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PUBLIC NOTICES RESULT PLUNKET CABARET RAFFLE 15t—22558. 2nd—22312. N.Z. PENSIONERS’ ASSOCIATION (Inc.) CHRISTCHURCH BRANCH. I WINNING NUMBER; 22150—Apleton, C/o. E. Shed. -2526 RICCARTON SUB-BRANCH OF I PLUNKET SOCIETY COMPETITION Winners: Groceries No. 60722, E. E. Fitzpatrick, Cheviot; nylon stockings, No. 57145, Mrs J. Lewis, 247 Main South road, Sockburn. 2481 BURWOOD WAR MEMORIAL COMMITTEE. A Meeting of all interested in a Memorial to the fallen of World War 2 will be held at the Burwood Hall, Wednesday, August 20, 8 pan. J. Liggins, Sec. MARIST THIRD GRADE NO. 10811 G. HIGH SCHOOL OLD BOYS’ HOCKEY CLUB Winner—W. Larcombe, Miro street. 2504 DR. P. C. S. UNWIN has changed his address from 82 GLOUCESTER STREET to 9 VICTORIA STREET. X 1515 CLIFFORD S. SMITH (Licensed Second-hand Dealer), Specialist in Used Prams of all types. Present address: C/o. W. A. Smith, Motorcar Painter, 230 Salisbury street, Ch. Ch. I WISH to notify the Farmers of the Cheviot district that I will be operating the latest 50T Twine Pick-up Hay Baler in the Cheviot County during the coming season. M. M. TAYLOR, Contractor, Cheviot. 'Phone 66M. 2891 WAIMAIRI COUNTY COUNCIL. IMPOUNDING ACT, 1908. Impounded at Sawyer’s Arms road, Papanui, One Chestnut Mare, white face (hack), from St. Albans. If not claimed and expenses paid, will be sold September 2nd, 1947, at 12 noon. A. STEVENS, Poundkeeper. TYRES NOW AVAILABLE TYRES NOW AVAILABLE For Cars Used in Business Let us secure your Permit WE HAVE THE TYRES I TENCH BROS., LTD., TENCH BROS., LTD., 141 Cambridge terrace. ’Phone 40-187. 2435 COUNTY OF WAIMAIRI. BRIDGE CLOSED. NOTICE is hereby given that as from 20th August, 1947, Grant’s road bridge, Papanui, will be closed to all vehicular traffic until further notice, pending replacements. H. A. FERGUSON, County Clerk. County Office, Papanui. 15th August, 1947. 2519 PANTOGRAPH: Enlarge Workshop Patterns, Designs. End tedious enlarging by graph square. Accurate patterns, curves, figures, scrollwork, by using PANTOGRAPH. Place original designs under tracer point and trace it, pencil point on PANTOGRAPH produces full-size pattern. PANTOGRAPH, a precision instrument, enlarges in ratios 1 to U to ratio 1 to 8. Post paid anywhere N.Z., 15s. "PANTOGRAPH.” 171 Evans st., Timaru. 1157 MOUNT PLEASANT, HOROTANE, AVOCA. MOUNT VERNON, and BOWENVALE. 'The above properties extend from Mt. Pleasant to Dyer’s Pass road.) ANY PERSONS FOUND TRESPASSING on the above properties at any time, and particularly during Lambing Season (August January). WILL BE PROSECUTEp. • ALL DOGS DESTROYED. J. F. SCOTT ESTATE. R. R. FURZE, J. S. SCOTT, Owners and Occupiers. ; 2259 “THE LICENSING ACT, 1908.” LICENSING DISTRICT OF FENDALTON NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER OF LICENCE I, GERALD -PATRICK GOVLDING, oi Christchurch, being the holder of a Publican’s Licence in respect of the house and premises situate at Colombo street, Christchurch, known as the Central Hotel, do hereby give notice that I desire, to obtain, and will at the next Licensing Meeting to be held at Christchurch on the Bth day of September, 1947, apply for a transfer of the said licence from myself to Cecil Henry Corliss, my appointee. Dated the 3rd day of July, 1947. G. P. GOULDING. R. L. RONALDSON. Solicitor, Christchurch. 3460 GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, ASHBURTON GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, ASHBURTON GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, ASHBURTON GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, ASHBURTON NOW OPEN r T OW OPEN NOW OPEN For the Convenience of all travellers. Please note that the Telephone Number is incorrectly listed, and the CORRECT NUMBER is 848, ASHBURTON. C. L. HANSON. Proprietor. 3642 THE SYDENHAM AND SUBURBAN COOPERATIVE MONEY CLUB NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Half-yearly General Meeting of Shareholders will be held in the Registered Office of the Club, 393 Colombo street, Christchurch, on TUESDAY, August 26, 1947, at 8 p.m. BUSINESS To receive the Half-yearly Report and Accounts. To Transact Ordinary Business. S. W. VINCENT, Secretary, 393 Colombo st., Christchurch, S.l. August 16, 1947. 2496 THE ANNUAL MEETING of AREA COUNCIL N.Z. ALLIANCE will be held in CENTRAL MISSION ROOMS, Cathedral square, on TUESDAY, August 19, at 7.30 P.M. BUSINESS: Model Licensing Trust Legislation. Discussion concerning principle of Trust Control. Consideration of any necessary action re* garding present Masterton Trust Control Bill. Election of Officers and General. All interested are invited to attend. LEGAL PARTNERSHIP. MR G. A. G. CONN AL, who has hitherto carried on practice in Partnership with Mr F. D Sargent under the Firm name of Slater, Sargent, and Connal at No 161 Hereford street, Christchurch, announces that he has admitted into Partnership MR G. N. L. HOLMES. LL.B. As from the Ist July, 1947, the practice will be carried on by Messrs Connal and Holmes under the Firm name of SARGENT. CONNAL. and HOLMES, at the same offices in Hereford street, Christchurch 8550 FURNITURE AUCTIONS. LET FORD AND HADFIELD, LTD., AUCTION YOUR FURNITURE FOR BEST RESULTS. T.C. “ANSO” IN TRAINING STABLES. A LEADING DOMINION TRAINER writes with regard to his experience of the merits of “Anso”: “When a horse has done what we call a strong work-out, 1 have found about three tablespoonfuls of “ANSO,” in one and a half gallons of warm water, makes the best body wash 1 have ever come in contact with Used stronger for skin diseases and for removing scurf from foals, it has proved to me to have no equal.” Manufacturers. RESTAR (5.1.), LTD., P.O Box 1166, Christchurch. £1 TO £lOOO. CARPETS. FURNITURE, PIANOS. ETC. WANTED In Single or Household Lots. SPOT CASH PAID. (Free Valuation.) FOR A GOOD DEALRING 30-314. GEORGE ANDERSON and SON. GEORGE ANDERSON and SON. Auctioneers, 534 Colombo street (established 30 years). Att
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Press, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 25264, 16 August 1947, Page 11
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920Page 11 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 25264, 16 August 1947, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 25264, 16 August 1947, Page 11
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