Livestock MILL ROAD STUD 198! SEASON ARE standing a selection ot horses at stud whose temperament alone displays the best of their respective breeds. WOHLER 11 Hanoverian. Warmblood Reg.2. Upstanding horse of substance. Typical Hanoverian movement. Liver chestnut. 16.1 h. Specialty, dressage and jumping. $350. JAMES MELLAY 16.2 h. Bay Reg. Thoroughbred Qualitygood boned horse. Sire Mellay dam Davids Choice $3OO hacks $2OO. WESTERFIELD JAMES (James) 15.2 h. dark bay. Reg. thoroughbred sire. Narcotic dam Pine Bush. Himself a winner in the Show ring. Hacks $l5O. MARTY AND SANDIE BLACK. MILL ROAD STUD. OHOKA. KAIAPOI 6. RABBITS WANTED WE WILL pay $3 each for live rabbits, minimum weight 2 kg. up to 12 weeks old. Phone lan Dale. SPN 833. lan Mill. SPN 878. or Les Day 856-080. CANTERBURY RABBIT MEAT PRODUCERS LTD. STC SOUTH CANTERBURY PONY CLUB DRESSAGE AND SHOWJUMPING SHOWS ’ TIMARU A. AND P. SHOWGROUNDS Saturday. October 10 Temuka Branch. Sunday. October 11 Seadown Branch. For schedules send S.A.E. to:— Mrs I. Whitley. Seadown 3 R D. TIMARU. SPANISH ANDALUSIANS FALCONERO II will be standing at Falconero Stud. "Christian Hille" Hakataramea Valley from September 1. Would interested breeders of show, dressage, eventing, polo, polo crosse or just good riding horses please contact John and Bernadette Matheson at the above address or phone Kuro 454. THE ASHBURTON RABBIT PROCESSING COMPANY LTD LICENSED RABBIT PROCESSING PLANT WILL purchase large N.Z. white and other breeds. $5 for 2 kg minimum carcass weight. Fur breeds subject to negotiation. Phone Factory 88-193 or private 5469. THOROUGHBRED CHESTNUT MARE FOR sale. 5 year old, 15.2 h.h. excellent natural jumping ability. Great opportunity for experienced rider to' prepare horse for first season in show jumping. TELEPHONE 5860 Mosgiel. WANTED 500 MERINO 2-tooth Wethers. Phone:Don Forbes, Reid Farmers Limited. 50-197 Cromwell. GLENDALE STUD WE wish to announce that our pure bred Arab stallion Glendale Sirrocco has been leased to:— Mrs Belinda Simons. Le Bons Bay. Duvaucbelle. Ph. 856. Enquiries for Sirrocco should be directed to her. GLENDALE STUD 1981 EELAH EXECUTOR IMPORTED section B Welsh riding pony, grey 13.2HH. Executor’s stock already major' winners in the Canterbury show ring. Pendock Pilgrim Imported section B Welsh riding pony. 12.2 HH. This is Pilgrim’sfirst season at Stud and limited bookings are still available. Both these stallions bring top English riding bloodlines to N.Z. For further enquiries and inspection contact either Mrs Shirley Bennett, Rangiora RD 1, phone Ohoka 852 or Mr and Mrs Mahon phone Rangiora 6675. GO Registered Chestnut thoroughbred 16.1 hh Bred by Coloman Bolgar. Excellent conformation and temperament. Ideal for breeding quality show hacks. Studlee: Hacks $l5O. TB $250. Contact: Kathryn Thomson Jacksons Rd Ohoka Ph. 667 OH. HAWARDEN WAIKARI PONY CLUB SAMSON MINI CIRCUIT Entries close September 14 with. D. TWOSE. P.O. BOX 19. WAIKARI. NORTH CANTERBURY HINDS LARGE numbers required. Ph. 228-383. HORSE COVERS ALL SIZES. FLAX. Goodwood U.S. Style And Others. ARCHIBOLD. Phone 428-718. STC
Page 41 Advertisements Column 5
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 41
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