To Let WALKING distance from city, 2 bdrm flat New paint, spotless. Garage, private garden, (77). Ph. 50-568, til 8 p.m. 307 Manchester Dy, Home Locators. WALTHAM, 3 bdrm house, $6O. Recent redecoration inside and out. Private garden for children. (75) Ph. 50-568, till 8 p.m. Home Locators, 307 Manchester St. YALDHURST RD. 3 bdrm house, excellent condition with garage. Large private yard. Ideal for children and pets, (52). Ph. 50-568, Home Locators. 6 bdrm bargain house, near bus, fire, shower, garage. $l4O. Rent Mart, 796-510 now. 8 p.m. Is when we close. Many unadvertised rentals. All properties checked dally for availability. Rent Mart, 796-510, 517 Colombo st HOUSES UNFURNISHED St Albans, 3 bedroom $B5 FLATS UNFURNISHED Linwood, 2 bedroom $7O Linwood, 1 bedroom $4O Richmond, 2 bedroom $55 Waltham, 2 bedroom $6B A FEE IS ONLY PAYABLE WHEN A FLAT OR HOUSE IS RENTED TELEPHONE 890-105 266 STANMORE ROAD Hours 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Professional Accommodation and Collection Agents WE ALWAYS REQUIRE CLEAN HOUSES AND FLATS ’«HBISTCHUBCH KEfiLTY W M.R.E.I.N.Z. Tenders ASHBURTON BOROUGH COUNCIL FOR SALE BY TENDER THE Ashburton Borough Council has the following items of equipment available for sale by tender on an “as Is, where Is” basis. Tenders close at 4 p.m. on Friday, September 23, 1983. One 1971 Ford Transit truck with current W.O.F. Mileage 47,885. One 16in Lawnmaster Reel Mower (readvertised). One 281 n Roughmaster Rotary Mower. Two 201 n Bolens Rotorary Mowers. These machines may be Inspected at the Parks Department Depot In the Ashburton Domain. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. R. J. EWEN, Town Clerk. BUILDING TENDER TENDERS closing at the Architect’s Office, at 4 p.m. on October 4, are Invited for the erection of a Science Block at Roncalll College, Tlmaru. Contract documents may be obtained from the office of the undersigned. MACDONALD and WILSON, Registered Architects, C.M.L. Building, TIMARU. GOVERNMENT STORES BOARD MEAT AND SUNDRIES TENDERS are Invited for the supply of meat and sundries to Government Departments during the period November 26, 1983, to June 2, 1984. Conditions of contract, schedule of requirements and tender forms may be obtained from the Secretary, Government Stores Board, P.O. Box 5067, Wellington, with whom tenders close at 2 p.m., October 4, 1983. rX. GOVERNMENT STORES BOARD SALE OF DEEP SEA FISHING VESSEL W. J. SCOTT Tender No. 922 Closing 2 p.m. on Monday, October 10, 1983. TENDERS are Invited for this single screw steel vessel, of 28.5 metre length, to be sold "as Is” ex berth Nelson. Detailed description and Conditions of Sale obtainable from the Board, Wellington, telephone 723-617, ext 513. Requests to the Board for details or additional information should NOT show “Tender No. 992” on the envelope. Tenders are to be submitted In a sealed envelope marked "Tender No. 992” and addressed to The Secretary, Government Stores Board, P.O. Box 5067, Wellington. MITSUBISHI MSO4M/2 HYDRAULIC EXCAVATOR, 1981 TENDERS are invited for the above unit, which may be sited at Domtrac Equipment, 440 Church Street, Penrose, Auckland. All tenders should be addressed to A.G.C. (N.Z.), Limited, Private Bag, Newmarket. Tenders close 23/9/83. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF NEW ZEALAND TENDERS are being called for the supply of books from the United Kingdom, United States of America and Australia, to the National Library of New Zealand during the period April 1, 1984, to March 31, 1988. Inquiries are Invited from Interested booksellers and copies of the ‘“lnvitation to Tender” and the "Conditions of Contract" may be obtained from the Acquisitions Section, National Library of New Zealand, Private Bag, Wellington, New Zealand. TENDER CLOSES NOVEMBER 1, 1983. Computers COMPUTER Centre Ltd has moved to 149 Manchester St. Ph. 793-428. COMPUTER Pius, for all your computing needs, magazines and after sales service. Stockists of ZXBI, ZX Spectrum, Atari 400, BBC Model B. Call Steve at 488-519. DICK Smith VZ2OO, $349, avail, now at the Computer Centre, Ltd, Ph. 793-428. SPECTRUM BBC, ZXBI, HP, plus a full range of software computer books and supplies. For all your computing needs, Whltcoulls Computer Stores, cnr Manchester and Hereford St, also at Peterborough St and Cashel St Call US on 797-541,795-700, or 794-580.
Page 31 Advertisements Column 5
Press, 12 September 1983, Page 31
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