Shipping News Busy week expectd at Lyttelton
■Wool, bananas, sulphur, and all, types of assorted cargoes, in-l eluding timber, will he loaded or disemrged at Lyttelton this week during which the . Lyttelton Har;! bour Board’s traffic manager (Mr D. A. Jones) predicts- there "’ill be a “heevv demand on all fac. llities” in the port. Among the vessels expected In port this week are theStrathmay which will load and discharge cargo for P. and O.’s Middle East service, two Nedlloyd vessels — the Nedlloyd Amsterdam bound for Singapore and South-east Asia, and the Nedlloyd Fremantle in the South African service — and the Soviet Novogrudok. last in Lyttelton in December of 1979. which will load wool for the Soviet Union and. the Continent. Another "bulkv.” the Star Centaurus, is expected with sulphur from Vancouver She will discharge about 6500 tonnes at Lyttelton before heading south to Tlmaru. .
Woo! end cenorai cargo will be loaded aboard Jebsen’s Altis des‘ir.ed for Japan. Korea and Taiwan, and the Samoan Reefer is -vnected to discharge about '-0.000 cartons of bananas from■ Eou'ador. There will also be visits to the ”or» of several Union Steam Sh’o Company vessels, including the Mamma and the Union Lvtteltor in the Melbourne service, and the Union Hobart in the roll-or sendee between New Zealand and Svdnev. olus the usual c e H« by the Coastal Trader in the Auckland, Dunedin. Lyttelton service. The Holmdole will remain In port until December 2, taking on supplies, including diesel oil. and various forms of liquid cargo for the Chatham Island® in what will be last voyage before Christ mas. ARRIVALS Saturday Marama (6.55 a.m.) 4510, Dunedin (U.S.S.I. Union Lyttelton (730 am.) 4376, Dunedin (U.S.S.I. ' Sunday ■ Strathmay (9.2! am.) 7999. Auckland (P. and O.). DEPARTURES Saturday First Jay '1.22 pjn.l 9210. Shanghai (Scales). N-dllsvd Freetown '416 p.m.) 10.909. Tauranca (Guthrey). Union Lyttelton U 0.15 p.m.) 1-4376, Wellington iU.SSj. Sunday Nil. EXPECTED ARRIVALS Coasts! Trader. Auckland, 7 a.m. todav (Gladstone Pier).. Nedllovd Amsterdam. Timaru. 6 ajn. today (Cashin Quay No. 1). Austral Pioneer, Wellington, 630
• a.m. today (Cashin Quay No. ■Nedllovd Fremantle, Dunedin, to- ‘ morrow. I Union Lyttelton, Wellington, to- > morrow. Star Centaurus, Vancouver, November 19. Coastal Trader, Dunedin, November 19. Union Hobart, Wellington, November 19. • Novogrudck, Napier, November 19. Cape Ortegal, Vancouver, November 20. Sachem. Singapore, November 21. Altis, Auckland, November 21. Samoan .Reefer, Auckland, No- -■ vember 21. Union Hobart, Dunedin, November 22. Anco Sceptre, Houston, November 23. Coastal Trader, .Auckland, November 24. Union Hobart, Wellington, No. vember 25. Vlshva Sandesh, Timaru, November 26. Encounter Bay, Wellington, November 26. Wiliowhonk. New Plymouth, N° vember 29. PROJECTED DEPARTURES Coastal Trader, Dunedin, today. Marama, Wellington, today. Strathmay. Asia, today. Austral Pioneer, New Orleans today. \nona. Napier, tomorrow. Union Lyttelton, Dunedin, tomorrow. Coastal Trader, Auckland, November 19. Nedlloyd Amsterdam, Auckland, November 19. Union- Hobart, Dunedin, November 20. Star Centaurus, Timaru, November 21. sachem, Wellington, *November 22. . Mtis, Napier, November 22. gape Ortegal, Bluff, November 22. Union Hobart, Wellington, November 23. Coastal Trader, Dunedin, November 24. 4nco Sceptre, Wellington, November 24. Union Hobart. Wellington, November 24. t ~ Wellington. No vember 25. Coastal Trader, Auckland, No. vember 26. Forum New Zealand, Napier, November 27." ' ■ ' Encounter Bay, Jeddah, November 23. Wilinwbank, Acajulta, November 29. Vishva Sandesh, Napier, November 29. VESSELS IN PORT Strathmay, Cashin Quay No. 2. Marama. No. 3 East. Anona. No. 3 West. Holmdale, ‘No. 7 East.