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SHIPPING THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY. LTD DIRECT SERVICE TO UJC. VIA PANAMA CANAL AND CURACAO, b Rimutaka Auckland Sept. 23. c Rangitata Early Oct. b Ruahine Mid Dec. a Rakaia Mid Dec. Rangitoto Readv Dec. 1948 Port and dates subject to alteration. < a Cabin Class. b Tourist Class c These ships, until they are refitted In 1947-48, will carry passengers in dormitories accommodating 16 to 20 persons, and in tiered berths in cabins. All persons wishing to proceed to the United Kingdom must first obtain Exit , Permits from the Department of Internal ■ Affairs. Full particulars of further procedure , may be obtained on application to the i Company’s Offices and Agents throughout New Zealand.T.C. SHAW SAVILL LINE TO ENGLAND. VIA PANAMA. ATHENIC I First . October ARAWA Tourist I October CORINTHIC First November 1 WAIPAWA * Cabin | Dec.-Jan. VIA MELBOURNE AND CAPE TOWN. AKAROA| Cabin | September Subject to alteration without notice. SHAW SAVILL and ALBION COMPANY, LTD. (Inc. in England), Wellington. Agents throughout New Zealand. T.C. BLUE STAR LINE. FAST SERVICE TO UNITED KINGDOM. A LIMITED number of comfortably appointed State-rooms are available on the fast, modern Blue Star Motor-Vessels. NELSON STAR—Early October. EMPIRE STAR (Ist Class and Tourist Class)—Mid September. NAPIER STAR—End September. BRISBANE STAR—Mid October. BLUE STAR LINE (N.Z.), LIMITED. 22 Customhouse Quay. Wellington. P.O. Box 1222 Christchurch Agent: A. H. Turnbull and Co., Ltd., 150 Manchester Christchurch Telephone 36-23 F T.C. DALGETY and CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England). Booking Agents to United Kingdom and Intermediate Ports . . . BY SEA: Via Panama, South Africa, arid Suez by SHAW SAVILL and ABERDEEN and COMMONWEALTH Lines. Across the Atlantic by CUNARD WHITE STAR Line. BY AIR: Throughout the world by TASMAN EMPIRE AIRWAYS and associated British Air Lines.America and the Continent by PAN AMERICAN WORLD AIRWAYS. Full details from:— DALGETY and CO., LTD., Christchurch. Branches throughout New Zealand T.C. NATIONAL MORTGAGE AND AGENCY CO. OF N.Z., LTD. (Incorporated in England) * We are Passenger Booking Agents for SHAW SAVILL LINE to England, via Panama. Also ABERDEEN COMMONWEALTH LINE To England, via Suez. For inquiries apply to: NATIONAL MORTGAGE and AGENCY CO. OF N.Z., LTD., 147 Hereford street, Christchurch T.C. M.A.N.Z. LINE. Montreal, Australia, New Zealand Line Ltd. (Incorporated in Canada). REGULAR MONTHLY SERVICE TO U.S.A. and CANADA. PORTS OF DISCHARGE: NEW YORK. BOSTON, and SAINT JOHN/HALIFAX. CITY OF ST. ALBANS (F.S.N. Co., Ltd.). Loading at New Zealand Ports, Septem-ber-October, 1947. (Vessels. Ports, and Dates subject to alteration without notice.) Cargo accepted for inland points fn U.S.A, and Canada. For further information apply to: THE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COLTD., or FEDERAL STEAM NAVIGATION COLTD. (Agents, Kinsey and Co.. Ltd.), or PORT LINE. LTD. (Agents, Kinsey and Co., Ltd.). RETURNING FROM THE UNITED KINGDOM via NORTH AMERICA? Let the C.P.R.—World's Greatest travel System-arrange your trip from Port of Arrival to Port of Departure—via QUEBEC MONTREAL. TORONTO NIAGARA FALLS < GREAT LAKES it desired) WINNIPEG BANFF and LAKE LOUISE nule-high in the Canadian Rockies. VANCOUVER and VICTORIA Luxurious air-conditioned trains .... j Magnificent Hotels from Coast to Coast Steamship Lines . . Air Lines—all under one management ■ For literature and information apply. CANADIAN PACIFIC (Incorporated in Canada). Auckland, Wellington, Auckland, Wellington. Or any Office of the U.S.S. Co T.C. CANADIAN AUSTRALASIAN LINE. UNION S.S. CO. OF N.Z., LTD., Agents throughout New Zealand. P. and O. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. Principal Agents: THE N.Z. SHIPPING COMPANY. LTD. AIR TRAVEL IN AND AROUND NEW ZEALAND, AUSTRALIA, ENGLAND. U.S.A., CANADA. EUROPE, and INDIA. Inquire for Cook’s Programme of Services and Fares. THOS. CCOK and SON (A’ASIA ). PTY.. LTD., World Wide Travel Service 177 MANCHESTER STREET. T.C. PUBLIC NOTICES Returned services'|| ' 1 CHRISTCHURCH RETURNED SERVICES’ ! ASSOCIATION. ; FIRST ANNUAL BALL FIRST ANNUAL BALL The WENTWORTH HALL. Hereford st.. ! FRIDAY, AUGUST 22. 1947. 1 ' Tickets available at R.S.A. Office and from I Secretaries of Sub-Branches and Suburban : Committees, and D.I.C. Booking Office. ■ Gentlemen: Dress or Dark Suits. Double Tickets, 10s 6d. 2418 CHRISTCHURCH RtIJRNED SERVICES’ ASSOCIATION. L A MEETING OF MEMBERS resident in ’ the St. Martins district will be held in the St. Martins Library, ON WEDNESi DAY, AUGUST 27th, AT 8.15 P.M. t BUSINESS: Proposed formation of Sub- ! urban Committee of Christchurch 1 R.S.A. in the St. Martins district. 1 All local members and prospective members are invited to attend. Please > note time of meeting and bring a. cup with you. A. E. IVORY. Convener. L. A. McKENZIE, Secretary. 2587 TO Deny Mart’s Lost Condition is simply to bite on granite, ad to ignore it is the Crown of Folly. If a man is not a sinner Christianity is a farce, but if Christianity’ is p reality, it is because SIN is a FACT. ' The Scripture hath concluded all under sin. . . ” Gal. 3: 22. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”—Rom. 3: 23. “The wages of SIN is DEATH, but the gift of God is ETERNAL LIFE through Jesus Christ our Lord.”—Rom. 6: 23. READER! Do you sincerely believe God’s Word? FINNERTY. Photographer NOW REMOVED to COLONIAL MUTUAI BUILDING. 66 CATHEDRAL SQ. i Note New Telephone 32-031. \ i \
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Press, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 25264, 16 August 1947, Page 11
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835Page 11 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 25264, 16 August 1947, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 25264, 16 August 1947, Page 11
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Stuff Ltd is the copyright owner for the Press. You can reproduce in-copyright material from this newspaper for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 New Zealand licence. This newspaper is not available for commercial use without the consent of Stuff Ltd. For advice on reproduction of out-of-copyright material from this newspaper, please refer to the Copyright guide.
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