HOW I DARKENED Mr GREY HAIR. LADY GIVES SIMPLE.HOME PROCESS THAT SHE USED TO DARKEN HER GREY HAIR. For years I tried to restore my grey hair to its natural colour with the prepared dyes and stains, but none of them gave satisfaction, and they were all expensive. I finally camo across a simple mixture which I mixed at home that givdj wonderful results. I gave-, tho formula, which is as follows, to a number of my friends, and they are all delighted with it:—To 7ozs. of water add a small box of Orlex Compound and loz. bay rum. Thcso ingredients can bo bought at any chemist's at very little cost. Use every other day until the hair becomes tho required shade. It is used lo not only darken the grey hair, but to remove dandruff and act as a tonic to tho hair. It is not sticky nor greasy, does not rub off, and does not colour tho scalp.—Advt. For Chronic Cheat Complainta, Woods' Great Peppermint Core.*
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Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 1
Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 8
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