For Sale LOUNGE suites, reduced, latest Hilton 5 sealer in Drayion was $995. now $795. Hamberg deluxe was $825. now $695. Also rolled arm tub suite. 5 seater was $1295 now $1195. Graveston’s. Syd. Ph. 64-939. cash, terms, trades, trades, also open Sat. 9 - 4.30. LOUNGE suites, recovered in latest checks and stripes in many different styles, e.g. divan $279, 6 seater with swivel rockers $389, colonial 5 pee suite $425. Queen Anne, a beautiful suite 5625. only at ~ Northern Trading Co.. 146 Lichfield St (between Manchester and Madras St). Ph. 64-981. open Sat. 9 - 1 p.m.. Bankcard, Visa welcome. LOUNGE suite. 3 piece, iovely order, almost new. only $250. 18 Penrith Ave. Ph. 327-712. LOUNGE suite. 3 piece, gold tonings, good cond. $l7O. Phone 518-091. LOUNGE suite., 4 piece unit. $25. at 407 Worcester St. phone 791-466 or 429-471. LOUNGE suite. 5 piece, brown and orange tonings. almost new, $650. Ph. 327-001. LOUNGE Suite - 6 sealer. 4 pee Contessa; sewing machine - Contessa; Morrison motor mower; divan bed and mattess; tallboy and duchesse - mahogany; 3 speed 20 inch Mbrrison bike; 10 speed Healing bike; 2 bookcases: tools; camp bed and mattress: 2 fireside chairs; ornaments; coffee set. Many more items. 95 Mersev St. louvre doors 1200 x 2000 m.m. with tracks. Phone 558-148. MAGICOAL electric heater $4O. Suttons hidealine $4O. Lady’s sports cycle $2O. Ph. 237-245. MAHOGANY Cheval mirror, $285 0.n.0. Ph. 598-742. MAHOGANY duchess. Welltop. large mirror, exc. condition. Two 3 drawer divan beds, one mahogany stained 8 drawer tallboy. 8 Thomas St. MAHOGANY extension table with 4 chairs, excel, cond. $2OO. Ph. 43-523. MAN’S Raleigh 3 speed. $B5. Cosmo ampllfyer, 20 watts, $lOO. Slot car set $75. 6 drawer duchesse with round mirror, $4O. Phone 596-673. MASPORT handmower and catcher, $3O. Ph. 518-576. MASPORT nandmower. excel, cond. Sharpened and set, $45, ph. 499-165. MASPORT home gardener, as new. 20 months old. $485. Phone 498-135. MASPORT lawn prints motor mower with catcher. $BO. Ph. 525-817. ■ MASPORT Lawn Prince 16in reel, motor mower. $95. Ph. 596-097. MASPORT Monarch rider mower. 28in cut, 1 year old. in excel, cond. $l6OO. Phone Kaiapoi 7441. MASPORT Monarch rider mower, 28in cut, 1 year old. In excel, cond. $l6OO. Phone Kaiaooi 7441. MASPORT motor mower, 16in reel, recently sharpened and set, good starter. English Suffolk hand roller mower, 12in reel, ideal smaller lawn. Electrolux, yellow model, goes well. Ph. 389-954. MASPORT Prince reel mower, good order, $l3O. Ph. 859-466. MASPORT 161 n motor mower, excel, cond. $195, ph. 429-177. MASPORT 4 way Home Gardener. All attachments. Perfect order. $250. Ph. 385-623. MASPORT 4-way home gardener, in new cond., $375. These are now $521 new. Ph. 325-867. MATERIAL, pink chiffon and lining, 150 cm width. 4 metres of each, $2O. Ph. 524-443. MATERNITY clothes, excellent condition, Ph. 498-555. MATTRESS, dble and springs. What offers? Phone 499-841. MATTRESSES, everything new, and repairs, at Brownie’s Est. 1939, phone 65531. MATTRESS, Innersprung, and base; groundsheet, 9m x 2'2 m; wash basin and taps; Sacred Heart blazer size 32 inch. Ph. 897-905. MATTRESS . Sleepwell Supreme double bed, good cond.. $3O. Phone 852-343. MATTRESS, Tattersfieid double, good cond. Also sprung base and bed ends. 43 Carruthers St. $125. MEGSON Tool and Equipment tor eood used and new trade tool's, power tools, garden tools and equipment etc. 135 Hih St, Opp. Hurst and Drake Phone 65-239. WFS MERMAID shower doors, also bath model. Three attractive colours. $9B. We have stock. Door Installation Service. Ph. 382-053. STC MICROPHONES, 3 suitable for home recording, etc., $4O the lot. Also recording tapes, audio :, i Inch, 1800 feet on 7 inch reels. Fully guaranteed, $5 each. Phone 371-591. MILLBROOK restoration, let our expert tradesmen restore your antique furniture back to its full value. Free quotes, no obligation. Millbrook Restoration 10 Papanui Road. Ph. 555-890. MILLINER'S revolving hat block on felt base stand, $2O. Ph. 382-187. MODEL helicopter, radio controlled, good mechanics and motor, tuned pipe and plan. $3OO 0.n.0. Ph. 278-726. MODEL trains sell. Thousands of new and used trains, coaches, waggons and accessories at bargain prices. 28 Leicester Crescent, any time. MODERNFOLD iabric folding doors, save heat and space. We have stock. Door Installation Service. Ph. 382-053. STC MODERN 3 piece Vertex lounge suite, good cond., $3OO 0.n.0. Also settee converts double bed, $5O 0.n.0. Phone 5214 Rangiora. MORRISON exercycle, as new. $l5O. Phone 518-295. MORRISON exercycle, near new condition. $l5O. Ph. 894-477. MORRISON, Masport, Lawnmaster, Victor, Flymo and Bolens rotary and reel mowers, for the largest range of new and re-conditioned ■ motor mowers, hand mowers, rotary hoes, in Christchurch, contact Martyns Cycles and Mowers, Normans Rd. Top trade In prices (100 minimum on a Lawnmaster Rotary). Easy terms, upto 2 years to pay, 5 mths free credit, visa or bank card. Ph. 559-323, open SaturMOR&ISON mower. 28in, Roughmaster rotary. 10 h.p. Ideal for big section or contractor. $7OO 0.n.0. Ph. 886-668. MORRISON, Olympic 16 inch reel mower with catcher, good cond. $l9O. Phone 31-546. ■ ' ■ ■ K MORRISON Olympic. 16 inch reel motor mower, split roller model, in excel cond. Ph 881-765 Sat. MORRISON reel mower. $145. Ph. 358-218. MORRISON reel mower. 16in. good running order. Phone 852-521. MORRISON rotury. suitable for spares. Phone 857-782.