Personals A better massage and spa at < the Alamein Lounge. ABORTION reterral. pregnancy and contraceptive counselling. Contact Health Alternatives lor Women, ph. 796-970. 24 hour service. D ACTION Finance offer personal loans, up to $lO,OOO. within the hour. Cash in a flash. Ph. 64-814 anv time. D ADOPTION Support Group meets 7.30 second Monday each month. New ’venue Catholic S6cial Services. 192 Montreal Street. For further information Ph. 888-465 or write P.O. Box 18642 Christ- i church 7. AEQUUS. Gay Liberation magazine, subscription details from P.O. Box 1717. Christchurch. STC AFRAID of the man you live witn? Ph. 69-418 any time. We can help you decide what to do. Trying to separate? We can advise, help, and protect you. For our book "How to Gel Out of Your Marriage Alive." send $3 and a safe address to: Battered Women's Support Group. P.O. Box 5227, Christchurch. If you would like to help, we would like to hear from vou. STC ALCOHOLICS Anonymous. You could be addicted. 9 per cent of drinkers are! There is a solution and AA cun show you. anonymously, how it works. 40 meetings weeklv. Ph. 790-860 or call 0.27-28 Arts Centre. 28 Worcester St.STC ALONE, lonely, small social club invites, single, separated. divorced, people to join them in social activities. Dine — Dunce, shows. W.M. clubs, etc. Write: P.O. Box 29171, Fendalton. ANGUS Steak House, New Regent. St. Open 7 days. D APOLLO Social Club dance at 8 p.m, Saturday September 12. St Michael's Hall. Cnr Tuam and Durham Sts. Music by guest disc jockey. Visitors welcome (40 plus). Enquiries: 597-189 or 796-258. ARE you aged 50 years on? Do you need company, join us at Partners Alone lor table tennis. bowls or just to chat. Pti. 890-515. AT last a copy service right here in town who will take care of your precious originals, we'll copy, enlarge, sepia tone, and frame your old photographs. Call now at Manson and Webber Photographers. 567 Colombo St, or phone 61-072. STC ATTRACTIVE Business woman. 40 years young, wishes to hear from Gentlemen from age 35. Interests include literature. music, theatre, occasional dine and dance, some tennis, badmington. swimming. No objection to country life. Applicants should give age. matrimonial status and phone number. Object: friendship, outings, marriage eventually if compatible. Reply "Press" 6868. AUSTIN aluminium welding specialists. Repair welding of aluminium, stainless steel and cast iron. Ph. 67-291 or apply 25 Gasson St. STC A. J. HALL for oils, prints, and, framing. 536 Colombo St. D BACHELOR, 47, own home, in a rural area, non-drinker, would like to meet a slim attractive homely woman. 30s or 40s. No ties, for companionship. Must be lour supporter. Reply Z 6598. ••Press." BEDSPREADS, Continental blankets, etc, beautifully washed or drycleaned at Heidi's Laundry Services. 45 Nancy Ave. St Albans. Ph. 859-308 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.). We starch tablecloths. STC BUSINESSMAN wishes to meet attractive well presented lady aued 24-34. Prepared to share lite with two children and be prepared to move out of Chch. Genuine replies only. Please apply with ph. no. to 6717. "Press." All replies strictlv confidential. BUSINESS man wishes to meet a well presented lady aged 38-44. Must have no ties and be honest and sincere to share his home- and life. Must be non-smoker, suit someone used to entertaining and must be prepared to travel. Genuine replies only. Please apply witii phone number to. 5043 "Press." all replies strictlv confidential. CARLTON Massage Parlour. 10 pretty girls. Best rates. T.V. till 3’ a.m. Prompt, discreet service. Hours: noon-3 a.m, Monday-Saturday. 8 Papanui Road. Phone 50-504. Bankcard and Visa welcome. CAR repairs. First-class workmanship. I will pre-quote and guarantee ail work done. A grade mechanic with fully equipped workshop specialising in engine transmission, di if. and brake system overhauls. To find out how you can save on repairs. Phone 599-357. ■ ■ ■ ■ CAVALIER Lounge, massage, sauna, spa. escorts, additional new stall. Visit, us at 119 Armagh St or phone 50510 or 69-719. Monday to Friday. 11 a.m. lo 3 a.m, Saturday 2 p.m. to 3 a.m, Sunday 6 p.m. to 12 p.m. CHINA tour, departing Christchurch May 18. has limited ' vacancies. Full details and itinerary avail, from Settlers Travel. Ltd. 26 New Regent Street. Ph. 795-187. CLASSIFIED ads are the very best means in town to communicate what you have lor sale. Try them. D CLOSING down cheap sheep skins. $-1.99. Frocks. $9.99. Pieces dacron ideal for quilts. SlO. Very warm sleeping bags, $lO. Dacron lor stuffing. $3. large plastic bag. Lady's dresses. 59.99. Ski jackets. $2O. ski jackets. $2O. ski jackets. $2O. Men’s, lady's ski jackets, norm. $6O. today S2O. Pieces dacron irom $2. Single bed quilts from $3. double bed $5. Line out the Chevy van. heavy dacron industrial lor the "Chevy" van. Very cheap. Lady's blouses, tops. $4.99. Girl’s nities. $3. fire water damaged stock, everything must be sold, urgent, closing when all stock sold. No smoke in shop, filthy, dirty, inconsiderate long destroying cancer producing habit, if there ever was one. All non-smokers very welcome. Others si-.-v away. No ph. calls pleu,e. No lay-by. Brighton Bargain Shop. 188 Shaw Ave, Brighton, opp. Leemings TV. opp. Top Shop, near Post Office, next to S.I.M.U. Shaw Ave, Brighton. COME to Jesus. He snail direct thy path. Thank Him. praise Him. CONFIDENTIAL introductions arranged. For details please write to Pacific Introductions. Box 26.038. Christchurch CRESSANDRA Gay Introduction Service, can find you a compatible partner. Available to gay men and women of all ages. For details write in confidence to: P.O. Box 22268. Chch. DIAL-A-MASSAGE. Friendly attractive young ladies. Reasonable rates. 8 p.m.-3 a.m. Monday-Saturday. Come to 43A Bealey Ave or phone 66462. Bankcard and Visa welcome. DOLL repair service. Antique and modern dolls may be left at Resonia Antiques. 71A Manchester St, STC DREAM Groups. A series Of 10 weekly group sessions cominenci'ng Oct. For information mid registration ring Len White 557-731. EAR piercing. Quick and painless. No appointment necessary. R. B. Lake Chemist, Lid. j 264 Lincoln Road. Pn. 385-805. STC ’ESCORTGay male. Ph.598-B.MJ. ESCORTS, discreet, reliaole 1 service. Phone 62-054. EXCLUSIVE leulner iushiun. ! "Natural wear.” 87A Casflel i si. Open Sai. 10-2 :FREE tahiaiiui;.- on your old I p;.intmu.' Coiitait lu.-man ■_ Gallery Pli 71)5-710.
Page 51 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 51
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