For Sale I — . ...... i KITCHEN cupboards. $3O. sliding door S4O. 86 Avondale Rd. ph. I 882-366. I KITCHEN island unit and ■ overhanging glass fronted I display unit. $BO. Ph. 517-680. KITCHEN units, natural wooden doors. white Formica tops. B. bar. stainless steel sink unit. 170 cu. ft storage. Ph. 555-177. KITCHEN vinyl, new, brown tonings, 4.7 m. $5O. Ph. 890-457. KNAPSACK sprayer. $lOO. Excel, cond. Phone 487-565. KNITTING machine. Brother K.H.588. $lBO 0.n.0. Ph 68-819. KNITTING machine Brother Empisal. accessories and stand. $BO. Ph. 278-726. KNITTING machine. Brother 820. ribber. lace carriage, punch cards etc. $350. Ph. Springburn 852. KNITTING machine. Passap, late model, excellent cond.. ribber and stand, $490. Ph. 830-059. KNITTING machine. Singer Memomatic. ribber. cards and patterns. $lBO. Phone 8355 Belfast. KNITTING machine. Singer Memomatic. 322. ail accessories and ribber. Just had overhaul. $250 0.n.0. Ph. 499165. KNITTING machine, Singer memomatic, with ribber and stand with other attachments. only 2 months old. $520 0.n.0. Ph. 843-741. LACE Web settee converts to single bed. $5O. Ph. 894-175. LADY'S camel coat. English styling, top stitched, never been worn, size 12. retail $275. sell S2OO 0.n.0. Ph. 45-429. LADY’S Raieigh sports cycle, in good condition, $6O. Also Braun juice extractor, as new, $5O. Ph. 34-233. LAMPS, pair Chinese ceramic, blue and white. $lOO a pair. Sell sep. Ph. 31-427. LARGE mirror. 3ft x 3ft 6in with wood backing, excel, condition, $4O. Ph. 588-115. LARGE, original painting, framed, reasonable. Ring 524-969. LARGE white chest of drawers, $3O. Ph. 41-549. LARGE wooden ex-office desk, $5O. Ph. 889-808. LAWN handmower, rubber wheel type. $5O. Ph. 385-199. LAWN mower, electric barrel type. Very good cond. $175 0.n.0. Ph. 896-758. LAWNMOWER, hand. 535 0.n.0. Phone 39-938. LAWNMOWER Masport 804. good cond. Phone 383-280. LAWNMOWER Masport Prince. 16in reel, excel, cond. Must sell this week-end. What offers? Ph. 853-078. LAWNMOWER, Masport Princess 22in and catcher, excel, cond. Used only on grass tennis court $4OO 0.n.0. Phone 555-766. ■ ■ ■ ■ LAWNMOWERS Morrisons, Masports, Vietas,, Handmowers, Reels and Rotaries. All in excel cond. and guaranteed. Phone 881-765. LAWNMOWERS. We have the largest stock of fully reconditioned Masport, Cleveland handmowers in Canterbury - inspect our mowers before deciding. All mowers fully guaranteed. Repairs undertaken to all types of mowers and garden tools. Open all day Sat. Full range of vegetables plants and accessories in stock. Opawa Mower and Garden Centre. 4 Opawa Road. LAWNMOWER Victor 160 side delivery, 6 months old. $lOO. 41 Carmen Road. Hornby. LAWNMOWER Victor rotary, 3-year-old. Excel, cond. $220. Ph. 889-808. LAWNMOWER Vieta, Mk 3, rotary. excel, condition, just been overhauled, $l9O. Ph. 855-308. ■ ■ ■ ■ LAYING fowls, tinted shavers, in full lay. s2.soea. Bring.own containers. The Shands Poultry Farm. Shands Rd. 1 mile past Watties. Ph. 499856. Closed Wednesdays! LEATHER Club chair tn brown. $4OO. Phone 382-058. LEATHER Club chair, dark green, buttoned back, $5OO. Phone 382-058. LEATHER deep buttoned rolled arm three seater settee. $l2OO. Phone 382-058. LEATHER jacket, camel colour, size 40. never been worn. $7O. Ph. 429-633. LEATHER jacket, brown. 38in chest, men's, fully lined, near new. $BO. Ph. 889-874. LEATHER top bar, 600 mm. x 1700 mm. Wooden barrels used for base. $lOO. Ph. 228678. LEONARD fridge/freezer $lOO o. Contact 9A Clarebrook St. Shirley between 8 a.m. - 12 p. LETTERBOXES, painted metal, with wrought iron stands, suitable for milk, bread and paper. Priced from $24.43 at Suttons Industries, Ltd. 1 Normans Road, Bryndwr, Phone 556-149. Open Saturday morning. LIFEJACKETS (4) sell. Ph. Waipara 894. LIGHT titlings, 3x3 self fitting lights, brass and wood with golden amber shades, plus 1 spare shade. 2 years, excel. • cond. $l5O. Ph. 583-459. LIGHTS, three polygon balls, largest size, while, black trim $25 each. Phone 265-112. LOOM semi automatic 4 shaft table model. Phone 830-706. LOUNGE chairs recliner, two same, as new Ph. 384-697. LOUNGE chairs, ideal for flats or units, good cond. Apply Gainsborough Motor Lodge. 263 Bealey Ave. LOUNGE chairs, 4 Don style, green upholstery, wooden arms, good cond.. very coniforiable. $25 each. Ph. 482-629. LOUNGE suite, antique style. 2 seater couch and 2 chairs. Upholstered in rose pink velvet and cane backs. $3OO. Ph. 324-044. LOUNGE suite. Bergere. beautiful cond.. $7BO. Ph. 556-573. LOUNGE suite, brown vinyl, 2 seater and single seater. Like new. $250 0.n.0. Ph. 266-240. LOUNGE suite, brown vinyl, gold upholstery. swivel chairs, $275. Ph. 499-572. LOUNGE suite, brown vinyl with reversible cushions. Good condition. $9O. Phone 495-957. LOUNGE suite. Balmoral 3 pee. teal in lovely order. $295. Ph. 388-335. LOUNGE suite. Chesterfield, in good cond. $lOO. Ph. 559-141. LOUNGE suite, comfy but tatty, $4O: 2 Ige armchairs $l5 each: old Electrolux, all attachments. $2O: Valor kerosene healer $l5. Ph. 41-041. LOUNGE suite, divan and 2 arm chairs, good cond. $7O at 407 Worcester St. ph. 791-466 or 429-471. LOUNGE suite, excellent Cond.. $350 0.n.0. Ph. 599-634. LOUNGE suite, gold vinyl with cushions, good cond. $75. ph. 371-182. LOUNGE suite, modern slung back, blue green check material. $175. Phone 486-760. LOUNGE suite, mouquette and vinyl, impressive appearance, gold tonings. swivel chairs. $220. Ph. 384-428. LOUNGE suite, one 3-seater plus 2 chairs, gold and cream. SBO. One 4-seater and 2 swivel chairs, green and tawn, $lBO. Phone 898-677. LOUNGE suite, rolled arms, red cover. In good condition. $125. Ph. 894-298. LOUNGE suite, seats 6. ■ $4OO. Phone 428-093. LOUNGE suite settee, converts into dble bed. Reasonable cond. $l2O 0.n.0. Phone 855463. LOUNGE suites, two black vinyls with gold cushions. 1 excel. cond. 1 reas. cond. $7O each 0.n.0. Phone 891-385. LOUNGE suite, three piece, brown dralon, 9 months old. $575 0.n.0. Ph 857-682. LOUNGE suite $l2O. Kitchen table and chairs $5O. Phone 34-128. LOUNGE suite. 3 piece, black vinyl with red cushions, $7OO 0.n.0. 19 Hooker Ave.