■ ■ ■ H HERB plants. bay trees, rosemary, lemon balm. mint, marjoram, parsely, chives, creeping thymes. Roman lawn chamomile, etc. For helpfuul advice see the herb plant specialists. We have books, charts, seeds, clay pots, culinary herbal delights, fragrant herbal crafts at Thyme Cottage. 809 Colombo Street near the Town Hall. Also open Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. HIGHLAND dancing outfit, fit 10-12 years, jig shoes, size 3. Phone 855-139. HITACHI 3 in 1 colour TV radio cassette. Retail $l6OO, sell $llOO 0.n.0. Ph. 795-850. HOME heating oil tank and oil. $4O. Phone 487-557. HOME sauna good order, $25. Wringer bucket and mop. $lO. Ph. 31-753. HOOVERMATIC latest auto rinse, as new, S3lO 6 months guarantee, will trade and deliver, 131 Fleete St. Burwood. HOOVERMATIC twin tub. blue lid model. $5O. Ph. 324-733. HOOVERMATIC twin tubs, immac. cond. Guaranteed 6 months and delivered. $95. $145. Phone 830-717. HOOVERMATIC twin tub washer, one before the latest. $135. Perfect order, guaranteed and delivered. Phone 524-572 HOOVERMATIC washing machine. Good condition. $65. Ph. 597-043. HOOVER, vacuum-cleaner, not upright, with accessories, as new, $65. Ph. 328-015. HORSE loose boxes, store and shelter sheds, new, immediate delivery. Terms available. Apply 138 Styx Mill Rd, or phone 596-702. Open weekends. WS HORSE manure from stock pile S 3 trailer. Ph. 885 Cust. HOUSEHOLD effects. Southland Beech cabriole legged, manrobe. with 6 drawers, good cond. Attractive oak dressing table with mirror. 2 childrens foam car seats, as new. 4 metres new commercial Wilton carpet. Phone 498-705. HOUSEHOLD effects. Wash stand, work table, brass door knobs, para pool. Fisher stove, louvre doors, windows, mosaic tiles, large sideboard, wallpaper, toilet bowl and cistern, roller door etc. 37 Leinster Road. HOUSEHOLD goods. Couch and chairs. $5O. Table and chairs, $45. Electrolux, $35. Car seat. $lB. Old fashioned bath. $3O. Phone 370-361. HOUSEHOLD goods. Cot., pram, drawers, lounge suite, dining table and chairs, stereo, eletric welder, preserving jars, and other household goods. Phone 384-923 or apply 1 Harker St. HOUSEHOLD goods, bookcase, excellent cond.. wardrobe, dble bed and mattress, semi auto washing machine. Champion 200. good cond. $lOO. 2 old style comfy chairs, $3O. Ph. 66-382,8 Redruth Ave. HOUSEHOLD goods, etc. Wood gram table. Al carpet, stacka forms and children's stacka chairs, cheap. Aluminium window frames, glass various sizes. Ford Transit motor, carpenter's bench, 2 vices, cheap. Ph. 44-883. HOUSEHOLD goods, plus car.. Oak drawleaf table and chairs, exc. cond.. $l5O. Radio digital clock, $25. Formica table on wheels, $2O. 8 Metalon chairs, exc. cond., $l2 ea. Size 6 and 4 rugby boots. $lO each per pair. 1972 Suzuki Fronte 500. 1972. very good cond.. $2200 0.n.0. Ph. 524-446. HOUSEHOLD goods, mahogany extension table, 4ft x 3ft. as new. sell or exchange for 3ft x 3ft. Queen Ann single bed head. Single candlewick bedspread. Duchesse with large mirror. Coffee tables (2). Garden seat. Pano table. Golf Clubs with bag. Sundries. 8 Gladson Ave. 489-969. HOUSEHOLD items; lounge suite, cocktail cabinet, wardrobe. small couch, formica table, compactum, heaters etc. call 18 Arnold St. Sumner. HOUSEHOLD items. China cabinet, dble bed and mattress, divan, tallboy, lowboy, dble bedroom suite, lounge suite, cnina, pots. etc. at 16 Wycola Ave., Hornby. Phone 499-896. HOUSEHOLD items: Cocktail/ china cabinet, excellent cond., $lOO 0.n.0.: Formica extendable kitchen table and 4 chairs, excellent cond.. $lOO. Phone 429-410 between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. only. IBM golfball electric typewriter, latest self correcting model. Dual pitch, near new cond. Inspection by arrangement. Ph. 496-694 after 9 a.m. IBM typewriter. $650. Ph. 588805. IF you no longer need your freezer, place a quick action ad today. Someone out there needs it. D INCINERATOR. Champion with wetback and flue. $lOO 0.n.0. Phone 886-542. INCINERATOR, wet back. 4 piece chimney, reasonable condition. $l2O. Sanyo vaccum cleaner. $25. Ph. 890-786. INCINERATOR, $5O. Ph. 554-991. INSTANT concrete. all materials in the bag. just add water. For yoiir nearest stockist phone Farrier Waimak. Ltd. Belfast (23)8179. WS IRONING board. Suzy. Ph. 515-293. IRONING boards only $36. available now at Suttons industries. Ltd. 1 Normans Road. Bryndwr, Ph. 556-149. open Saturday morning. JUNGLE Gvm. $4O Phone 383190. KAURI benches for sale from $lOO. Timber reusable. Ph. 50-801. 68 Lichfield Street Mon. to Sat. KAURI doors, need restoring, 4 panel. Offers wanted. Ph. 489-245. KAURI fire surround, ancient and attractive. $5O. Ph. 228- ' 206. KAURI table, oval dropside. Dressing table, full length mirror. Phone 559-648. KENWOOD cake mixer plus mincer and vitamiser attachments in excel, cond. Ph. 889-457. KENWOOD Chefette. stand, bowl and liquidiser, unused, still in carton. $BO. Ph. 382187. KENWOOD Chef foodmixer, latest model, also Kenwood electric blender, both absolutely new cond. Phone 583401. KENWOOD Chef, with recipe book, dough hook, mincer, liquidiser, juice extractor and cover $220. Ph. 896-758. KEROSENE heater. Aladdin, new. Ph. 515-293. KITCHEN cupboards, variety on display. 333 Wigram Rd.