Situations Vacant WORKING MANAGER REQUIRED for 14,000 bird laying farm. Must be competent to take total charge. Good references essential. House available if required. Write: Poultry Manager, P.O. Box 447, HASTINGS. Situations Wanted ASSIST unemployed to be self-employed. Ph. 856-055. HAND knitting done at competitive rates preferably not Aran or falrlsle, phone 810224. MALE 17W year would like work, willing to try anything, have had some work experence and have references, phone 381-169. PRESENTABLE hard working 16 year old girl, very keen to work. Will consider anything reasonable but prefers waltresslng or kitchen work. Please phone Tina 381-471. Situations Vacant Farm EXPERIENCED SHEPHERD REQUIRED MUST have own team of dogs and some high country experience. Accommodation for either single or married person. Apply to:— MR B. L. HORE, Nokomal Station, Parawa, Southland, ■or Phone 153 A Lumsden. MARRIED COUPLE AN exprlenced married couple are required for a sheep and cropping property. We require a man who Is fully experienced In all aspects of farm work. Comfortable 3 bdrm house available with primary and secondary buses at gate. Apply with references to: B.W. Quantock, 1 R.D. ASHBURTON. Phone 702 Mt Somers. To Let A Aranui fenced house, kids ok, fire, phone, garage. $lOO. Rent Mart, 796-510, till 8. A Avonslde quality 2 bdrm flat, kids ok, garage, $7O. Rent Mart, 796-510, till 8 p.m. A baby, pet or car must all be cosnldered when moving. Consult the professionals for a money saving and quick method of obtaining your rental requirements. Ph. SO--568, or call 307 Manchester St, Home Locators. A Bach, cottage, house, flat or share. We cover all areas, prices, sizes, with kids, pets, and singles being our speciality. Having offices worldwide, helping people dally, Rent Mart can help you. Ph. 796-510, or see us at 517 Colombo St A bargain fenced 2 bdrm flat, kids o.k. garage $55, Rent Mart 796-510 till 8 p.m. A Beckenham quality home, renovated, parking, $7O p.w. Rent Mart, 796-510, till 8 p.m. A Bishopdale bedsit, pets o.k. phone on, parking $3O, Rent Mart 796-510 till 8 p.m. ADDINGTON, delightful mod. bedsitter, own facilities, $4O p.w. Drewerys Estate Agency, MREINZ, 799-646. ADDINGTON. 3 bdrm, very good condition. Garage, private fenced garden, great for pets and children, (51). Ph. 50-568, till 8 p.m. Home Locators. A good 3 bdrm brick home, dble garage. $l2O per week to approved tenants only. Apply John Patrick and Son. Ph. 65-248. A Ham luxury 2 bdrm, kids o. phone, shower, carport, Rent Mart 796-510 till 8 p.m. ALL properties checked dally for availability, Rent Mart 796-510 till 8 p.m. AMAZING 3 bdrm house by schools, pets ok, parking. Rent Mart, 796-510, till 8 p.m. AMBERLEY. 3 bdrm house on farm, $6O. Other country cottages available. Ph. 50-568, till 8 p.m. Home Locators. (9) ARE you looking for a private easy to maintain flat or house with a long lease available at a constant rent. Consult Home Locators, phone 50-568, or call 307 Manchester St, till 8 p.m. A Riccarton 2 bdrm flat, 2 stories, fire, garage, $6O, Rent Mart 706-510 till 8 p.m. ARMSTRONG and Associates have 4 executive properties to let. Please ph. 61-737 a.h. 843-481. ARMSTRONG and Associates, need tenants for houses that have to be let within the next month. You pay when you sign the lease. Ph. 61-737. ■ ■ ■ ■ A spotless 2 bdrm unfurnished flat, close to Linwood Ave. shopping, not suitable children or animals, $6O p.w. Ph. Warwick Todd Ltd., 799910, MREINZ. A St Martins 3 bdrm house, kids o.k. fire, garage, $lO5, Rent Mart 796-510 till 8 p.m. AVAILABLE September 23, 3 bdrm house, 2 living rooms, $ll5. Large garden with fruit trees. Sult children or group. Ph. 50-568, Home Locators. (H 5 AVONHEAD. 5 bdrm house, superb order, 2-storey, landscaped. Dble garage swimming pool. Maintenance arranged, (60). Ph. 50-568, Home Locators. AVON LOOP 3 bdrm house, redecorated, phone, o/flre, Rent Mart 796-510 till 8 p.m. AVON RIVER older style (7 mlns walk from city) flat, $65, children negotiable, (F 81 ph. 50-568, Uli 8 p.m., Home Locators. AVONSIDE 3 bdrm house requires flatmate has garage, ph. 50-568,307 Manchester St, Home Locators. BARGAIN central flat by shops, phone, shower, $2O p. Rent Mart, 796-510, till 8 p.m. BARRINGTON ST. 4 bdrm house, plus 2 room sleepout. Good condition, with garage. Excellent for group or children. Ph. 50-568, till 8 p.m. Home Locators. (61) BEACH house, great views, carport, fire, phone, shower. Rent Mart, 796-510 now. BECKENHAM spacious flat In good condition (63) with garden, ph. 50-568, till 8 p.m. Home Locators. BEDSITTERS, city furnished from $25 p.w. Quiet mature tenants only. Ph. 65-676. D BEDSITTERS, city, Sydenham and Opawa, furnished, casual or perm. Ph. 892-963 D BELFAST 2 bdrm house and garage, excellent condition, easy to keep. Fenced, very suitable for pets and children. (79) Ph. 50-568, Uli 8 p.m. Home Locators. BOARD needed, we have a great selecUon to choose from, Rent Mart 796-510 now. BURNSIDE, unfurn. 4 bdrm split level home, $l5O p.w. Drewerys Estate Agency, MREINZ, 799-646. 8.5. R., handy city, phone on, shower, fire, parking. $22. Rent Mart, 796-510, Ull 8 p.m. CASHMERE 3 bdrm house requires flatmate, large gardens, ph. 50-568, 307 Manchester ST, Home Locators. CASS BAY. 3 bdrm house, excellent condlUon, garage with fenced private property, (2). Ph. 50-568, Home Locators. CENTRAL quality 2 bdrm flat, kids ok, parking, $BO. Rent Mart, 796-510,.ti1l 6 p.m. CITY bargal*- flat, fire, shower, phone, parking, $6O. Rent Mart, 796-510, Ull 8 pm.