For Sale PIANO Yamaha 2 years old. Excellent condition. $l5OO. Masport Rotary hoe. 5 h.p. $450. Singer Memomatic 321 knitting' machine, brand new. Phone Geraldine 547 Saturday p.m. PICTURE framers. I have 2 mount cutters for sale. 1 oval and 1 straight cut. As new. latest models. $350 each. Ph. 559-859. or 61-161 bus, ■ ■ ■ ■ PIN ball 20 cent coin machine, approx. 1976-78 model, bargain at $650 0.n.0. Ph. 385-881. PLANET Junior with seed box. bumper jack, also buy Agee preserver. Ph. Kaiapoi 7602. PLAYHOUSE chalet style. To be shifted. $250.11 Thorneycroft Street. POOL table, colonial style. 6ft x 3ft. used, with gear. Cheap. Others to choose from. 90 Falsgrave St. off Moorhouse, opp. gas works. POOL table, new. 7ft x 3ft 6m. foldawav. balls and cues. Best available. $239. Phone 516-852 WFS POOL table, 6x3. good condition, $l5O. Ph. 64-638. POOL table. 6x3. excel, order. Accessories inch. $l9O. Ph. 427-076. POOL table. 6 x 3. foldaway. Balls etc. Exc. cond. $lBO. Ph. 555-635. POOL table. 6x3 new. foldaway, balls and cue, best available $209. Phone 516-852. WFS PORCELAIN hand basin with taps and cabinet. $3O. Also interior French doors with side panels. Phone 428-372. PORTABLE black and white Philips, all transistor, with recent overhaul, excel, cond. $145. Ph. 843-951. PORTABLE typewriter as new $BO 0.n.0. Ph. 33-044. POT belly Fisher stove, Baby Bear. $450. Phone 558-148. POTTERY for sale. Made by members of the N.Z. Society of Potters at 393 Montreal St north. Fridays 10 to 5 p.m. Saturday 10 to 1 p.m. STC POTTERY wheel. Cobcraft. $2OO 0.n.0., in good cond. Phone 849-997 POWER tools. Bosch. Skil. Hitachi and Stayer at Dennistons. 164 Hazeldean Road. STC PRACTICAL qualified watchmakers are hard to find. Deal direct with your watchmaker. Jefferies Jewellers. Same Day Service. 187 Manchester St. Open 7.30 a.m. PRAM, carrycot, very tidy with toddlers seat, $B5. Ph. 516-549. PRAM: English Restmore, navy, with extras. Ex. cond. $lOO 0.n.0. Ph. 598-043. PRAM, English silver cross, $lOO 0.n.0. Ph. 328-087. PRAM, Oxley, bus regulation, good condition. $55. Apply 24 Dunoon Place. Woolston. PRAM, Oxley, carrycot S4O 0.n.0. Phone 525-685. PRAM, Oxlev. excel, cond. $3O. Phone 35-150. PRAM Oxley, $35. Bassinette . white canewith stand $4O. Good cond: Ph. 227-243. PRAM Oxley 3 in 1. navy, good cond. $l2O 0.n.0. Ph. 792-218. PRAM Oxley, 3 in 1, excel cond. $2OO. Phone 859-205. PRAM seat, fit any pram, excel, cond. $lO. Standard lamp with shade $4O. Phone 382996. PRAM Simplex, navy and white. $3O . Maral sling $B. Leather harness $3. Phone 849-621. PRAMS, late model. Oxley and Burkitts, carrycot and 3 in 1 styles, all as new. with extras. Ph. 525-800 or call at Babyland. 12 Harewood Rd. 9.30 - 12.30 Saturday. Monday. Wednesday. Friday 9.30 to 2.30. after hours enquires. Ph. 527-261. PRESSURE pump, tank and motor, Renown P.J. 4. excel, cond., recently overhauled. $2OO 0.n.0. Ph. 517-027. PRINT, Rei Hamon. "Hula". $3OO. Ph. 50-971. PROJECTOR, 8 x super Bmm, sound. Eumig model HOD. Ph. 599-605. PUSHCHAIR brand new. single bed and mattress. Ph. 554-880 PUSHCtIiiR for sale. $3O. Phone 886-300. PUSHCHAIR, Oxley, good cond. with parcel tray. .$45 0.n.0. Phone 856-627. PUSHCHAIR, Oxley, bag. tray, stormcover. $45. Lambskin $5. excel, cond. Ph. 528-354. PUSHCHAIR Oxley Brown, sneepskin rug. tray. bag. storm cover, excel, cond. $BO. Ph. 855-641. PUSHCHAIR pram with parcel tray and storm cover. $35. Ph. 524-251. QUEEN Anne bedroom suite. 5 piece, mahogany, with base, near new. Ph. 852-521. RADIO. Valve radio sell. Year guarantee. Ph. 6433 Sumner RALEIGH Grifter with new tyres, $175. Ph. Omihi 897. RALTA kitchen Whizz, unwanted gift, cost $129, want SI 10 0.n.0. Small model. Ph. 598-881. RANGEHOOD recirculating type. Painted copper, as new. Sl6O. Ph. 518-250. RANGE older Allas, good working order. $7O 0.n.0. Ph. 44586. RANGES, Atlas. 4 to choose from. $7O - $llO. free installation to existing mains. Ph. 883-297. RANGES good selection, choice of 5. Priced from $llO. All stoves installed and guaranteed'. Phone 515-662. REFRIGERATOR, bench high. 5 cu. ft. Atlas, perfect order, $l3O. Ph. 524-572. REFRIGERATOR small Electrolux. 2-3 cu. ft, no moving parts, ideal for bach, caravan or camping, etc. $45. ph. h 527-203. REFRIGERATORS at wholesale prices. Save up to SlOO on vour new Atlas refrigerators of fridge/freezers, priced from $299. Five year warranty. all sizes available, terms available, iree delivery. Cashmere TV and Refrigerator Centre. 129 Waltham Rd. Phone 66-504 late night Thursday. D RERIGERATORS, commercial, dble door and glass door display. suitable for shop or kitchen use. Inspect at 46 Ferry Rd. Ph. 793-631. RETAIL surplus shop fittings, chromium racks (sft dble). plastic coat hangers 60c ea. metal skirt hangers 80c ea. cash registers (elec, docket printer). $l5O ea.. blouse stands $8 each. Ph. Kaiapoi 7167. RIMU table and four chairs, nicely turned legs. Phone 227-922 bus ROCKING horse, excel, cond. $4O. Ph. 384-100 Sat only. ROLL-TOP writing desk. $270 0.n.0. Hitachi stereo with tape deck. $250 0.n.0. Childs wooden rocking chair. Call 34 Brabourne St. . ROOFING iron, second-hand, large sheets flat steel. to lin. steel girders angle iron. 2 x 2 to 6 x 4. steel and umber Oregon, roof trusses, span 30 to 70ft. Steel bin suitable for grain or coal. Old bricks, clean your own. Contact T. Birchfield, on site Gasworks. Moorhouse Ave. ROOF rack (imported German), suit late model Ford Cortina car. $5O. Ph. 889-808. ROTARY clothes line. Phone 488-562. ROTARY clothesline in good order. What offers? Phone 65-051. ROTARY hoe. $l5O. reel motor mower $4O. 98 Marlow Rd, Aranui. ROTARY lawn mower $4O. new dual control double bed electric blanket $3O. old model vacuum cleaner with accessories, goes well $lO. 193 Queenspark Drive. 831-594. ROTARY mower. Vieta Mustang. good cond. $225. Phone 499-165. RUG, beautiful white sheepskin. 711 x sft 6in, new. $220 0.n.0. Ph. 44-586. RUG making manual machine, clips on table, English, $l5. Ph. Sum. 6090. SALE, sale of household furniture at 16 Wycola Ave. Phone 499-896. SANYO portable AM/FM. radio-cassette, 2 speakers, 45 watt, as new $l6O. Ph. 849-729. SAUCEPANS, factory seconds. 122 Antigua St. week days. STC