Livestock SELL shorthorn cow. 2nd calver due not. Ph. 6621 Rangiora. SHOW bridle sell fit 12.2 hh used only twice, phone 7366 Rangiora. SPORTSMAN. Strong 16.1 hh bay eelding. 11 years old. been 'hacked on the hills, novice jumper but won S7O. good safe, quiet horse, excellent allround. Genuine reasons for sale. S6OO. Ph. Omihi 849. STANDARD bred 3 year old colt. Cappi - Irma, half brother to Santoza. Broken-in and gated. Phone 667 Ohoka. STANDARDBRED brood mare with Baron Brave filly, reasonable offer wanted. Ph. 478-564 STANDARDBRED mare for sale. 5 years, brood mare or possible racing prospect. Phone Belfast 8225. STANDARDBRED 3 year old Nardin’s Byrd filly from a winning producing mare (by Garrison Hanover). Topsy family. What offers? Phone 478-532. STEEL grey brood mare. 5 years. 14hh. bv Courtenay Legend out of Registered mare. Lightly shown for several placings. For definite sale ph. 508-414- or Glenroy 818. TROTTING harness, brand newleather. $3OO. Ph. Kai 7378. TWO year old bay colt, white marking, grow to 14.2 h.h. Two year grey colt placed as a foal, grow to 14 h.h. Both colls by Arabesque Crystal Flame. Ph. Irwell 838. T.B. Mare. 151hh. Int. P.C.' Eventer, placed in five events out of seven. Qualified hunter. Ph. 527-588 Sunday only. URGENT sale or lease to good home 15.2 hh bay mare. 8 years old. needs experienced rider. Phone Ashburton 7489. WANTED cart and set heavy horse harness. Ph. collect Auckland 893-453. WANTED to buy. free moving 14.2_pony. mare or gelding. 510 years, must have experience at Pony Club and graded at O.D.E’s. and showjumping. Kind temperament essential and have potential for up grading. Ph. 15R Hawarden. WEANERS, Duroc x Large White cross. 3 weeks old for sale with mother. Sire ex. McMekkan Test Centre. Ring 292-866. WEANERS, 2 for sale. $45 each. Ph. Sefton 896 Sun. or weekdays after 6 p.m. WELL bred handy pups, guaranteed to work. Ph. Sefton 877. 13.1hh quiet child's pony, very good in traffic, easy to catch etc. Phone 5141 Rangiora. 30 month old Welsh boar. Phone 89-294(AR). 9 year old brown thoroughbred gelding, excellent even term. Has won 2 day and 1 day events. Lightly jumped to S.E.I. novice grade, very clean jumper, excellent temperament. Would suit young girl rider for pony club work. $BOO. Ph. 5293 Mosgiel. AMBERLEY A. AND P. SHOW OCTOBER 31, 1981 ENTRIES close 5 p.m. October 2.SSchedules available Box 2.Aniberley. S.A.E appreciated. Note: South Dorset Down classes 169 to 174. Junior section 14A embroided article ASHBURTON AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL ASSOCIATION A MEASURING day under the official measuring rules of the Royal Agricultural Society will be held at the Ashburton showgrounds on:— SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. 1981 from 1.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. FEES: Annual Certificate. Over 3 years and under 7 years, $2.00. 7 years and over. $4.00. Life Certificate. $4.00. In these cases the animal must be branded, unshod and accompanied by a veterinary certificate of Identification. Forms for Life Certificates are availaole at the office of the Secretary: J. A. ROBERTSON Ground Floor, Federated Farmers Building, Corner West and Tancred Streets. ASHBURTON. ASHBURTON A. AND P. ASSOCIATION 1981 SHOW OCTOBER 30 AND 31 THE FOLLOWING Class was omitted from the schedule: CLASS 356 A POST ENTRIES NOVICE F.E.I. TABLE AM 3 First Prize: $lO Second Prize $5 Third Prize $3 CANTERBURY’ GOAT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION FIELD DAY Saturday. September 26 Rice Park (Clarkville Hall). Tram Road. CLARKVILLE. COMMENCING 11 a.m. CHCH PONY CLUB FERRYMEAD BRANCH Opening Rally Sunday. September 13. 1.30 p.m. N. Tissiman. Secretary. ELLESMERE A. AND P. SHOW ENTRIES close Friday, September 18. with the Secretary. Box 17. Leeston. The A. and P. rooms. High Street. Leeston. will be attended daily to receive entries, space applications and suscriptions from Monday September. 14. HORSESHOEING AND TRIMMING Custom made shoes Corrective work. Forge Work. Call: HAL STIVENS WINCHMORE 719 Graduate of Farrier Science at Montana State University. U S.A. PONY FOR SALE HECTOR McFECKLE. 132 cm. winner o( several champions and reserves. Excellent paces and manners. Contact: Mrs B. A. Dawson. Oteramika Road. INVERCARGILL.
Page 41 Advertisements Column 4
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 41
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