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A ballot was hold of No. 2 group of tho Starr-Bowkctt Society on Tuesday ilight. Tho appropriation was £500, hut tho 'ucky marblo holder, Miss Ada Scbborry, owned but one share, and was thus entitled to only £100. Tho remainder of tho money .will be balloted for shortly, wlion another £100 will bo added.

Tho Technical School is now in full swing, and this year's work promises to constitute a great advanco on that of last year. Both technical and art classes have largo numbers of pupils attending, and, although it is early yet to ostimat-o the numbers, in many oases previous records have been broken. Two elocution classes have been started —ono under Mr. A. V. Burnard, with seventeen pupils, and ono under tho Rev. D. Hird, M.A., with fourteen pupils. The dressmaking and millinery classes for ladies arc again a feature of the school, whilo tho commercial classes aro as popular as ever. Last night a new class was started, when Mr. S. Jickoll, tho borough engineer, commonced instruction on applied mechanics and mechanical drawing. The photogiuphy class also commenced last night, while, on Friday, the matriculation and Latin classes will start. _ Tho art classes, under Mr. G. H. Elliott, aro considerably in advanco of last year as to mtmbors, and this promises an exceedingly successful year.

Tliore was a very satisfactory attendance of members at tho fortnightly meeting of the Oroua Lodge of Druids on Tuesday night. Bro. F. Jackson prcsidod. Thrco candidates wero initiated, and one membor granted a clearanco. Bro. C. J. P.age, tliO'ncwly-clcctcd district president of tho No. 11 District, was installed by P.D.P. Bro. S. Fullbrook, and commenced his duties last night, when ho paid an official visit to tho Rongotca Lodge. It was dccidcd to take part in tho annual Friendly Societies' parade, which is being held in Feilding on Sunday, March 14. Tho chairman of tho Reserves Committee of the Borough Council (Councillor Stubbs) reported at the meeting on February 2G that Mr. Stace, of Te Matai, had offered to lend the remains of an old Maori canoo to be placed in tho Square Reservo as a curio, and ho also olfered to give a clutch of pheasants which had been hatched by a barnyard fowl, as the nucleus of an aviary. At tho meeting of tho Borough Council on Tuesday night tho oiler of tho pheasants was accepted, and proper provision will he mado for them. The offer of tho old canoo was held over till the work of beautifying the square is completed. The Opera House Committee reported to tho Borough Council last night that tho income during tho current year was over £1100, while'tho profit was about £100. On Tuesday evening, while milking operations were in full swing at Mr. S. R. Lancaster's, at Fitzhnrbert, a stack of clover containing about 40 tons accidentally caught lire. Thomas Quale, a young man employed by Mr. Lancaster, immediately procured a liorso and cart, and proceeded to tho river to get water for tho purposo of trying to quench tho flames. As ho was passing through a gateway the horse shied and ran into the post, and then immediately bolted. Tho young man jrns thrown out of tho trap, and, getting tangled in tho reins, was dragged along for a couple of chains tr more. When picked up Quale was unconscious, and terribly cut about. A message }vas dispatched for a doctor, who, on arrival, and after examination of tho injured man, ordered his removal to tho hospital. Tho loss of tho hay to Mr. Lancaster will bo considerable, as a stack of tho sizo wonld no doubt have lasted him through the winter months. The cause of tho fire is unknown, unless spontaneous combustion be accepted as the explanation. When tho firs occurred Mr. Lancaster was in town at the ram fair. On inquiry yesterday morning it was ascertained that tho injured mail had recovered consciousness, and was progressing as well as could bo expected under the circumstances.

'The annual ram fair, conducted by the associated auctioneers doing ' business in I'almerston North, Was held on' Tuesday, about 1700 rams, principally flock Lincolns and Romneys, being yarded. Business was not particularly good, tho domand for Lincolns and Romneys being almost lifeless, though sheep from well-known breeders of these two classes found a certain amount of demand. Border Leicosters sold much better, but tho averages obtained have not yet been reported. Ten stud Romneys wore offered on account of Mr. O. Monrad, and realised from 3 guineas to 3J guineas, the purchasers being Messrs. F. and H. Burns, Greenhow, Robb, and Maule. One stud llomney, offered on account of Mr. W. F. Jacob, was sold to Mr. Cresswell for 20 guineas. On account of Mr. R. Tanner, one was sold to Mr. ,1. Bertram for 10 guinea's, and one to Mr. E. M'Grcgor at 15 guineas. Air. G.' C. AVheeler's stud Romncy ram, Loyalist 2nd, was purchased by Mr. D. Rowlands for 54 guineas, and a stud ram by Loyalist, went to Mr. J. O. Batchelor for 30 guineas. Another of Mr. Wheeler's studs was sold to Mr. 11. Tanner, Karere, for 25 guineas.


The annual general meeting of the Woodlands Hunt Club took place on Tuesday evening, Captain J. B. Whyto presiding, and some twenty odd members being present. Tho balance-sheet, which was adopted, showed assets to tho amount of £62 9s. against which thero was only £10 liability. Messrs. J. Anderson, Ecclcston, P..E. Debreceny, A. Egan, J. Egan, B. Hepburn, E. Thomas, It. Williams were clected members. The following office-bearers wero elected for tho ensuing season Patron, Mr. Hunter; president-, Mr. James Breeds; vicc-prcsi-dents, Messrs. C. Avery, I).. Buick, H. D. Buchanan, J. Mitchell, R. Tanner, E. W. Ruddick, J. P. Lynch, C. H. Arrow, J, B. Whyto, T. Mexted. AV. Owen, H. Daysh, D. Bourke, M. Galvm, M. Farley, W. Webb; master, Mr. S. V. Rooney; deputy-master, Messrs. A. J. Ritchie, G. Buchanan, N. Avery, P. J. Quirk, E.. Brown, and three others to be chosen by tho Palmcrston members from among themselves; secretary, Mr. A. Waston; treasurer, Mr. S. V. Rooney; committeo, Messrs. H. E. Russell, N. C. Bailc'on. A. Larsen, It. C. Ellingham, W. W. M'G'ardlo, A. E. Brown, N. Avery.

Two tenders were received for tho position of huntsman and, after somo discussion, it was resolved that consideration of the tenders be left in the hands of a sub-committee, who were empowered to call for fresh tenders if present applicants should provo unsuitable. The arrangement of tho programme for the annual steeplechase moetjng caino up for discussion, Mr. J. M'Cardle pointing out that, in the past, errors havo been made by leaving everything to the last moment, and he would move that a Programme Committee bo appointed at the present meeting. A motion to that effect was carried, and Messrs. W. W. M'Cardle, J. M'Cardle, S. V. Rod-, noy, J. M'Nicol, and the secretary wero appointed.


A pftrty, consisting of. Messrs. W. H. Field, M.l\, Mills, Dunn, Fraser (2), H. Jones, Murray, Stephen, Bryant (chairman Makara County Council), and probably a representative from tho Tourist Department, leavo here on Friday to ascend the Tararuas, with a view to ascertaining what can bo done towards ultimately opening up tho country for tourists. The party expect to reach "The Forks" on Friday evening, and the top of the mountain (probably Mount Dennan or Mount Hector) on Saturday morning, returning to town on Sunday. Messrs Mills, Judd, J. and H. Fraser, and the Taungata hand Co. liavo had sue; Mssful "burns" in the vicinity of the Gorge, some fiOO acres having boon cleared. Another fire lias been raging on 200 acres of Messrs. Podevin and Skerman's property. A party of young men, chiefly Maoris, visited tho Sanatorium on Monday night, and entertained the patients and staff with songs, etc. Tho evening proved an enjoyable one, and tho patients fully appreciated tho kindness shown. During tho month of February rain fell onlv on threo days, tho total fall being ,oßin. The heaviest fall was on the 11th, ,42in. being registered. The weather continues dry, and in consequence pastures are not looking their boat, while tho roads are becoming badly, put up.

liockoy is likely to take a fairly strong hold licre this season, and it is proba-hle that an opposition team to the 0110 just formed will wield sticks. The question of grounds, however, is a serious point, and it lias been suggested that tho proposed recreation ground be made use of. It is now well 011 lor two years, if not over, since subscriptions were raised, and the necessary money secured for purchasing tho ground, yet nothing beyond this has been done. One hopes to sco tho committee awako and display a little energy. A tennis match is being arranged for Saturday week between Otaki (2nd team) and I'araparaunm. Tho monthly meeting of the Otaki School Committee was held on Monday night, when it was reported that the attendanco almost justified an additional teacher.


The balance-sheet of the Variety Fair, organised by Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mansfield in aid of the Methodist Sunday School, was adopted p,t a meeting of teachers held at their residence on Tuesday evening. Tho total receipts were £32 13s. and tho expenses £1 135., leaving <1 credit balance of £31. Of that sum £5 lias been handed to tho Sunday School treasurer, and tho balance, £26, •will be used to erect an infants' room in connection with the Sunday School —a work which is urgently required. The Tararua tennis team to play Masterton 011 Saturday is:—F. C. Bunny, J. L. Blundell, T. E. Maunsell, 11. A. Bunny, E. W. Roydhouse, J. Steel, 11. Booth, A. N. Burns, S. Sievers, G. 11. Woltcrs; cmorgencies, B. 'l'rnpp and H. E. Jackson. Tho local Fire Brigade team leaves here 011 Friday morning for Auckland. They expect to bo absent ten days, and during the absence of Captain E.' M'Kenzie Fireman Judd will be in cliargo locally.


The Fcatherston Cricliot Club liavo arranged a match against Pirinoa for Saturday next. Tho following is tho Featherston team: —A. Cundy, G. Cundy, 11. Tocker, R. Tockcr, J. Williams, Nitz, Phelps, Thomas, Saunders, Mason, (2), Everitt. Mrs. J. Card 'and her two daughters left hero yestordav for a trip to Napier, and then on to Wellington. Mrs. Card is in very poor health owing to her recent great trouble, and tho trip lias been deemed necessary. The weather hero has turned very cold. At present there is a nasty south wind bringing showers of very cold rain.

Tho Chamber of Commorco aro moving in tho direction of getting tho Acclimatisation Society to stock the hills here with deer. A well-known sottlcr expresses it as bis opinion that this would not he looked on favourably by tho people most concerned, tho farmers near the hills. Thcro is no doubt that when onco tho deer began to thrive they would find tho Rimutakas an ideal breeding ground, being well sheltered and furnishing plenty of pasture. When they increased they would worry the farmers a good deal by getting to tho crops and destroying them. Fcatherston being so closo to thfc hills the deer would probably como right into the town. Tho bridge over tho creek at Pigeon Bush is now finished, and should provo a groat benefit to travellers by that road. Tho i''iro Jirigndo team to compete at the Auckland demonstrations, leaves lioro by the 8.30 train on Friday morning! All games in the croquet and tennis matches that are not finished by Saturday will bo lost by default. . i


Tho Onslow Borough Council met last night. Present: The Mayor (Mr. J. G. Harkness), Councillors Watson, Plimnier, Aplin, Fitzgerald, Kiernau, and 'Lynncberg. Mr. D. Murphy's tender of £15*5 2s. 6d. for tho retaining wall at Kaiwarra was accepted, provided it is for concrete. It was resolved to ask Mr. Cameron to disconnect his drain at Station Eoad, Kliandallah, as it appeared from analyses by Dr. Maclaurin that it was polluting tho Kliandallali Stream.'' 1 ; It was resolved to request Messrs. Aplin Bros, to deposit £35 for tho maintenance of Cohvay Instate roads. The Mayor and Councillor Lynneberg were appointed a committee to interview Mr. J. Knight and make' arrangements with him ro garding quarrying and dedication of roads. It was resolved to ask the City Corporation to reinstate the lamp in-William Street, and to state on what terms they would undertake the disposal of refuse at ICaiwarra. Councillor Fitzgorald reported that several councillors and tho engineer, after visiting the locality, had decided to recommend a sito' adjoining the school at Kaiwarra for tho erection of a hall.' The Mayor said that they wore advisee? by tho Government that tho land along tho Kaiwarra Stream was absolutely vested in the borough. It would bo improved by tile erection of the retaining wall, for which a teudor had been accepted, and by some filling-in behind the wall. _ Tho crection of the proposed hall should wait until the wall was erected, and the proposal could then bo put before the ratepayers! Thero was no possibility of obtaining other land for tho purpose at Kaiwarra. Tho recommendation was approved. Tho Lands Department wrote asking for photographs of beauty spots for reproduction in tho annual Parliamentary paper on Domains. The matter was left with the engineer tp arrange.

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Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 447, 4 March 1909, Page 7

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PROVINCIAL NEWS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 447, 4 March 1909, Page 7

PROVINCIAL NEWS. Dominion, Volume 2, Issue 447, 4 March 1909, Page 7


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