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/.? j; .;;.::;NEW AWARDS. ;'.■. . ;,■'■. '■■.-The, following 1 new'.awards' came"to : -hand yesterday:-—'. ■. ~.; . •■:. .WHARi , . LABOURERS' AND -STEVB- :':. v '.^d ; ; ; .CORES , ':AWARD.; .: ■;'',., ,';vThe award; in-tho.'Napier wharf labourers' and;istoypdoresVdispute comes into force on January 6;,, and remains in forcp until 'March 31y;r1910.. ..The award applies only to casual laKQiir-. employed from :tiay to day, or firom hour' to. hour, nnd' shall not apply to weekly oiypermanent..employees,Vor to men-employed oil maintenance works. For air classes of labour; the.-ordinary working hours shall bo from .8 aljn. to 5 p.m., exclusive of a meal hoiir. froni", noon''to : 1 p.m. . All- other times to ';be ./.treated- as. overtime. /The miiiimum raf?s\of: wages to be'as follows,. subject-to special;; c'ondftions':-rStevedore. anc f genera] c'ar^o'work'.of,■ all-kinds at".all places in:the port,'iroadstead, , and:the breakwater, Is. 6d. per; Jioiirj for .-ordinary time,: i!s... Id..■•• per hour r6r,;:.overtime.'.'-"yVhen;meals are required.on board ship the, employer is to- supply, them at a charge.:of not more than 6d. per meal. Menv.eiigagedvin'• Napier, to work cargo otheir{jioft*'shall he paid from the time of leavirii; Niipier ,«ntil their return at tho rate of; i l(Js;.'per..da,Vi(Suiidays exchitied),for travel-rifig-'tir/ie,,, and-shall be paid for work done aeoQriJihg to the' rate of the. award'. The mjnimutii rates of wages' for sailing lighters \*ithfany>cargo. except frozen ment shall be the..'samo."-a.E .at present. ; iMinimum- rates .(if . wage's, for. lightering frozen meat shall• be';■— Sailers/ 10s.. -per' trip, . Fanny ' 6s.',' \Veka osv ;fidv,.'-Trusty : ,'. lUs., Norval '" Bs:,'." Ruru ,7s. 9(1,' Ab'urin 55. - ' The minimum rates of wegesror stevedores.working frozen meat iii the. roadsiead.,of. Napier,' Gisbprrie, and Wah-gan'ui/Ishair..he.:^7-~iNapicri.-i'anny,; 1J hours'; U hours;.Ahuriri, lj-;'-I\9rvil,-,2i ; ;'-arid..'ttuni,:--2J' hoursj all', at. '2&. 6d. pnr h6ur. ' Gisborne: rfakei,'. lnanga, l'atilci, 2:h6iirsi at 25.. 6d.; Titi, 2j hours; Templar, TnwenT.H houfs; A r enus,' 1 J hours; a'c." "is.- &l.';.per hour:... Wanga'nui: Jiliitt'oh-r Thistte, SJ hours, at 25.'.6(1.; beef and pieces, .3 ;hours,', at: 2s:-' 6d. -.. Part -loacls? to. be .paid for as iu)l' load's. "Men , -'to ) be. paid from'the tirno of-leaving the wharves and.up .to the time '..of '.-leaving.- the; ship at-the rates fixed fof .tho class of ,, , tnpy arc engaged at, aiijl in all casps';they[sl]all:bd pn'itl not.less than two hours: . The following ilnys are ,recoghised as holidays:—New'YcarVDay, Good i'Viday, Easter. Monday',.-Labour. Dajy'Spvereigms Birthday,.; People's Show; ; Da'yi Cliristmas,ancl Boxing Day. '.All'-labour, shall-bo engaged at' some definite '^lnce-:or,places, to bo /determined . from time to time by '■ tho •sfier£tary.tothe Union-and the employer or employers'concerned .jointly with the secretary: tp the Napier.-Harbour Board, provided ;t-liat\.ft!;thie'';ej'ent'pf-Bny-exceptiohal::circum-s|taljb'es'- arising, men' may be . engaged-.else-whbre. ■= Any'.' inen to wfiriV"overtj'm'e niust be-- engaged duHng'- the' ."ordinary 'vwo'rk- ! ing- hours, provided -that men shii 11 ...not';- he ■ QUga'gecr-.'after.■ nopij on Saturdays,- except-in •■'emergency: '.Whoii' the at rival .of .a boat; : ls.^uncertain'.a;'ail ;be postfed By ,; the ,, .eniployersvnot.'--later : than 6 p.:ni,V on Sundays.' •■The number of men in wofking[gabgs'.'belJsw''shall be.left to:the (li'scr.etiou "In the', case .of. a ""'gang ■wbrkiA'g"■:shorthanded,.. the men.. , ' comprising ■ tlie;ga'iig.':'sHall-.Tebeive.- the pay', of eight. men. Emjpip.yers; shall employ 'members: of ./tho JJiiion jn.preference' to; : non-members.'- •■' '.

■ YARDS AND. , SAWMILLS •' • ;■■'... - ; awari). ■'"■ ■v, '. .A: ■■The neVaivard. relating to timber yard arid sawniill workers willcoine into force oil January' 6, 1908, and will continue in force until January'3l,. 1910..■ Inter alia, the following interpretations..- are given: — " First-class iiiaclnjiist" means a '.man who is competent to'e:duty it is; if necessary, to .put together and to repair, the of wbod-wbrkihg machinery; and-in the case of rabnltliiigahd pinning. machines to mnkeand tbVgrincl/into .shape such moulding' irons or otlie'tgutters' ap'm' requirefl, and generajly M to : supervise and direct' the working of the/'machines undbr' his contrbl. .' " Seconclcla'ssvmachinist;'.,. means, a man /who is-, cbriip'etent.'aiid. whoKci. dhty it.-is;, to set a machine,",to. grind the knives. , and • cutters,-toj-feed a? machine, .to th'ro«" in'aiifl'.out'of keep a,' machine hi gopdi running .-'order..' "First' snyfyer." : iiieans a sawyer ■who-..keeps his own , saws';, hutiij's|ia]l.forin:np,'parV.of,nis (hities.tb liariimff sawi: , '.'jSeco'hd Saw'ybr " . meairs a sawyer wh'6\'dbes: not keep'., his own -saws, but whoc, ( is- /able .: to -nib,.- and. .'set' :his vsaivs. "Head' yarclman."; means ,'a- worker;.w,ho liAt'd's,.; nrilpads,' and /measures nnfl who is -in charge of the'yard.' "Yardman ." mean's ! '-a;.wprker, whose .duties L 'i!'de ilio loading, unloading,.and mcasiiring of'.timber; Ijiif who'is. not' in "xhargo.of the..yard. ■" A yard ■'labourer;".'./is a ..worker employed in stacking, '.sorting, ~ loa'dinc, .or jinlohdjng timbfir,-and-in:gehe'ral ,work-' in' the.yard.',A 'j"c'a'sua) 'labourer'- , ' means; an unskilled labourer -Who:is .employed' for. less than, six consecutive, ■; days./ ." Sactory ." 'means an establishment '"where, .in.."addition 'to any other'work carried on; sashes and.doors are madei and inclndes also , box 'factories, and ebbperafjes.■;■ .Eve'ry : other• establishment coming witnin th6;-scope/of this.award dcemod'to-be. a country sawmill. '~ •

'-'Factories.—The hours of, work .-shell not;' expo'ed ,46 -per week.'' Eight and >a tiiiartcr '■■ hours. shall be worked on five days in erich week between 7.30 a.m. and 5:30 p;jn., and four, and three-quarter hours on one day .in each week' between 7.30 a.m. and 1 p.rn'. All time worked in excess of tho hours pVcscribed shall be piiid for nt the rnto of time; and a'half.■ -ror 'wofk-ldono on Christmas Day, .Good Friday,, or Sundays double! time", shall bo paid.' For workdouo on Now Year's Day, Anniversary Day,' Easter Monday; the' Sovereign's Birthday, Labour Dayj or Boxing Day, time and a linlf shall be"paid. The. following",shall, be the niinimum rates of pay:—First-cliiss machinist, ■l.i;' v 4d: per hour; second-class machinist, Is. 2id; per hour; first saivyer, Is. 3d;: sec'ond sawyer', .Is;. 2d.; head, ynvdmiin,' £3 per week; -yardman, Is. 2d. per hour; yard labpurer,,'ls.,'per hour;. cooper,''ls. 2d. per h'riur; ,hpx' per'hour; casual labourer;-Is) 'Id!' per- hour; night ■ watchman (if in' 'charge, of -mill only) ,>■ £2. _os. '■■•per week-; -.engine-driver holding-nrst r class certificate;,- ' 'day; ■ engin'e-<lriver holding socftn'd-class certificate, 95.!-per'day.; fireman or ; driver' 7 without' certificate, 'Bb. '■ per "day.

Any 'employer who ■ employs , ' coopers' may arrange'.with . these workers ;to work piecework, .a log'aiTariged with such workers. ■ .. i -■' ' ..■■.-•' .".'■' '

■ Cpuntn- .Sa.wmills.-=-H>mrs'.of ■ work at -ordinary rnW of pay not to exceed % per fortAight.'""Ail"'timo'V6,rU«l"iii excess .'of'.tho' 06 sliAll hi- paid for at the; rate oftimo and'a quarter .'toT thn first'-two .hours, aiid' affer'at."th'e"rate : of timn'and a half. For oil New Tear's,' Day; tiootl l''riday, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, and .Sundays. double time ..shall (x> paid. Tho minimum "rfftps of. wages shall 'be', as. frtllows:— Head 'henchman, Is. Ad. per hour; honchman who does not keep his saws, Is. 3d'; first br&ikdoTi*n man,' Is. 9d; second, -Is. 3t1.-; taikr-out, ,15.,.2(1..;..fir5t-class machinist,. Is. 4d.;,second, ;15.;,2d.; head yardman, £"i per week; yardman. Is. 2<l.'pei-. hour; crosscnttrcr (keeping saw), Is. 3d.-pe_r hour; other cross-cutter. 15..1 d.; bullock driver, Is. 2}d.; first- rdpeman, Is. M , .; second ropeman, Is. Id.; jackman, Is., 2d.; all othor Inliourers (including casual labourers), Is. ld.-'por. hour; night-watchman (if in charge of only one miiiy, £2' ss'.'." i pef."wpek'; engincklrivor mth first-class cOTtilicnte.',los. por day-; second, 95.; : fireman, or drivor -rithout certificate, Bs. Employers may, employ youths at not less than the following .rates of wages' par weok:—l6 to 17.vears, 155.; 17-to 18. years, 20s. ;-18 to 1.9 years,, 255. ;■ 19 k> 20-y<--ars, 30s.'; 20 to 21. years; 355., Provision, is mado for the employment of under-rate workers by means of permits, which are not to continue tn force for more than six months; ' Preference- is given',to unionist's .upon the usua.l conditions. Tho 'limit of working hours shall,- bo/exolusiye' of lany • timo- necessarily occupied by any .worker- in'.getttng up steam for machinery. When. overtime- is occasioned, by; breakdowns only ordinary ,'■ time rates'shall be paid. No defliiction' bo nade. from the wages • except through worker's own'default or (except in tho ease of youths) throughthe illness of the worker. In .the, case' of.weekly workers, 24 hours' notice to. bo givpn, but .nothing'.shal|, : prer jndioe the right of ,an employer to dismiss anyone without notice for lawful excuse.' ■■

■■ : COOKS' AND/WAITERS' AWARD. ! .■.This ; award takes' effect, from January -6 next, andj remains in force until January 31; 1910. .Thq mmiihnrn.wdekly /rate of pay for the following classes , of workers in hotels, is to;bb. as follows:—Kitchen:- Whoro five or more, .hands - aro employed—Chef, £4 10s.; second, £2 15s.;..third,: £1' 7s; 6d/; others, £1.25.. 6d.--Where four hands are employed —Chef, £3 155.;. second, £2 os.'f others, £1 2s. 6(1. Three hands—Chef, >£3'105..; second, £225; Gd.; others; £1 25.-6 d.. Two Hands—' Chef, £2 us.; second, "£1 40s. Ono hand— M»lo, : -.cook,- £2;. .femalo c00k,.-,-.£l •■'•los. Waiters:'. ■.•Where. three- waiters or' over aro employed—Head- waiter,' £2-10s.;' : second, £2; third, £1 > 7s. 6d. Two waiters—Head, £2; second, £1 10s.;. Ono waiter, riiiriimum wngp..of. £1.105.... .Waitresses:.: .Where.two,.or more waitresses are employed — Head: waitress, ; 255.. per _■ week;_'. others, • 20s. ' Ono .waitress,'to ho paid a minimum wage of-20s. per week, ■■gantry: Malbsi. where- rnoro than one is employed—First'hand,, £1 lOs.'y others, £1 ss. "..'Where- only onfe hand, ho shall be paid £1, ss. -per,'.wee.k.i. Females: All. females omploy&d iiv tho pantry shall be -paid -£1 ■ per week. -Porters: Day,' £1 os.; night, £I;7s. 6d. , ,Crefricral.hands: Where.night, and'day' port-ers nro employed, £1 per week. • Probationers: Employers shall be at liberty tnemploy as waiters main'probationers for a period not exceeding twclvo months, and as waifcressea female probationers for a period not exceeding.; six in the proportion of-one probationer to each three, or fraction of' the employees in receipt of not less than the specified .miniinuhi. wage at the following rates.of, pay:—Males; first six' months, 15s. per,wook;;second sus months, 20s. per week; females,',los. per wook. After serving, the spc.ifio;!' period of probation, the probationer s,haU bo .paid the minimum' wages -previously prescribed., ■ ■ Whero board is not provided, nooks, waiters, ■waitresses, pantryrnen, and porters sha : ll l be-paid.,los; , -per iv?ek in addition, to tho above rates., \Vh<iro' lodging is hot provided, they shall eich ■ receive an addit,ioiiahsum of ss. per wcek| provided-al-ways that'if an; omp.loj - er is : willing and offers to provide; siiitablo lodgings for any wbrker aiul-such'.worker prefers to lodge-elsewhere ho' allowance..shall■..b.R, then paid to such Worker : for. lodgings./.A' we'ek's/'work ;for all classes' of-' hot*! workers covered by the award shall not. exceed;6s .hours.. , .Each employer shall ; bo .entitled ■ to , ' arrange -tlio lionrs' of work ;.acc'ordinjK: to : : the- requirements" cf his particular business,'.subject, to .'the'following conditions'-: ,-r' ;, Waiters: Hours; tor waiters shall riot .exceed eleven' .per. day, ■-. and shall Bo)worked , between , midnight, as;may ;lx?.regulatpd/by; the employer. Kitcbeii: .Hours 1 for-cooksand 'kitchen hands m.'t to.' o.xc.K>d eleven' hours prr day; and. shall lw. worked .between tho hours of .s,a;in; ai,d 9 p.m., as may bd.'regulated by the employer. Porters: : -Whether night or day, 12 hours. Vaiitrymen: The hours for pantrymen shall not exceof]'eleven hours.:per : day/'and shall be worked between ; 6..;a;m.-aiKl : 0 p.m.; as may ho 'regulated by the employer. Where more.'than 65. hours,shall.liavd.(wen'worked in any one week', .overtime-at- thoirat'o herein-a-fter' specified: shainbe.;.paid' to' tlie . worker for- the.; time worked in excess, of 'the said 65,-hours. '■• ' ',; .'.' ,'■. ... ''"'. . . ...

; .Restaurant's, and !.Tea-Rooms'.—-Minimum: weekly rato of pay. for workers' in restaurants ami;,ten-room's to' be :as follows:—Kitchen.: -Whero : ; four or. inor'o hands', are Ghof,-£3 Ss.'; sec6ridj"£2''-ss: ;. others; £I- 7 6d. ■ AV'hefe-three- hands are employed—Chef,' £2 15s;;' second, ' £1 • 15s!: others, .iJQL 7s. &!/ Where .two" hands'are 'employed — Chef, £2 10s.' ;■ sec6nd,'.£V iO's.' AYheroione is employed Male, £9-ss'..j femaTe-s,. head cook,' £1 Lis.; others,.;£l 2s i( (3d.-. Kitchen' and pantry liands:,Miil(vs,'£r 10s. ; ; females, £1 2s. (i'i. Waiters-. £1 : 12s.'. fid.- Waitresses:. Head, £1 .-"5... 6d ;;, others;: £1 2sV ty. Any employer may,-. at .his option, ■ provide any worker, with .suitable lodging, and if he shall do'so the wages/of such, worker . shall be reduced by : ss: per week. : The h<)urs of work in-restfuira.nt.s.and tea-rooms shall hot (.'xcsiefl 65. 'per.'wool; • in' , the [case of nialo workers, and 52 in tlie of fem.ale .workers. Each omployoi- shall/bo .'entitled 'to regulate 'tho hours of. working 'acoo'rdmg'Uo. tho" require■mehts. of .-.his. particular '.business, subject to tho following ■conditions:—KitchenV' The ■lio'iiTS'fo'r CQoks'.antl kitchen hands shall not .Qx'ceed eleven per day, , , and shall, bo' worked between*s' a.-m.' a.nd 0 p.m. .; .WaitersV "If liia-les are'employed, .tho hours shall not exceed eleven per day, and .shallop worked bet'wep.ri',6 a.m. 'and.midnight. . Any. work' done iiv any'one week' jn .excess, of''the"hours sjiecifierl shall lw paid for ; at thb'rate specififxl lioroiiiafter'.- : Meals ' shall :be provided for workers' free ; 'of charge, but-only /luring tho houris.that'tlie'Rmployor's'premises' are open for' business.'' Not, less than -half .an hour shall'.b'e WloWbd. for ea'clv mea]. ''■ ■ ■"' ' •'■'.

; O.rater Saloons.—Tho-'following. shall' be : the minimum ; . weekly; rates .•^ i Kitehpn : : Where three' or.'more'■ hands ,are. employed — Ghef £3,'ss.;,second, £'2'2s. &L; others,"£l' 75.. 6d. Wllero'Wo ar.e'oiiiployfirl '.— Chpf,' £2 155:,; Whoro .only-one is-'eni-p'loyecl,;.£2::ss. .Females: He.nd:;.cook,' £1. 15s.;.others,'£1 ss. Waiters, £1 15s. >Waitrjosses.'£T.2s.;6d.-. Kitchen and pantry h'ands: Males; £Mos.';;fomales,'.£l'2s: 6d.' Oyster openers'; Xl '. 15s; Jf' the 1 employer provides suitabk) 'lodging,: ss; .per' weck'.'shalK be- deducted.;■• .Tho.hours of -work shall.not e'sceqd 65' per ..week 'in' the case , workers, and 52; per week:; in the case of' :female, worker's. . -Each'employer shall be entitled to regiJatb tljo' hours;of .work: according.fco' tho requirements of his; particular'- business.' • Any work dono'jn.'.excess' of" the hoiirs specified'!paid ■for at •the' rate of time lui'd.'n half.- Meals' shall';beprovified>£reo of charge, but .only;. during :■ the. hours' that the 'employer's premises ,ar.o .open..'■■-. '..•.. .

■ General ; Frovisiona..—The ■ folloring' shall Iki the minimuni ratos. of ' pay for .casual work:—Hotels: kitchen, males: chef, first day, £1, two .succeeding.days,. 15s. por. day, and after tbe . third day ordinary wage?; others:.first day. 105.,. two: succcerling days 7s. fid. per. day,- and. thereafter ordinary wages;' females':'..head cooks for 'tho'.'first three 'days 10s. , per day, and thereafter ordinary wages; other cooks 75..6r1. per day. Waiters: ■. Fof ; tho. first three .'days 10s. per day, and'.thereafter ordinary, wages. Waitresses: 7s. fxl. per day.. .Wheroa'wait-er is employed .for a': single, nieal he ; shall. bo 'paid not less than us.; Pantrymen shall be. paid 7sj fid.'.per,day for,the first.three days, and thereafter' ordinary wages., ' Pantrymaids shall be'paid'''not'less th'an'.7s, ; 6d. per day. Restaurants. —In the kitchen;: chefs 12s; 6(1. pothers, ,7s,6d;.females': head cooks, .75.,,',6d..; 'others,.,ss.. waiters -.and waitresses,' 6s: .per .diiy.'.,Oyster : saloons— males: chef6 J 'l2&,-'.6<L ; ;/.otliera J 'Bß'. ; Ber daj.

Females:-hend cooks, 75.-6,1. per day; others, ns.; waiters, Ss. per clay ; waitresses, 7s. per dny. Tea-rooms—waitresses, ok., per day. ■Special- occasions—where the work is done a why from tin , employers'- promises—races, balls, etc.—chefs. 20s. per day; second cooks, 15s.'; other kitchen hands, 10s.' per , ' -day.; waitresses, 7s. Or!.: winters and ■pantrymen not employed by the day, hut who aro simf)!y employed at tho function, sliall be piiid not-his than 7s. (id., if employed three hours or less, and for any time, exceeding throe hours in the. one day, I'2.s. 6il. ■Waitresses and pnntryinaids employed- uniler similar conditions. ss. and 7s. fid. respectively. Wagos to he paid woe.ldy unless otherwise agreed. When , no agreement is marie fixing the period of notice, not less than fnrl.yeight hours shall be given by either party. Employers shall be en titled to keep in hand two days' pav. . Workers receiving £1 10s. per week or less shall be paid for overtime, at 9d. per.hour. Those receiving'more than £1 10s. to be paid at the rate of'time and a half for overtime. If any worker not a- member of the Union refuses to join after one month from being engaged, he shall, tk the request of the Union, he dismissed, provided! there is a member of the Union equally qualified to perforin, the work. In sidoring the qualification of the member offered to replace the non-member, the employer, when the worker is a waiter, shall be entitled to take into account such matters as personal appearance and manners of the two workers, and generally tbeir.-respec-tive suitability 'for the work required to bo done. . The foregoing provisions do not. apply to any female workers. In computing the number of persons employed for the purposes of this award, casual workers shall not be reckoned, and where an employer himself does the work of any worker affected by the award; he shall be counted as an employee. ■ The provisions of the award as to hours of work and preference shall not apply to the. head waiter in each of the hotels hereinafter mentioned when such head.waiter acts as manager of the dining-room:—Royal Oak iHotel.. Grand Hotel, Empire Hotel. Arcadia, and Hotel Cecil, and the said proshall not .apply"to--the chef in any hotel' where three or more cooks are employed. The awnrd'applies only to employers carrying on- business in the City of Wellington and suburbs thereof. If at any time, while the award is in operation, any change should be made by legislation in a,ny of the conditions regulated by the award, the Court reserves the power upon application to vary "the provisions. In a memorandum the Court' mentions that it has not'dealt with v the, subject of holidays in hotels, as thai- has been dealt with by Parliament in thi) vShops and Offices Act Amendment Act. 1007.;. ' ..• . /

; THE DEAR'S BUSINESS. : The following return, prepared ;by Mr. B. M. Wilson, Registrar of the Arbitration Court, is an interesting record of the business transacted by the Court during the currant year:—The'public sittings for 19117 commehced at, Lawrence, in Otago, on January 28, and" concluded in Christehureli on December 20. With the ' exception of' Nelson, which was visited once, and where there are now no industrial disputes pending, the. Court i-isited each of the eight industrial districts twice, and, in doing so. the members ihayo travelled nearly 8000 < miles. Awards were made in 89 industrial disputes, and,. outside these, the Court dealt with I'nearly 1000 cases of all kinds, including breaches of award, applications to add parties to. awards, and'compensation cases, besides )a large number of interpretations of swards.' The Court held public sittings on 105 days in the year—B2 in the North Island, and 83 in the. South Island, nwl, in addition ,a large . number of deliberative sittings. ■■'!*''

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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 77, 24 December 1907, Page 5

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ARBITRATION COURT. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 77, 24 December 1907, Page 5

ARBITRATION COURT. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 77, 24 December 1907, Page 5


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