Livestock HEADING dog. Med. eye. 15 months. Running well. Sides. Suitable lambing dog. Ph. Springfield 716. HEREFORD Friesian cross bobby caives for sale, phone Cust 757. HEREFORD Friesian cross calves sell now. or will rear to weaning if required. Please Ph Kai. 6242: HORSE breaking by experienced horseman. Ph. 389-753. HORSE covers, trotting harness and hopples. A. McNeill, 11 Grimseys Rd. Ph. 528-636.5 TC HORSE floats for hire. light modern singles and doubles. Ph. 849-330.WS HORSE loose boxes, store and shelter sheds, new. immediate delivery. Terms available. Apply 138 Styx Mill Rd. or Ph. 596-702. Open week-ends.WS HORSE required. 14-15 hh. Must be broken in and handle well. pref, aged between 3-5 years. Good home assured. Please ph. 31-450. HORSES and ponies for hire, open all week-ends. Ph. 849330 any time.STC HUNTAWAY bitch pups for sale. Guaranteed working strain and good tried breed. Plenty of noise at 3 months. Please phone Bryce Wright. 807 Hororata. HUNTERWAY dog for sale. 2 yrs old. ideal cattle dog. Ph. Waiau 17. JENNY, donkey, sell, very quiet real pet, phone 659 Ohoka. JERSEY COWS. 2 cows just calved. Ph. 6625 Rga. JODHPUR knit fabric, super quality. 150 cm wide. 2 way. stretch. 2 colours, black, cream. $13.95 per metre. Pattern for all sizes now available at $2.50. Mail orders welcome. please include postage. Ivan Phillips Fabrics. 453 Colombo St. Sydenham. Ph. ' 62-816. STC LADYBRYN. Grey mare 14 h.h.. 10-year-old champion in hand and under saddle, in foal to Arabesque Crystal Flame. Ph. Irwell 838. LAST Edition, 2 yr old standard bred filly, broken to lead onlv. sell or lease, Ph. 488-160. LEARNER’S pony 11.2. 9 yrs. mare, good catch, shoe, float and <n traffic. 5320. Phone 885MIDNIGHT, 14hh. steel grey gelding, h Welsh pony, ideal ODE with further potential. 5 years old. good to shoe, float etc. $350 0.n.0. Ph. Fairlei 8233. MILKING or in kid doe wanted, top prices paid, good home assured. Ph. Woodbury 864. PALIMINO colt yearling, by Aladdins Legend, grow 1414.2hh. out of registered mare. Ph. 598-414, Glenroy 818. FONY gelding, sell, beautiful black show pony. 11.2- h.h. good confirmation, nice paces, beautifully mannered. Done pony club work and riding centre course. Not learners pony. Ph. 831-461. PONY pad for beginner, fully mounted. Near new. $BO. Phone Belfast 8316. PRIZEWINNER 12hh reg. bay . mare, 6 years, ideal showing and pony club, reas. price to good home. Phone 478-301. RABBIT buyers, write to local association for list of suppliers who are members. Join your local association, better for you. better for your rabbit. Canterbury Domestic Rabbit Association. P.O. Box 20-136, Chch. STC RABBIT meat growing seminar — Shirley Lodge Hotel. 7.30 p.m.. October 12. Register now and get the facts. Canterbury Rabbit Meat Producers. Ltd. P.O. Box 5245. RABBITS, Broken Rex'. Caslor Rex. American Chinchilla. Californian. N.Z. White, Pedigrees available. Ideal pets or commercial breeding. From $lO. Ribbonwood Rabbits. Springston. Ph. Spn (295) 878. STC RABBITS, N.Z. White meat breeding trios, proven weight gain, up to 51bs in eight weeks, pedigreed. Phone 890227. Member C.D.R.A. RABBITS, pedigree. Flemish giants and Angoras. Giant Chinchillas. N.Z. Whites. Blue, Red. Whites. Black, Fawn. Grey. Sandy. Phone 886- Brighton. ■ ■ ■ ■ RABBITS. Rex rabbits avail, now in most colours. Black, blue, castor, ermine, broken, orange, and opal. Phone Royal Park Rabbitry. 886-565. REGISTERED Welsh mare. 9 years. 11.2 HH. Floats well and excellent temperament. $l5O. Ph. Glentunnel 857. REGISTERED yearling filly by Persian Stream. Sire of Zargos and Jocaster out of B. grade mare - Spinning Flight. This top class filly has been boxed over winter and will grow on to be an excellent jumper or classing prospect. Ph. Persian Lodge Stud. 5293 Mosgiel. REX rabbits, commercial fur stock with accurate pedigree, limited number available from commercial fur farm. Also stud service. Visitors welcome. Colours available - Chinchilla, black, seal, sable, broken. Phone 890-227. Member C.D.R.A. REX rabbits for sale. Chinrex bucks (English) 12 weeks. Castor Rex bucks 8 weeks. Broken Rex bucks 7 weeks. Broken Rex doe with litter. Tricolour doe (pregnant). Orders taken for stock. Ph. 292-899. RIDING boots buy, size 5 to 6. Ph. 7427 Rangiora. RIDING jacket, black, size 34. pure wool, worn twice. $9O. Rangiora 7622. RIDING jacket, black, size 38-40 inch wanted to buy. Also size 3 crash helmet sell. Ph. 389568 after 5 p.m. ROMNEY ewe hoggets sell, woolly. 58, $23.50 0.n.0. Phone 818 Ohoka. ROMNEY ewes.shorn 15 with 15 lambs at foot, $l4 all counted, phone 861 Cust. SADDLE, covers, bridles and assorted horse gear sell. Ph. 227-019. SADDLE quality 16 inch deep seated brand new. Phone 667 Ohoka. SAWDUST, bark, bark and chip mix. also clean untreated shavings. Truck loads only, prompt delivery assured. Phone Kevin McAllister. Bus. 63-559 a.h. 497-280 D SECOND-HAND saddles and gear always for sale. New gear at near wholesale prices. Saddlery and Bits. Main North Rd. Woodend. Ph. 432. STC SELL as new English leather riding boots. $3OO. Ph. 794-663. SELL rabbits young Chincilia Rex does. 11 weeks, also young bucks, eqnuiries welcome phone Loburn 722.
Page 41 Advertisements Column 3
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 41
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