Wanted to Purchase DIAMOND rings ana ota jewellery. buy for cash. Huls’uns Auction Rooms, 235 Manchester St, DOLLS pram, must be In excel, cond. Ph. 555-367. DOORS pair older style, glass, french. Ph. 890-457. DOULTON whiskey jars, juzs and-decanters. Pvte collector. Ph. 228-678. DRESSMAKER’S model (wire). Phone 889-792. DRUMS, 46 gallons (209 litres), and other sizes. Top prices paid. Ph. 897-370. Wylies. STC DRUMS, 46 gallon (209 litres), and other sizes. Top prices paid for ail 44 gallon drums. Acme Meta! Drum Co.. 54 Broad St. Woolston, Ph. 843681. STC DUCHESSE, tallboy or lowboy, white Colonial pref. Ph. Kaiapoi 7998. ELECTRIC and clockwork trains wanted to buy. Ph. 383-421. D ELECTRIC stove, small size, with glass door wanted. Ph. 68-151. EXERCYCLE. in good condition. Phone 328-258 EXTENSION Ladder in good cond. approx. 22ft extended. Ph 41-934. FEATHER pillows, and medium size stainless steel saucepan. Ph. 841-599. FISHER and Paykel automatic washing machines and dryers. If your machine Is in need of major repairs, phone for a quote or sell for a good price. Ph. 326-245. STC FREE valuation on your old paintings. Contact Tasman Gallery. Ph. 795-710. FREEZER wanted, urgently. Please Ph. 324-733. ■ FRENCH doors, external, phone 555-632. FRENCH doors, exterior, colonial. Ph. 519-741. FRIDGE freezer or fridge and freezer wanted. Ph. 371-263. FRIDGE/FREEZER wanted, any size. Must be Kelvinator. Leonard or Prestcold. Please phone 830-717. FRIDGE-FREEZERS, f Fridges and freezers. We require your cabinet, turn it into instant cash at 46 Ferry Rd. Phone 793-631. FRIDGE/FREEZER. approx. 15 cu. ft, must have fridge section at top and be reasonably new. in excellent condition. Ph. 336-910. FRIDGE-FFIEEZERS and freezers bought, going or not, modern. Please ph. 849-845. D FRIDGE under S5O. Ph. 884-353. FUR coat, s length, Phone 556481 FUR coat or jacket and fox or cape. Ph. 66-714 Tuesday. FUR coats, jackets and clothing from the 1900 s to the 19505. Top prices paid. Ph. Jackie, Shands Emporium. 88 Hereford Street, Ph. 65-442. FURNITURE, china, sundries. Top cash prices. Ph. 60-246. D. C. Sheppard and Co. THS FURS. Also repairs, remodels, cleaning, and all services. Phone Redondo 849-883. (Furrier Yellow Pages) D GINGER beer bottles and old pictorial stone ware. ph. 228-678. GOLD wanted. Cash paid for any rings, chains, jewellery, watch cases, gold chains, etc. Southern Cross Coin Centre, upstairs Shades Arcade. Ph. 796-609. D GOLD watch chain wanted, approx. $3OO. Ph. again 50-535. GOLF clubs and all sporting goods urgently required. Buy for cash. Hulstons Auction Rooms, 235 Manchester St. Ph. 64-296. MTWHS GUNS, rifles, parts, ammo, old unused items, wanted by "Gunsmith." Phone 43-294. WS HALL table, oblong period type, with drawer. Bridge chair or similar. Single mattress. 3 arm antique brass light fitting. Ph. 325-625. HAND tools. power tools, any equipment for engineering, woodworking, mechanics, gardening etc., good prices offered by Megson Tool and Equipment. 135 High Street. Ph. 65-239, a.h. 857-500. WFS HELP Barnardos help a child. Barnardos urgently require high-chairs and push-chairs. Please phone 64-969, Monday to Friday, between 9 a.m. and 10 a.m. HOUSEHOLD items required for girl setting up home, e.g. dinner set. cutlery set, pots and pans, tea sets etc. Ph. 849-357. HOUSELOADS of furniture bought for cash. We can handle the largest house lot. Kindly telephone us for an appointment with out experienced buyer. Smiths City Market Trade-in Centre. Phone 798-100. MTWHS INNER sprung single mattress, plus single box base and inner sprung mattress. Ph. 325-302. INTERNATION truck 58 seat wanted. Must be in good cond. Ph. Sefton 618. IRON bed ends, dble, ph. 557-943. LARGE cage for cockatiel wanted. Ph. 525-021. LAWNMOWER hand, in good cond. Ph. 35-319. LAWN Prince or similar reel mower, buy. After 12 p.m. Ph. 583-167. LEAD scrap wanted. Ph. 383-421. D LEAD wanted urgently. Top prices paid. Ph. 843-681. LEATHER overcoats (2), any cond.. lady’s or gent's. Wanted black leather coats, if possible a black leather ski cap wanted also. Please leave phone or address to Box 6876 “Press." LOUNGE suite, must be in good cond. Will pay up to $250. Ph. 889-393. ■ ■ ■ ■ LYTTELTON. Any old bottles with a Lyttelton trade mark printed on it. Ph. 857-578. MAG wheels wanted, second hand, any condition with or without tyres. For cash contact Don Grindley’s Tyres, Ph. 67-460 or 50-793. STC MICROWAVE oven, larger size wanted, must be in excellent condition. Ph. 896-910. MORRISON Reel mower. 24in. ..’going or not. Ph. 857-271. MODERN pianos buy for cash. Hulstons Auction Rooms. Ph. 64-296. SMWH MR PICKWICK is in the market for your unwanted household goods, we buy and sell. Ph. 64-252, a.h. 529-405. OLD clocks, watches, watch chains and jewellery, good prices paid. Ph. 527-277. STC OLD paintings, oil or watercolour for cash. Phone 554652 or 524-250. PARA pool, any size, must be 4ft deep. Ph. 489-305. PARA pool, buy, 4ft deep. Ph. 954-M Hokitika collect. PARA pool wanted urgently, prefer 4ft deep. Ph. 855-120. PIANOS, radios, guitars, all musical instruments bought Hutchinson Whites. Phone 794-600. MWHS PIANO wanted urgently. Ph. 598-799.
Hotels for Sale EMPIRE HOTEL KUMARA WE HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED to offer the lease of this popular licensed outlet. Ingoing is likely to total 540.000 and will include sensible good will plus stock and plant at valuation. Lease offered is for 4 years with right of renewal for further 4 years. Possession can be immediate, while further, fuller details will be supplied to genuinely interesiea parties. E. V. ARTHUR AND SON, MREINZ, Phone 7145 Bus., 6541 Jack O’Donnell. GREYMOUTH.