To Let CENTRAL 2 bdrm flat, older style, sunny and charming. (73) Ph. 50-568, LUI 8 pun. 307 Manchester St, Home Locators. CITY bargain flat phone, shower, parking, $55, Rent Mart 796-510 N.Z.’s best. CITY bedsit flat $35, completely renovated, private garden, small dogs o.k. (B 80 ph. 50-568, Home Locators. CITY renovated flat and garage $6O with private garden (76), ph. 50-568,307 Manchester St, Home Locators. CLOSE to city, 2 bdr unit, 1 of 2. Handy to all services, unfum., $52 p.w. References required. Kent Prler Real Estate, Ltd, MREINZ, 794120. COTTAGE. Walnonl area. 2 bdrm, large lounge, private fenced garden. Renovated. Ph. 50-568, Home Locators. (FB4) COUNTRY, carpeted cottage, fenced yard, parking. $25. Rent Mart, 796-510, till 8 p.m. COUNTRY 3 bdrm house with garage. Stately. Long term lease If desired. Sult children. (72) Ph. 50-568, till 8 p.m. Home Locators, 307 Manchester St DALLINGTON. 3 bdrm house, plus sleepout Good condition. Private fenced garden, suitable for children and pets. Garage. $9O. Ph. 50-568, or call 307 Manchester St, till 8 p.m. Home Locators. (66) DIAMOND HARBOUR. 2 bdrm home, $B4. Good condition, big living area, (1). Sult children/pets, short term If wanted. Ph. 50-568, Home Locators. DO not pay a fee before you have signed a lease. Ph. 61737. EDGEWARE RD older style flat $45, garage private yard (F 74 ph. 50-568, 307 Manchester St, Home Locators. FEMALE flatmate required for flat near Cramner Square. Phone 61-561. FIX it up, bargain, 3 bdrm house, kids, pets ok, $4O neg. Rent Mart, 796-510, Ull 8 p.m. FLATMATE for big Hornby flat $2O, over 90 others, Rent Mart 796-510 till 8 p.m. FLATMATE for City flat $2O, over 90 others on file, Rent Mart 706-510 till 8 p.m. FLATMATE needed to share Burnside flat $lB, over 90 others, Rent Mart 796-510. FLATMATES (2) St Albans, garage avail. $25, over 90 others, Rent Mart 796-510. FLATMATE vacancies In all areas, prices. Kids, pets o.k. In many. For the largest selection, Rent Mart, 796-510. FLATMATE wanted Shirley house $lB, Rent Mart for a bigger selection, 796-510. FLATMATE wanted to share Waltham house, $25, over 90 others, Rent Mart 796-510. FULLY furn 2 bdrm flat Kllmore St $5O per week. Ph. 858-517. FURNISHED 2 bdrm flat, phone on, shower, garage, Rent Mart 796-510 till 8 p.m. GOVERNORS BAY, 3 bdrm house and garage. Only 18 years old, easy maintenance. Excellent for children and pets. (69) Ph. 50-568 Uli 8 p.m. Home Locators. HAGLEY PARK 2 bdrm home, no maintenance, garage, courtyard, (F 27 ph. 50-568, Home Locators, till 8 p.m. HIRE Colour TV. Action TV Hire. New Philips colour TV at best rates. Short or long term. Hlre/buy. Any deal considered. Ph. 50-389. ILAM, Solway Ave, a 4 bdrm home in an excel, location, unfurn. for only $llO p.w. Ph. Deborah Bower, Collins Real Estate, 488-784. ILAM. 3 bdrm house and garage, private garden. Very good order, chlldren/pets accepted. Ph. 50-568, or call 307 Manchester St, Home Locators. (41) IN St Albans, charming flat, phone, shower, o/flre, $75. Rent Mart, 796-510, till 8 p.m. KIDS ok, central 2 bdrm flat, fire, shower, $7O. Rent Mart, 796-510, open 7 days. LISTING agencies, should they survive. Are you satisfied with their advertising? Ph. 61-737, a.h. 843-481. LYTTELTON area, 3 bdrm house, kids, pets o.k. garage, Rent Mart 796-510 till 8 p.m. MANCHESTER ST bedsit flat $22, reasonable order, garden (71), ph. 50-568, till 8 p.m. Home Locators. MERIVALE adorable flat, fire, phone on, garage $75, Rent Mart 796-510 till 8 p.m. NEAR all amenities, tidy bedsit, phone, shower, $25, Rent Mart 796-510 till 8 p.m. NEAR Arts Centre, good condition, flat, $5O. With private garden. (68) Ph. 50-568, till 8 p.m. Home Locators. NO more home hunting hassles, Rent Mart has your next home, 796-510 till 8 p.m. ON the river, 3 bdrm house, phone, porch, fire, garage. Rent Mart, 796-510, Ull 8 p.m. OPAWA character flat, mod. cond, fire, phone, garage $55, Rent Mart 796-510 now. OPAWA Flat with garage and garden, just been redecorated, private garden (F 94 ph. 50-568, Home Locators. PAPANUI, 2 storey house, kids ok, phone on, garage. Rent Mart, 796-510, till 8 p.m. PERFECT condlUon, 2 bdrm flat with double garage and big garden (F9l), ph. 50-568, till 8 p.m. Home Locators. PETS kids ok, 3 bdrm house, 2 fires, dble garage. $lOO. Rent Mart, 796-510, till 8 p.m. RENT Mart has your next home covering all areas, prices, sizes, 796-510 now. RICCARTON modern 2 bdrm flat, block of 3, parking. Rent Mart 796-510 Ull 8 p.m. RICCARTON. Luxury 2 bdrm furn. flat, $95. Ph. 488-160. RICCARTON 2 bdrm luxury condlUon flat with garden (FB7), ph. 50-568, till 8 p.m., Home Locators. RICCARTON 3 bdrm house and double garage (64), private, very good order, suit chlldren/pets, group, ph. SO--568, or call 307 Manchester St, Home Locators. RICHMOND Bedsit flat furnished or unfurnished, $35, yard for pets (B 6 Home Locators, 307 Manchester St, ph. 50-568. SINGLES, superior 5 bdrm house, o/flre, shed, garage. Rent Mart, 796-510, till 8 p.m. SOUTH BRIGHTON 3 bdrm house requires flatmate $23.50, Ph. 50-568, 307 Manchester St, Home Locators. ST ALBANS, bedsitter in nice home, excel, facilities, $5O p.w. Drewerys Estate Agency, MREINZ, 799-646. ST ALBANS, Geraldine St, the most Immac. 2 bdrm flat with washing machine and fridge, you could wish to find at only $B5 p.w. It has lockup garage and would be Ideal for young couple. Ph. Deborah Bower, Collins Real Estate, 488-784. ST ALBANS 4 bdrm house requires flatmates, 3, character. Home Locators 307 Manchester St, ph. 50-568. SUMNER bargain 2 bdrm by bus, views, phone, garage. $65. Rent Mart, 796-510, now. SUMNER, 2 bdrm flat, $65. Great condlUon with private fenced garden, patio and garage. Faces park. Ph. SO--568, or call 307 Manchester St, till 8 p.m. Home Locators. SUMNER 2 bdrm house requires flatmate, character house, ph. 50-568, 307 Manchester St, Home Locators. TRENDY town house, by park, 3 in block, phone, garage. Rent Mart, 796-510, till 8 p.m. UNADVERTISED properties available for rent For details phone 50-568, or call 307 Manchester St, till 8 p.m. Home Locators. WAINONI, 3 bdrm house, repaint and recarpeted, with dble garage, private fenced garden. Suit children. (67) Ph. 50-568, Home Locators. YOU’RE down to here and still looking? Rent Mart, rental experts, 796-510.