Farms For Sale IfM I-ARMLET BUYERS FARMLET BUYERS OHOKA - EAST EYRETON See Auction page <1) 27.3314 hectares and 3 bdrm house and other improvements. (2) 12.3252 hectares bare land. (3) 13.7593 hectares bare land. plus 8743 sq m leasehold land. 14) 15.5803 hectare bare land, plus 4.4313 hectares leasehold land. FARMERS REAL ESTATE. RANGIORA. PHONE 8189. EDSST realestateJ I »■ ii 11 mi iiiirw FOR PRIVATE SALE MARLBOROUGH FARM PROPERTIES AWATERE VALLEY Comprising 223 ha (552 acres) freehold. 27km to Blenheim on sealed road. Sound 4 bedroom homestead with sleepout. 3 stand woolshed. 4 haybarns, worlshop. sheepyards. cattie yards. Carrying over 2000 stock units. Subdivided into 19 paddocks. aoprox 180 ha flat, balance easy hill. This property carried our highest recommendation having been faithfully farmed by the Vendor. An attractive unit in a favoured localitty. Price $560,000 L. and B. Folio CI/68. AWATERE VALLEY Comprising 112.0979 ha (277 acres) L.I.P. Buildings consist of a 4 bedroom homestead with sleepout. implement shed, workshop, grain shed. 2 haybarns, sheepyards. 1 stand woolshed. Subdivided into 18 paddocks. Contour mainly flat with approx 32 ha easy hill. County water scheme, carrying 1300 sheep. This unit would ideally be suited as a Stud or for someone desiring a semi-retired way of tile in the Sunbelt of Marlborough. Price $450,000 L and B Folio CB/70. For further details and arrangements to inspect, please contact: DALGF.TY N.Z.. LTD. MREINZ. P.O. Box 142 Blenheim. Telephone 86-299 After hours Wayne McLean 86-661. ■RlftUSIfiU -. .: ..; GRAZING RUN BANKS PENINSULA 359.4122 Ha (888 acres) freehold, situated 30 miles from Christchurch. with good balance of sunny and shady faces. Predominantly clean silver tussock. Running over 2200 stock units. 40 per cent Wether lambs fat off mothers. Well fenced into blocks and holding paddocks all with good water supply from creeks and springs. Good 4 bdrm homestead, and necessary range of farm buildings. including woolshed. A very low operational cost unit. Can easily be run by one man with horse and dogs. Price $400,000 land and buildings. Folio CR6B3. Enquiries to: Real Estate Department N.Z. FARMERS' CO-OP ASSN. LTD. 795-040 Chch A.H. D. J. Selby 583-754 Leeston 809. A. H. R. W, Skews 705 Irwell. MARSHLAND 3.54 hectares with modern split level permanent material 3500 sq ft home. Includes large lounge, separate dining, modern kitchen. 2 bathrooms. 6 bedrooms, plus study and games room. Double garage plus workshop. Fenced swimming pool, barbecue area. Outbuildings: 2 haysheds. 3 bay implement shed. 2 sets deer yards, one roofed, and 3 loose boxes. $198,000. Phone sole agents: DALGETY NEW ZEALAND. LIMITED MREINZ. Phone 798-200. A.H. Denis Simpson. 557-928. MCDONALD REAL ESTATE LTD LICENSED REAL ESTATE AGENTS MREINZ PHONE 385 KAITAIA a.h. Phone 1544 S Kailaia (F’arms) a.h. Phone 888 Ahipara (Motels) 1070 ACRES in Northland 5600 stock units. 'Beef and sheep unit, good homestead. 4 stand woolshed, shearers quarters, implement sheds, stables, cattle yards, shower dip. good fences, permanent water supply. five miles to sale yards, school bus at gate. This is a lowland, warm sheltered property with five miles of tidal river estuary on one boundary, tour miles irom the sea. It is of easy contour, has been regularly topdressed and has not used supplementary winter feeding. It is easy to manage and could be used in conjunction with a commercial fishing enterprise. 5642.000 L. and B. 1147 ACRES Northland rolling hill country. 520 stock units at present with scope for improvement. Two 4 bdrm homes. 3 stand shearing shed, implement shed, good fencing, permanent water supply. 30 acres native bush and 30 acres second growth scrub. Over the last 4 years there has been an extensive pasture improvement and fence renewal programme. This is a warm and productive country only 6 miles from Kaltala. 1G miles from sale yards and the school bus goes past the door At present this has been run as a sheep and beef unit, without supplementary winter ieeding. $520,000 L. and B. MOTOR INN 40 units. Restaurant, coffee shop. bars, managel's flat, swimming pool, room for expansion. Thiis property is available for leasehold’ or I would sell outrignt. MOTEL I 16 units, spa pool, games j room, managers resiaence. in a rapidly growing tourist area. $□60,000 j We have a large number of I Farms and Motels listed.
Page 51 Advertisements Column 4
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 51
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