Farms For Sale REALESTATE RANGIORA M.R.E.i.N.Z. RANGIORA 6 ACRES excellent market garden land on borough boundary. This property has two wells'plus water race and in a lovely location. $40,000. KAIAPOI HORTICULTURE unit of 17 acres with over 12.000 sq. ft of glasshouses extensive range of sheds and outbuildings, plus older 3 bedroom home. 5150.000. AMBERLFY 20 ACRES .with modern two storey brick home of 4 bedrooms. study, kitchen, two lounges gam’esroom etc. and priced to sell at $130,000. WOODEND 14 ACRES of bare land tin attractive location. $42,000. RANGIORA 11 ACRES with racing establishment which includes 5 looseboxes. yards, covered yards, covered roll, harness room and workshop. The dwelling is an older 3 bedroom poured concrete place in tidy condition. $90,000 finance available. OHOKA 10 ACRE farmlet with modern home set in attractive tree setting. This is a lovely unit and good buying at $130,000. OHOKA 42 ACRES with extensive racing establishment including 17 looseboxes, yards, training track etc and accommodation for three families in modern homes. $235,000. Contact Devlins Real Estate. MREINZ. Rangiora Phone 8829. a.h. Les Hampton 8066. SUB REAL ESTATE REEFTON PROPERTIES DAIRY unit with considerable development potential. lovely permanent malerial 3 bedroom home plus sleepout, sep. lounge with open fire. sep. kitchen/ dining room with Juno, dual hot water, sep. laundry and toilet, bathroom has shower and bath, a very tidy home. 16 years old, double garage/ workshop. Outbuildings include completely new 14 aside herringbone shed with the latest A.H.I. equipment ready lor this season. 3 bay hay shed. 5 bay implement shed, piggery and calf rearing shed. 120 acres, very fertile river flats fully developed and 120 acres Pakahi developing, balance millable bush, subdivided into 40 paddocks by new electric fences, plenty ol natural water throughout paddocks and new H.P. lor shed and house. The land is leasehold with 9 years to run at $34 yearly could be freehold. A very tidy unit with the capacity to double present slock numbers in a very short time. Milking this season 82 cows mainly heifers plus full range of implements Great value at $lBO,OOO. going concern. Immediate possession if required. 472 ACRE development block with good renovated 4 bedroom house. Sep. big kitchen with pot belly stove and dual hot water. Huge lounge with central fire place, bathroom has shower and bath and sep. toilet, big laundry, completely rewired for power and replumbed throughout. Approx 18 years old. of polite and iron roof, outbuildings include 2000 bale hay shed. 4 bay inplement .shed, cattle yards, approx. 160 acres developed at present .subdlviaed into 7 paddocks, running 40 cattle, balance 250 acres undeveloped Pakahi mostly flat, plus approx 100 acres bush. Gold prospecting licence available for the property. Plenty of scope for development. Make ideal deer farm or just a retreat In the country. Tarseal road Io the gate, value al $95,000 land and buildings. For further enquiries on these properties or considering selling yours, contact the owners sole agent. Coates Turnbull Real Estate. MREINZ. Rangiora 8022 a.h. Farm Sales. Lex Chapman 7405. RURAL DIVISION WHILE, others cannot offer you anything we have some exciting propositions for sale at present. 2000 STOCK UNIT CENTRAL CANTERBURY Stock Crop Farm that with further development would make a model unit. Strong soil type and" consistant rainfall make for easy diversification. Large 3 bdrm homestead set in mature shelter, usual range of good outbuildings. This property is for genuine sale and early Inspection is a must. HORTICULTURAL UNIT CLOjsE TO CITY This is where the future lies. 13 acres of beautiful sandy silt loam. The emphasis is on berry fruits with five diiferent crops maturing. Half trie area is developed with so much potential left. Improvements include 6 bay implement - packing shed plus fully developed trickle irrigation. This is a ground floor opportunity for short and long term investment. HORTICULTUREORCHARD CLOSE TO CITY 9 acres fully developed on the outskirts of the city. 14.700 sq. ft. of glasshouses. 2 acres of strawberries, u acre of raspberries. 5 acres of fruit trees. The homestead is large and modern and set in mature landscaped garden. The tmpnasis is on gate sales and with the property's locality the future is enormous. Our vendor is a genuine seller. BARE LAND We presently have bare land for sale ranging in size from 20 acres to 400 acres. Enquiries on these properties or ii you are contemplating selling vour property and you want POSITIVE marketing call: - BILL WHALAN PHONE 799-896 any time. ST ALBANS. LIMITED. MREINZ. THE PRESS CLASSIFIEDS PHONE 792-440 ANYTIME
Page 51 Advertisements Column 5
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 51
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