Exchange CONSUL, regtf and warr., plus 79 Suzuki, swap for van. Phone Belf. 7323. MINI swap for Valiant prefer ute, tidy Mini good tyres, new warrant, heater, paint nice order, engine good, not oil burner, $llOO 0.n.0. Ph. 33-264 any time. PENSIONER cottage, Redcllffes. All newly decorated. New carpets, drapes. Lovely surrounding. Lady would like to exchange for same closer to town. Family reasons. Reply 529. "Press." GOLD WING GLIOOO IDEAL tourer for Christmas, strong, smooth, reliable and commodious. Includes ah option on: fairing carrier and riding gear, spare sparts, workshop service tool kit and manuals, tuning gear, etc. First owner will sell at $4OOO or swap for nimble car and cash. Also: C9O KID de Luxe Honda step-thru, reliable and sound, $550 0.n.0. 750/4 Honda frame, forks, electrics, brakes, etc. PHONE 64-724 or 897-164 NOW Aviation CESSNA 185 wanted. In good cond. Ph. 69-263. HUGHES 300 C. 1976, TTI9OO. Cessna 172 M, immaculate, 1000 hours. DHC2 Beaver, new C.O.A. Piper Apache 160. All for sale. Ph. 69-263. PIPER Pawnee 150. minus motor, slight damage, offers wanted. Ph. 69-263. AIRCRAFT FOR SALE 1971 CHEROKEE PA 28-140 ZK-DED TTA 5484. TTE 1386, C. of A. to late 1983. Full Panel plus EGT. Excellent condition. Always hangared. New upholstery. Tidiest 140 around. Genuine reason for selling. Price $21,000 0.n.0. Enquiries phone Twizel 759 or write to Main and Walls, P.O. Box 20. Twizel. Builders’ Supplies A 1 premix base courses, top courses, crushed chip and garden soil. Ph. Kevin Blair Contractors 841-928. WSTC BENCHES, solid kauri. Sizes from .8 x 2.7 metres up t0‘1.4 x 4.3 metres. Good cond. Suitable for work bench, taylor’s bench or timber is reuseable. From $lOO. Ph. 50-801 or call 68 Lichfield Street. Mon. to Sat. BUILDER or similar. Price required to hang supplied doors and stops in jambs. Will deliver and pick up. Ph. 524-313. CONCRETE mixers, Abel mixers available now through Aabaas Brothers, 5 models. Ph. 497-859. STC DEMOLITION -salvage, refer Tenders Column. FENCING posts, rails and palings. 125 Maces Road. Open 6 days. MWFS FRAMING discounted, treated and guaged Radiata. Framing direct from Sawmiller at huge discounted prices. Ph. Clark Timber Ltd., 8009 Bel. KAURI benches for sale from $lOO. Timber reuseable. Ph. 50-801. 68 Lichfield Street. Mon. to Sat. PREMIX, driveway chip for prompt delivery. Phone 849421. MWFS PREMIX, sand, shingle, supplies. Also driveway chip, foundation base-fill. Prompt delivery. For a quote, phone 516-644 evenings. WHFS PREMIX: Top quality, delivered. Obtain a quote from us. Phone Laing Contractors, Ltd, 495-162. WS SASHES: 40, 800 X 800 glazed, cedar. Offers. Porcelain hand basin, w/c pans, alumin. tilta door. 3.4 wide x 2.4 high. Ph. 796-429 Saturday only. STEEL frames, approx, lift 7 in x 3ft sin, made of 16 gauge lip channel. 2 7 - x I'i inches, suitable, sheds, glasshouses, trailers, etc. $lO each. Phone 853-303. STEEL, R.S.J. 7 in x 4 in, 5. 15ft lengths, 4. 6ft lengths, plus assorted angle iron. Half new steel price. Phone 893-732. SUNDOME rooflights with galvanised base and perspex dome now available from Sullivan Plastics Ltd, 14 Hillview Rd. Chch. Inquire for details. STC JOINERY ODDMENTS CLEARANCE of Joinery oddments - door, saches. window frames, cupboards, stairs and frames. We need this space. Priced to sell. Apply: Hardie and Thomson 1062 Colombo St CHRISTCHURCH. PITRUN, PREMIX, SAND, CRUSHED METAL SOIL. REJECTS AND FILL MATERIAL delivered and ex yard at competitive prices. TAGGART EARTHMOVING. LTD, 30 Belfast Road. Phone Belfast 7085, after hours: Rangiora 8740, Kaiapoi 8596.
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Page 22 Advertisements Column 1
Press, 12 September 1981, Page 22
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