For Sale SCALES. Bezerba computing, excellent cond., $l5O. Phone 486-753. a.h. 516-145. SECOND-HAND double innersprung mattress, as new. $lOO 0.n.0. Ph. 857-289. SELL attractive silver ring. 9 sapphire cluster. Ph. 791-478. SELL Exercycle Morrison, as new. Ph. 6329 Rangiora. SELL, Staffordshire enamel box. 1980. Only 400 made. Ph. 791-478. SELL. Granny flat, removable unit. Ph. Sunday Kai 7759. SET stainless steel cutlery bone handles. Incomplete English dinner set also odd China pieces cups and saucers. Phone 35-564. SEWING machine. "Crosley" with stretch stitch, new condition. $75. Ph. 525-895. SEWING machine. Necchi 544. excellent condition SlOO. Phone 858-814. SEWING machines, (commercial), 3 Pfaffs, auto. S 890; 2 Jukis DDL 555 at $360. All machines complete with bench, formica top. silent clutch motors. Ph. work 68402 or private 383-875. SHACKLOCK, Chef 535. electric cooker, $250 0.n.0. Ph. 529-834. SHACKLOCK ranges. $l6O off new 21 inch autos. A few 24 inch autos and 21 inch semi autos remain. Keep your old range and sell it yourself. Stocks going very fast. Open this morning 8 til 12 noon. Wholesale Services 221 Manchester Street, off Worcester Street. SHACKLOCK stove for sale, wood or coal burner with optional diesel conversion including oil storage tank. Offers wanted. Ph. 559-024. SHACKLOCK wall oven with double sided grill. 5350 0.n.0. Ph. Amberley 48-089. SHACKLOCK 4 ring range, excel. cond. $lBO. Ph 857-264. SHED, 8 x 12. with sloping roof, ph. 891-130. SHEEP motels for sale. 3 bay. $l5O. Ph. Rga 8543. SHEEPSKIN car seat covers tailored for your car. Nature. 70-74 Moorhouse Ave. Phone 64-328. MWS SHELVING units 1.5 metres wide. $5O. Ph. 50-801. 68 Lichfield Street, Mon. to Sat, SHOP Refrigeration. We have available cabinets to suit the new packaged milk and soft drink, glass or solid door, also cream freeze machine and display freezer. Inspect at 46 Ferry Rd. SHOWER doors. Mermaid, fit shower or bath, three attractive colours. $9B. We have stock. Door Installation Service. Ph. 382-053. STC SHOWER tray, stainless steel, 3ft square, unused. $3O. Ph. 382-187. SINGLE mattress, innersprung. excellent cond, $5O 0.n.0. Ph. 556-009. SIX concrete posts, 9ft, cheap. 172 Beach Road. SKILSAW, B. and D. 9in heavy duly, had little use. Phone 327-627. SLAZENGER, Bobby Locke. 14 golf clubs and bag. $250. Ph. 495-243. SLEEPING bags and packs, good selection. Billens, 175 High St, Ph. 795-007. STC SLEEPOUTS, 14 x 10. 12 x 8. new, immediate delivery, terms available. Apply 138 Styx Mill Rd. or phone 596-702 any time. SW SLOT car sets. AFX. sets, accessories and cars including G’ plus al John Bulls. 149 Manchester St. Ph. 67-408. STC SMALL garage sale. Mk I engine. body, parts; step thru power cycle; some household goods. 173 Peterborough St. near Manchester St. Saturday home till noon. SMALL handmower $25. Ring 554-179. SMALL man’s evening tails suit, chest 36in. Phone 597-797. SPACE heater, ideal garageworkshop. etc, burns wood, coal. Excel, cond, nice small size. $125. Phone 596-454. not Sundays. SPACE heater. Mac Kay. Fullvue. Excellent cond. $250 0.n.0. Phone 327-626. SPA pool. Diplomat, all sizes, available or low dep. Plus we will trade cars or caravans, working model on display in our' showroom. Cashel Car and Caravan Sales. 342 Cashel St. Ph. 68-425. SPA pool enclosure. Inquiries welcome. Suttons Industries. Ltd. 1 Normans Rd. Bryndwr. Ph. 556-149. Open Saturday morning. SPINNING wheel. Jumbo flyer. $25. Carpel sweeper. $lO. Ph. 883-665. SPINNING wheel. Ashford Traveller MKI, near new. $6O. Phone 559-099. SPINNING wheels. We have new and second hand wheels. Hands Ashford. 5 Normans Rd, phone 559-099. Open Saturday morning. SPINNING wheel.. Ashford upright, walnut stain, excel, cond. $95. Weaver’s table loom. Ashford, unstained, assembled, excel, cond. $55. Singer sewing machine Al condition $l5O. Ph. 498-956. SPRING suit. $5O. size 4. Phone 482-723. ■ ■ ■ B STAINED Glass windows, new. open designs, must sell. Phone 43-512. STAINLESS steel sink bench. 2 metres long. $95 0.n.0. Ph. 517-680. STAINLESS steel tub and metal cabinet, 64min wide. $3O. no otters. Ph. 518-183. STAINLESS steel bench and sink. 3 small single beds and Irge toy dog and clothes drier. Ph. 557-695. STAMP collection (NZ). cat. over $3OOO, sell $2OOO. Good investment. Ph. 890-412. STAMPS for sale via public auction: Venue. 27 Worcester St. Christchurch. 7 p.m. Second Monday of month. Also large postal section containing N.Z, Australia and other material. Send $4 and subscribe to our auction catalogues or send tor sample copy. Stirling and Co, Ltd. Licensed Auctioneers. 21 Chancery Lane. P.O. Box 949. Christchurch. Ph. 64-924. STC STAMPS, full face Queens, exhibitions. officials etc. A full range of New Zealand stamps, also Australian and Great Britain. Large selection of covers, blocks, access, etc, and our prices are negotiable. Stamp Club. 213 Innes Rd. Ph. 554-792, open Sat. 9 to 1 p.m. We buy quality material as well. STC STAMPS postal option, get your catalogue now at International Stamps. High Street Arcade, next to Woolworths. Ph. 797-298. STAMPS. Shades Stamp Shop, upstairs. Shades Arcade, is open every Saturday. 9.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. Come in and browse at leisure. Ph. 66-390. STC ST Andrew’s College tailormade suit plus extra trousers, size 36. excellent cond. $7O 0.n.0. Navy blue gabardine overcoat, size 36. Brand new, $3O. Phone 328332. STARRIDER carseat. $35. Phone 596-033. STOVE, Atlas, good cond. Phone 385-310. STOVE, Atlas Windsor. 4 elements with all accessories, modern style, excellent condition, $325 0.n.0. Ph. 526-616. STOVE, Frigidaire, auto, twin oven, good order. $lB5. Ph. 325-161. STOVES: Shacklock, Atlas, Frigidaire. New with one year’s guarantee. $lOO off usual price. From $5BO. Free delivery. Terms arranged. Cashmere TV and Refrigeration. 129 Waltnam Road, phone 66-504. STOVE, 3 ring Blue Seal. 1 ring in need of repair, but line new. $3O. Belfast 8129. SUFFOLK 14in. 4 stroke, super punch, reel motor mower. $lBO 0.n.0. Ph. 266-661. SUNBEAM freeway continuous flow food processor, as new, only 9 mths old. slov 0.n.0. Ph. 428-357. SUPER Balts. 8 bales sell. $47 bale. Ph 792-266. ■ SWING childs single with meta! frame. $2O. Phone 598-031.