Wanted to Purchase PIPE lin or H buy. Ph. 857-271. PLAYPEN ph. 557-943. POOL filter wanted. Smell, payup to $2OO. Phone 658-434 Sunday. RECORDS. Good prices paid for LP’s In good cond. Soundwaves. 110 Gloucester St, THS REEL type motor mower, up to SlOO. ph. 596-599. ROLLER skates, white boots, size 5 to 6. ph. 489-039. ROOFING tiles, all brands, any quantities, new or used. Ph. 857-414. STC ROOF tiles, clav. Please phone Kaiapoi 8953. SACK barrow. in good condition. Ph. 791-466. or 429-471. SACKS wanted to buv. Ph. 857-271. SEAGRASS table, two seater. and chairs. Any condition considered. Private cash buyer. Ph. 64-069 SERATONE wallboard. Sprayblue wanted. Ph. 31-697. SHOES stilettos, etc.. 1920 s to 19605. Phone 65-442 Jackie. SHOTGUNS and early pistols wanted by collectors. Also consider any in need ol repairs. Ph. 428-746. STC SILK worms wanted. Write to Box 197, Queenstown. SILVER N.Z. coins to 1946. Paying top prices. Stirling and Co.. Ltd. 21 Chancery Lane. Ph. 64-924. STC SILVER wanted, cash paid for any watch cases, cups, chains, cigarette cases, etc. Southern Cross Coin Centre, upstairs Shades Arcade. Ph. 796-609. D SINGER sewing machine, old fashioned treadle type. Ph. 516-564. SOLID oak wardrobes wanted. Ph. 489-895 or 427-626. STAMPS and postcards valued and bought if required. Top prices paid. Ph. 857-320. STC STAMPS. New Zealand and world collections, missing colours, etc Stirling and Co., Ltd, Box 949. 21 Chancery Lane. Christchurch. Ph. 64-924. STC STAMPS wanted for beginner collection. Any quantitv. Ph. 791-124. STAMPS. New Zealand and world collections. Also postcards for private collector. Ph. 39-564 or P.O. Box 10-GOK. Christchurch. STC STAMPS. Old New Zealand and Pacific Islands. Mainly prewar. especially on covers or unused. Savill Stamps. Ltd, 10 Chancery Lane. P.O. Box 2323, Chch. Ph. 61-349. STC STARRIDER car wanted to buy. Ph. 725 Woodend. SUNLAMP Philips de luxe. Ph. 427-882. TABLE and chairs, small square colonial style. Ph. 34-563. TABLE tennis table, one. In reas. cond. Ph. 383-562. TAPS for automatic washing machine, also stainless steel tub and cabinet for washhouse. Must be reasonably priced. Ph 884-932. TEA wagon wanted for workshop, must be sturdy. Ph. 69-798. TELEPHONES. Old, antique, or unusual. Ph. 799-278. STC TENT, Continental, family size, must be in good condition, phone 595-002. TENT, large frame type, in good cond. Ph. 527-156. TENT large frame tent wanted. Sewn-in floor, sep. compartments. Phone 882-589. TENT wanted. Mod. family size. Phone 841-844. TENT, 9x9. Sunshine compact Go Tourer or similar. Phone 43-806. TOBY Jugs. Royal Doulton. any sizes, any characters. Top prices. Ph. 855-166. TOOLS and equipment of any kind bought for cash. Good prices offered. Megson Tool and Equipment, 135 High St. Ph. 65-239, a.h. 857-500. WFS TRAILER 7x4 steel, good cond. Phone Belfast 8488. TRAINS buy. electric, clockwork and steam. Old or new. In any cond. Phone 383-421. STC' TWIN buggy or push chair. Ph. 497-464. TWO single beds with solid base plus one inner spring mattress. Ph. 327-225. TWO tennis rackets, one junior. In good condition. Phone 855-289. TYPEWRITER portable, suit beginner. Phone 517-565. TYPEWRITERS, standard and portable wanted, any condition for cash. Geo. Berryman. Ltd. 77 Ferry Rd. Free parking. D TYRES, car. buy, casings, or suitable w.o.f. standard, excellent prices paid, at Value Tyres, Bellvue Ave, Papanui, Ph. 529-091. WS TYRES, 700 x 16. wanted for ’5B International truck. Must be W.O.F. standard. Ph. Sefton ,■ 618. WANTED, alloy manifold, suit S B Chev. and Holley. Leave ;• message at Zetland Hotel September 15 to 17. WANTED to buy In good cond., small pie wanner, cash regfood display cabinet, and sandwich toaster. Write‘with details to "Catering" C/- * Greymouth “Press" Agency, P.O. Box 49, Greymouth. WANTED to buy two 7ft wide, wrought iron gates. Ph. collect 876 Cust. WASHING machine, wringer or ; auto, wanted. Ph. 371-263. WASHING machine. Fisher and Paykell automatic, any con- ‘ ditlon. Ph. 524-572. WASHING machine, Fisher and Paykel. agitator model. Must be tidy and reasonably priced. Ph. 830-956. WATCH. 18 ct gold gentleman’s fob watch (old type), wanted, i Please phone Sum. 6571. WATER bed, queen size with waveless mattress, would like <■ Manhatten model but will consider other styles. Phone 896-910. WHEELBARROW, rotary mower and other garden equipment wanted. Also 155 x 13 tyrechains. Phone 529-879. WOOD lathe, must be in good condition. Ph. Rangiora 8628. WROUGHT Iron gates, approx. sft to 6ft hign. 7 to 9 ft wide,Ph 41-934. Hotels for Sale WEST COAST freehold hotel, situated on main highway close to Greymouth. This hotel is in immaculate condition throughout. It has great potential due to major development work taking place in the area. Present turnover $lOO,OOO per annum with high profit margins. Some finance can be ar-’ ranged. Price $95,000 plus stock and plant at valuation. Full particulars from sole agent. Somers Real Estate. MREINZ. Ph. 64-361 a.h. 326699. WEST COAST. Leasehold country hotel in excel, cond. High quality plant and equipment. No goodwill. Stock and plant at valuation. Reasonable rental. Somers Real Estate. MREINZ. Phone 64-361. a.h. . 326-699.
Page 21 Advertisements Column 6
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 21
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