Sy'C "■■ ■■. ■•'•' ;■■-■ ;•- ? i; ; yi (Before;Mr.-W'-; G-VN'jliddell.-,5.M.) v .'; 1;V /■. A- STREET,; y; /' : ?;POIiiGEM4N:.HIt:^'ITH '-A:- BOTTLE.;| ;-.'>Asf a; sequel to; the. street disturbance-on ',tHe'>Quay.'ori-.Saturday-:nighty, three/-young men were- brought forward to answer various charges;- ". .-% ■''/.."".'■• ;■'■:.'> : ' h: S-'\'.''. ' ■':"<.■','■■■'•' '■:, .: 'William:-' Carr.; pleaded'.; not .guilty 'to . a charge/of' haying- assaulted , ' Edward -LWis, and;guilty to a:chargc of;diso'r(lerly; behaviour whilst 1 '.under, tiho '. influence"-; of■■'.liquor. Albert':Leary pleaded having;assaiilted ;.Constabic>Archer whilst. ih'/'the'.'esteutidniof his duty; : ;and a similar -plea was entqred ■ by ; .Alpiander--.Carr.--;in;.; ihswer, to ;,a chargo.of.usinß'tlireatehirig hehavidur , where'; by.'a breach, of .the peace 'was /occasioned.- '■;■ /;Ed^' ,,-pi'mter;- stated that lie was standing talking--'tbVtvrp' friends''outside tHo Occidental Hotel: about 10 pirn, on -Saturday, when three on four youiig nien: came along and started talking, to witness, 'who resented their conversation : and walked away./' The j qung fellows:were v looting for* 'fight. ■ "Witness'and' his friends ; walked the.road; y and the youiig; men followed one of thejn, knocking'' witness's ;hat „ off j- iand, another 'kicking l ,it'.-.- -Witness, could not say' whether the three meri 'in the .dock were; the.-three cpneorned' in the. Saturday/ liight trouble. '.. Archer deposed that.whilstwalkirig':,'along. Lambtbn Qiiay in':,plain clotlies about JOllO p';m. on Saturday,-, he; saw one of the three -strike-a'civiliari-'nanied Edward-'Lewis.on; the: left'vside' of 'theihead, kii.ocking ' his.Jiat; off." .-Several / of ■:the offenders mate's ("gathered'' round, - ; and ftried to vprbvoke a fight. •■When , witness saw-how Serious. , the ..matter -was -.he' walked ~up .'and Arrested the. offender, arid took ,him across to a,cab. When' assisting the man bitb,the c.ab'.'some;-one'-; struck >witrie,ss"behind ithe. ear <with a ;b6ttle,;.and almost Lsfcunned, him.// He .: was'.-completely; disahled. by.:;-the blowj,.a'nd..h3y;--tb.;let .the..pris9ner go.', 'Witness by a. number., of:'civilians;-,. •'..'■;■ • .; ;..''.' '•■■:'■■•; '■ .-
.5 (George VAsbefstatcd.ithatJiV was; standing! opposite' the' 'Club; Hotel' and , saw the" three, accused and, three 'other- men. , ': Some .'jostling took place,, and '.two 'of, tho. accused were waving' : b'e<sr--bottles, about/- - - ..Witness -saw Alexander: Carr/knock; Mr'.. Lewis's', hat off, and;.L.ea,ry- put! his foot it. Subse'-queritly-.a'-coiistible, came , '.a.|pr)g- ari'd/.arrested on'e.'df'- thoyAung'nien;.. When:the coiistable f&s putting the .into J a cab; ■'• Leary 666k.-aim: 'and' throw: a beer'ibottlei'which hit. the, coiistable on '.the ( back of tho -heai). f he, cMstitß|o and let the prisoner go; ■. TheUhiree.accused -were Very , much , cited, by',, drink;. -.' ~;'■-.;. .-■'..'-. : ..:/'•/.'■'"' ■"• ..This: .concluded ''tHle ' case for !the'.'pr6secu-tibh.-'r.-- : . :■■'•'-■; .■•'.':; " :;>.'■ '■''J ~-'■-' :/I ':;'/. '-'-'r / ■The/first',. charge .-against) WmY. Carr.V : 'was withdrawn.' , :.!, v'; ■■-• .'•■•.■'T-V. '.' .'■■' "/■.;'■'• j i cKn'jih'. 6f the. convicted-' and fined';C3;'''m'default days.''irfiprisoiiinipilt .'• :. His ■, -Worship V: coii sidered -..the. 'charge against , Leary ...whs :.rather' /more". : serious. ■Tho-assan)t''was.a.'cowar(ll,y pile,, and', the..reUHlt;,;might; have :b£eii'.'serjoiisijiidecd:'.:' The Gnurb: was ■ loath '.. to 'sen'd ; ' a/- J ybunc; ■ niaiV tip prison;, .but; Leary must, bo penalised. '. He would, be. convicted and .fined £5, in' default- 1 twcnty;-ono:'day.s'~imprisonment.-■•' ■ ; ,•'.. .; .-■' ■■.! ■■....-.;. ■_•':■■.•;■' .. : \ .: ;. ; -.'.;'). :, ■, :. YQIItHFyL.QFFENPERS.',-, .:. , • -Three .youths,-,', nineteen years'/ of - -age, named V , , George; Rait, '.■ Burk; ' arid ■James ;- : rjjpaide3'"; guilty■ to": the theft'; , oh -'December '. 13 Vof a \ quantity of clothing Valued' at' ,£2; ,i th'e-./propiertyj • of' the Wellington: a'nd'v.Manawatu Railway - Coiir pany.'.''.-'--.-.. : -h'[' : ',. ">'■.:■'"''!■'■'■ .''[;>'; /''■ ' •'/■ V-: .V.Chief .Detective ';M'.Grath. informed ; :the Court : , that •.the./'." three-, ''accused .;■ were ' employed -as,' engine' cleaners. fpr ( ' the -Manawatu Railway Company, on 'the date in quesfion'.tliey went : to-'oiVc".of 'the VGompaii'y's and stole'-'a'amall box-containing ing. , -. , -Whe'n-''they- were- a'rrestefl,' on December lß'sby Detectives..Cqnolly;.aijd Cameron, sqtne ofVth"e!stpl^-"gQ6as:Were-ifouiid;ih,;'thoir;p'os-|okJiqff/.\ThcV'Railway.. i Coiapanjr : i , nad' been siibject'to'^considerable*-aniiotanee and'.iii-cohvoriione'e-for some, tirno."past -througli :the disappearance -of- lteys arid. 10ck5. , ,. W-heiv. defendant Kurk-jWas "arrested- a largo number of.'', 7 ldpks'-'and- keys, were! founil "ifynis possession. The keys included ■duplicates , which would --'open Wivery -one:: of. , .'the. /.Company's railway stations _up" the. line. Dorah:appeared tbvhave taken'very'.-little part in. ■He' r had."only, been with:-the.'Company'for;a few. days', .jwhyn the ■offence .was'-committed, dhd was'-asked ,to come along and hold.the light;:.-.;;-■; ;[-/ : - '_."v : ■' ■'y-i-'.
; .:His'\Vorship 'pb'irjted , ' out". that 1 ' the sole 'bfya'rge in; thb present-instance-was theft'bf the..goods.,-valued at; £2,;.andvDoran,, who lip'p'ea'red .to havo taken ,only..a,small,part::in tho.,-bfFence,,would .bij given a; chance, and be' cohvibtedvandr ordered to!'cbnle up for sefttprice-.whbn called 'upon. . The .two otlfer accused would . beVbonvicted..ah'd-'fined 405., lii'default-§e'vendaj?s' imprisonment.. . ; '
ASSAULT.':-.ON;.;A;-,BILLIARD.i MARKER. ; A iseafaring man; named John.' M!Derinbtt was' charged, with-.having .assaulted Berhapl Mulholland. Complainaut, a billiard niarkor in tho Kelburne Billiard Salobny sta'ted "that defendant ;was'playing'billiards'jn'.his : rboHis7 Lambtoh'.Quay, lon Saturday aftomobri, -and;.pay for two garries of /"'siipp'kcri,'..'Witness 'gave.' the man .'every .chance, of payr i'ng, ,biit .subsequehtly had' to 'send .':fbr : t'l'io police;'' M'D.ermott' tHetl tried' to'get but'of tho saloon," and when witness \ tried to stop Him, accused punched; him severely on' the face .and: body. . Oiie of the .-blows-on. the body gave Kim so much', troubto.' that'h'o hSid to send for.a dpctor'on Sunday. ■>■'■ -■"•.• . .Neil Thompson deposed th,at ;he saw,, accused the ; marker. . ,; i ■ \,' : , 'Sergeant Dale stated''''when 'he .was "called, into- the .saloon ho found'.the marker bleeding fr'pm.'the nose, and frbm a cut near his eyes. Accused .was. in the room; and appeared to be upder , tho influence, of liquor, and very excited. .■' -..' .;; : . Accused said ho had a bit of a fight with tho , marker. Complainant ■ struck at him and he retaliated.- -' : .■ . ■■. :
His Worship held that:trio evidence was against', the: accused, 'andV added that' it scorned that the assault was' unwarranted. Defendant would bo convicted and fined £5, and' costs 65., in 'default.'twortty-ono days' imprisonment.' ,■ : ... .'. :" .'.-• \ ' • 'ALLEGED 'DISORDERLY CONDUCT. "'■ ; Two .middle-aged men,. one of.them,' with anti-Aaiatic' .leanings, appeared to answer a'charge of disorderly cqn'duet on Satiirdny night> whilst" iindor the , ' influence '-of. liquor. Wm.. SHirley : pleaded guilty, and Edward ■Wilsorip,loaded:.npt'Kuilty.' The case for the prosecution set,oat that the two men nreatei] a 'disturbance'. ;at.';n' .Chinaman's.-slipp : ,in 'Cgurtenay.. "Place at,; 10-15 \ on'; Saturday. Chew .Lee, ocenpant of. the i shop,; deposed that accused. Shirley.-'came.into' the ; shop , 'and Wilsbh stopped .outside.- ;'Shirle'y persißted-in the'- , people; , in; the', shop-notv'to.'buy
from a Chinaman,, nncl continued this conduct for/nearly half an hour. One of the acettsed struck a customer ; who'.bought some fruit,- and - : ; siibsei] 11on11 y; thorn ■• was a : fight putsicje: ; . the: shop. '•.A.lady who was jn' : the slibp- , went'lnto /hysterics.'. "," ..■■ \.- : 'ghirley.-was" arrested later in the./eveninp; by Cnrmody, :who'.'hntl .Tieeii' informed of the trouble by; a civilian. .Wilson to- the. Manners PoliceStatjon tflVseC: , his..mate late iii the night, 3ijcl.lie.too. was.arrested on 'a charge -of" disorderly'conduct.. -■'.■• ■---.' , ■ ..■■.■
.j. .Defendant Wilson ,denied that., his cone)not wiis, .disorderly. Ho had only had about four'd.rinUs,.and got his mate. hVjnVc,'; , . He. was never, inside the Chinaman's shop, but, stood at-the door. ■ ....'• Shirley was convicted and fined £2, in default seven.days' imprisonment; and the information 'against Wilson ,was dismissed. Defendants ivere ■ ordered to pay costs, 105..6 d..' ; .; '• ' - ' .■■ ■ . ■. ■
V:,.-' . -MISCELLANEOUS., : : '. '' Patrick ;, Crimmins pleaded guilty ;to a charge of-having 1 committed a: grossly inde-cent-'act in' Featherston Street,' and was con-victed-and'-'fine'd £3, iii default seven , days' imprisonment: ■-.-■■ -. . ' ■■~'' '.-■■•' ■ For insobriety May ; Gibbons was convicted aud fined-205., in default seven days' imprisonment.; Two first offenders were brought' forward, one being convicted and fined: IDs'.,'in default twentytfour hours' imprisonment',: and the ■ other \ convicted end discharged. , ■ '■" . , ' ' . ' ' ■ _ ; A,: young woman named Mary Isabella Vercoe, arrested by Detective' 'Williams, appeared ; on; two charges of stealing clothing of .a; , total • value- of £3 9s. 6d. on December 16,: ifrom fellow employees at the Criterion Cafe. '■' The- two jcharges we're taken together, and defendant was convicted "and ordered- , to: come'up. for" sentence'when called upon;;- ; -.- :■■ ';;': ■-.•■•■.;, ■■•-., . .''■•;
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Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 77, 24 December 1907, Page 5
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1,154MAGISTRATE'S COURT. Dominion, Volume 1, Issue 77, 24 December 1907, Page 5
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