For Sale MORRISON 141 n reel mower. Villiers motor, $65. Also Morrison rotary. Iron Horse motor. $65. Both excel order. 41 Rawson St. (off New Brighton Rd). MORRISON 16in. reel motor mower. SICK), old valve radio S2O. snow skis, make an offer. Phone 517-005. MORRISON 16in Olympic elec, lawnmower with battery and charger, hardly used, $250 0.n.0. 2 camp stretchers, near new, Sl5 each. Ph. 33-811. MOTOR mower. English. A.T.C.0., goon age. goes well. Ph. 526-618. MOTOR Mower. Masport Rotocut, heavy duty, self propelled. sso'ono. 131 Fleete St. Burwood. MOTOR mower. Morrison Olympic, excel, order. $220. Phone 31-001. MOTOR mower, Morrison Flinch 2 stroke, lovely little machine, $l2O. Ph. 855-476. ■ ■ ■ 8 MOTOR mowers. Morrisons. Masports, Vietas. Handmowers. Reels and Rotaries. All in excel, cond and guaranteed. Ph 881-765 Sat MOTOR mowers, one 161 n Olympic, one Atco Kin. Good order. Ph. 887-888. MURPHY colour, 261 n. TV. Good order, recent Tlsco check, must sell this week-end, highest, offer. Ph. 63-831. MUSIC library, containing teaching, analysis, harmony text, etc. Cheap. Ph. 384-283. NURSERY and neater guards, superior quality and 'design at a price you can afford. Ph. 497-729 business hours. STC ■ ■ ■ ■ NURSERY guards made to fit any fireplace or heater, at wholesale prices. Call W. H. Harris. Ltd. Ph. 61-796. STC OAK bed. $25. Oak bed ends $2O. Oak cabinet, could be used as desk $25. Ph 554-258. OAK chest of drawers, older style, immac. order. All genuine offers considered. Ph. 428-534 OAK dble bdrm suite, treadle sewing machine, oak cabinet. rimu extending table and 4 chairs (needs some restoration), Leonard 8 cu. ft fridge freezer. Ph. 851-366. OAK dining table and 4 chairs. All good cond.. 5350 0.n.0. Phone 529-879. OAK dining table. Attractive. $250 0.n.0. 4 old oak chairs. What offers? Ph. 554-258. OAK double wardrobe, central mirror, $l5O. Ph. 526-538. OFFICE desk, return, swivel chairs and 4 matching chairs, excel, cond. $650. Ph. 50-389. OIL Burning Economaire, space heater, and 120 gal. tank, offers wanted. Phone 518-699. OLD kauri dressing table, large, magnificent oak wardrobe with matching tiled wash stand. Phone 28-8849. OLD sewing machine, 1915 Singer, oak cabinet, very good order, Phone Geraldine 1221. OLIVETTI bookkeeping machine, suitable small business, exc. cond. recently overhauled. $lOO. Phone Mrs White 69-303. ONE new window. 2mm 50 x 850 mm. Aluminium with surround. $lOO 0.n.0. Also cupboard doors, windows from house alterations. To inspect 38 Teesdale Street. ONE 7ft Kelvinator refrigerator. suitable flat or bach, in good working order. Phone 327-123. OPEN today, 9-12. Common Market lor all your good used furniture and appliances. 41 Rotherham St. Riccarton. Ph. 488-781. ORGAN antique, pedal pump type, offers. Ph. 554-396. ■ ■ ■ ■ ORIENTAL art and old china pieces ex. estate from Borneo, China, Malaya. Prints, silk pictures, embroidery, door hanging, for marriage. One silk sonaket. Old bowls tor sale Monday at Masters Art Shop. Hereford Court, by Whitcoulls doors. OSTRICH feathers, black and white. Ph. Sum. 6090. PAINT Bryndwr Paint Cantre. 287 Wairakei Rd. open Saturday morning 8.31) a.m. to 12 noon STC paint. Quality white vinyl interior/exterior. riming available. Wholesale prices direct from manufacturer. 10 litres semi gloss $29.50. Gloss $32.50. 4 litres semi gloss $14.50. 2x4 litres $25. Phone 50-540 business, 35-433 a.h. PALINGS treated. $1.06 each (minimum 100) and other fencing materials, direct from .sawmiller. Huge discounts, ph. 238-009. PANELFOLD wood folding doors, ideal room divider. We stock, sell," install. Door Installation Service. Phone 382-053. STC PANEL Heater, excel cond. almost new. Ph 428-120. PARACHUTE courses: Are you interested in this exciting sport? Phone 791-900 for information. Christchurch Parachute School. MWS PARA pool. 10 x 2, new liner and cover. Leaf rake, etc. $l2O 0.n.0. Phone 558-148. PARA pool. 12 ft x 3 ft, complete. $l4O. Phone 384-786. PARA pool. 12 x 36in, complete with all accessories, and cover, very good cond.: 16in black and white TV; electric frying pan; both working. Phone 45-137. ■ ■ ffl » PARA Pool 12 x 3 ft complete with pump and fitter. Phone 857-117. PARA pool. 15 x 3, complete with filter etc. $275. Ph. 326PARA pool. 24 x 12. good filter and accessories. $l5OO. 1 lady’s bike. 1 man's bike. Ph. 28-367 Ashburton. « S H IB PARA pool. 4 metres in' diameter. .9 metres high, very good condition, $260. Ring 584-367, PATIO furniture (2 sets), cast aluminium, painted white. 3ft diam. table. 4 chairs with arm rests. Complete with sun umbrellas and cushions, near new, $650 each. Phone 793-250 PEDAL car, $6O. Starflyer pavement cycle without riggers, $95. No cheques. Both very good cond. Ph. 888-190. PEDIGREE child’s play pram, doll and clothing. Ph. Rosemary 528-930. PIANOS, always a large selection at Gravestons. $6O dep. and easy payments. Phone 64-938. Open Saturday. 9 a.m.-4.30 p.m. THS PIE warmer, Hayman, exc. cond. $lB5, Phone 371-059. PLANT terrarium in 50cm glass carboy. $65. Ph. 799-01.3.