While the King is away the Queens hV Hies on the staff over the front or Bu"ckir-ghain Palace, London, whore Her Majesty is in residence, tho Queens hV or'standard contains eight quartering," four of them being the same as tho King's Standard fiul tho other four the arms of her mother, who was Princess Mary of Cambridge, quartered with those of her father, the late Duko of Teck. Bo judge and jury and give "NAZOL" a trial. Thero can bo only one venlidt■'Absolutelv competent to euro colds, influenzn, bronchitis, and nasal catarrli. -Advr. What is required when moving becomes necessary is eare, skill, assiduity. .Lheso we offer to all people enlisting our services. They are not disappointed, lliousands of testimonials show this. I lie New Zealand Express Co., Ltd., S.-Jl Customhouse Quay.—Advr. I look it. first when just turned four, Mv children take it now; A test of twenty years and more, ■Speaks volumes"you'll allow. For old and young, for throat and lung In action prompt and sure, By overy tongue tho praiso is sung Of Woods' Great Peppermint Cure.Adit.
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Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 8
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Page 8 Advertisements Column 3
Dominion, Volume 12, Issue 149, 19 March 1919, Page 8
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