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PUBLIC NOTICES WOULD the person who took two Sacks White Oats branded MB over HAW from the Hawarden Goods Shed in error, please contact PYNE, GOULD, GUINNESS LTD., Hawarden? 3636 INVITATION TO SAWMILLERS AND FARMERS OF SOUTH CANTERBURY. A SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION of the HORNET POWER CHAIN SAW has been arranged for SATURDAY, 16th AUGUST, at 2.30 P.M., at KEENAN BROS., FAIRLIE. 3418 IN THE ESTATE of LAWRENCE BERNARD' MANION, of Weedons, Farmer, Deceased. IT is requested that all accounts due by the above-named deceased, together with the following certificate: I hereby certify that the above account was due and owing at date of death of deceased, be rendered to Executors, c/o A. J. MALLEY fc Solicitor, 221 Manchester street, Christchurch. 2451 s N.Z.R. ROAD SERVICES. NEW TELEPHONE NUMBERS. BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 8 A.M. AND 6 P.M., MONDAY TO SATURDAY INCLUSIVE, All Telephone Calls lo the BUS STATION should be ' made on PHONE NO. 32-640. * COMMENCING ON AUGUST, 17th, ON SUNDAYS between 8 a.m. and 10.0 p.m.. Telephone Calls should be made on ’PHONE NO. 32-648. 3270 COURTENAY - PAPARUA PLOUGHING MATCH ASSOCIATION, in Conjunction with Darfield Young Farmers’ Club. A Meeting of the above Committee will be held in the A. and P. ROOMS, KIRWEE, on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20th, at 8 p.m. J. D. HENDERSON, , Hon. Sec. 2473 PLUMBERS’ EXAMINATION. An Examination under Plumbers’ Registration Act, 1912, will be held by Plumbers Board of N.Z. on FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31st and NOVEMBER Ist, at centres to be decided by the Board when number of candidates is known. Applications must reach Board by 19th September. AFTER WHICH NO APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Forms obtainable at central or main Technical Schools or Plumbers Board of N.Z., Health Dept., Wellington, C.I.—C. H. MACHU, Secretary. 2443 TRINITY COLLEGE OF MUSIC, LONDON LOCAL CENTRE THE next THEORY EXAMINATION in connexion with the above College will b~ held in November, 1947. Entries for all Divisions close on WEDNESDAY, August 20, 1947. Entry forms may be obtained from the Local Secretary. J. B. HINDIN. Norwich Chambers, 162 Manchester street. 2160 COOKS AUSTRALIAN DIRECTORIES PROPRIETARY, LIMITED, an Australian Company which has, for very many years, published in Australia an interstate classified business directory under the name of “Cooks Australian Directories,” is now adding a New Zealand section to its directory. For this purpose, it has acquired from “Cooks Business Directories (N.Z.), Ltd.,” the sole and exclusive right to use in New Zealand the name "Cooks” in relation to business directories, and accordingly the name of “Cooks Business Directories (N.Z.), Ltd.,” is being changed to “N.Z. Directories, Ltd..” and any future business directory published by this company will be called "N.Z. Business Directory.” COOKS AUSTRALIAN DIRECTORIES PROPRIETARY, LIMITED, C/o. 6 Wyndham street, Auckland. 2450 WOODFORD HOUSE SCHOOL, HAVELOCK NORTH. OPEN SCHOLARSHIP. An Open Scholarship of £6O per annum will be available at the beginning of 1948. All candidates must have completed at least Standard Six, and preference will be given to those under 15 years of age. The Scholarship will be available for an indefinite period, according to the candidate’s reouirement. and subsequent progress. CONDITIONS OF AWARD. Award will be decided by competitive examination during October, 1947, and by recommendation, but will not depend entirely upon scholastic merit. Applications should be made by September 20th. 1947, to the Headmistress. 2426 N.ZR. ROAD SERVICES. ' ASHBURTON-CHRISTCHURCH BUS SERVICES. THE FOLLOWING SERVICES are operating between Ashburton anti Christchurch : Mon. td Frl. Fri. only. A , a.m. p.m. Ashburton dep. 9.30 6.30 Rakaia dep. 10.0 7.0 Burnham dep. 10.37 7.35 Christchurch arr. 11.15 8.15 Mon. to Fri. Fri. only. , am. p.m. Christchurcn dep. 4.15 8.30 Burnham dep. 4.53 9.8 dep. 5.30 9.45 Ashburton arr. 6.0 10.15 RACES. ON SATURDAYS WHEN RACES ARE BEING HELD AT RICCARTON OR ADDINGTON, Bus Services will leave Ashburton at 8.30 a.m. and will return from Christchurch to Ashburton after the races. 2549 NORTH ISLAND CONDUCTED TOUR NORTH ISLAND CONDUCTED TOUR NORTH ISLAND CONDUCTED TOUR TO the Wanganui River, Mount Egmont, Waitomo Caves, Auckland, Dargaville, Waipoua Kauri Forest, Rotorua via Tauranga, Wairakei, Lake Taupo, Lake Waikaremcana, and Napier. DEPARTING CHRISTCHURCH: Tuesday. September 16th. RETURNING: Sunday, October sth. Tour is by the very latest de luxe motor coach, and is escorted by an experienced Officer of the Government Tourist Department. INCLUSIVE COST: £4l ss. Including all Travel, Accommodatioh at the Best Available Hotels, Side Trips, Meals and Morning and Afternoon Teas en route. For full particulars and booking, apply: N.Z. GOVERNMENT TOURIST BUREAU, Cathedral square, Christchurtfh. Telephone 30-130. 3627 GROUP TRAVEL GROUP TRAVEL IS NOT JUST A TOUR—IT’S A HOLIDAY. NORTH ISLAND TOUR NORTH ISLAND TOUR Departing Christchurch, Friday, September sth. Returning Christchurch Thursday, September 18th. COST ONLY £22 10s. COST ONLY £22 10s. Includes Transport and Accommodation. Side Trips and Meals en route extra. Visiting WELLINGTON. NAPIER, WAIKAREMOANA. ROTORUA, WAITOMO CAVES. NEW PLYMOUTH, and WANGANUI. Only Limited Number of Seat available. Booking arrangements with: GROUP TRAVEL ASSOCIATION, N.Z. (Inc.), New Zealand Travel Service (Booking Agents), 92 Gloucester street, Phone 38-635. P.O. Box 1092. 3629 NEW ZEALAND TRAVEL SERVICE NEW ZEALAND TRAVEL SERVICE LABOUR-DAY WEEK-END LABOUR-DAY WEEK-END EXCURSIONS WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE that ’ BOOKINGS ARE NOW OPEN for the following popular tours over this week-end (24-27 October). Travel is by Service Coach and the best of the South Island’s scenic resorts can t?e visited at the very minimum cost in which is included:— The Best of Accommodation Meals en-route Side Trips LAKE WAN AKA: Including day trip to Pigeon Island £6/10/6. LAKE HAWEA: With excursion on Lake Wanaka, £6/2/6. TE MAHIA-MARLBOROUGH SOUNDS: Full day trip on Pelorus Sound arranged. £6/12/6. TIRI MO AN A MARLBOROUGH SOUNDS With full day’s launch trip to Tennyson Inlet. £6/4/-. THE PORTAGE MARLBOROUGH SOUNDSThere are also vacancies on this W.E.A. Tour leaving Christchurch at 8 a.m. on Saturday. 25th, and returning at 6.15 p.m. on Monday, October 27th. A full day’s launch excursion is included. £5/14/-. For all inquiries and bookings apply:— NEW ZEALAND TRAVEL SERVICE, 92 Gloucester street, CHRISTCHURCH. ’Phone 38-635. P.O. Box 1092. STORAGE, STORAGE, REMOVALS. REMOVALS. PACKING PACKING A. R GUTHREY and CO.. LTD.. 339 Moorhouse avenue -opp. Railway Station), ’Phone 32-053. SHIPPING AND CUSTOMS AGENTS. G 383
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Press, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 25264, 16 August 1947, Page 11
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1,027Page 11 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 25264, 16 August 1947, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume LXXXIII, Issue 25264, 16 August 1947, Page 11
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