominion that commend Baxter's Lnng Preserver. Baxter's is tho fast and proven friend of all who suffer from colds. It gots right to business and routs tho cough or cold fromptly. 2s. 6d. buys largo bottle.— dvt. I
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Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 2
Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 8
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