MOTOR SERVICES. READ’S MOTORS, AKAROA PO-OPERATES with NEW ZEALAND GOVERNMENT RAILWAYS. Take Train to Little River, then Bead’s Motor Service to AKAROA Special One-day Trips, 14s 3d Return. Special Week-end, Saturday till Monday, 14s lid Return. REGULAR SERVICE Rail Christchurch depart—B.o a.m. and 4.0 p.m. Motor Akaroa depart—7.4s a.m. and 3.30 p.m. WEDNESDAY: ? Rail Christchurch depart—7.4o a.m. and 4.45 p.m. Motor Akaroa depart—7.o a.m. and 4.30 p.m. SATURDAYS: Rail Christchurch depart—B.o a.m. and 2.0 p.m. Motor Akaroa depart—7.4s a.m. and 1.30 p.m. THROUGH FARES—Single. 10s lOd, Return, 18s Bd. Wednesdays only, 14s 3d. BOOKINGS—GOVT. TOURIST, 30-130. BOOKINGS—AKAROA, ’Phone 6. J. READ, JUN., Akaroa, Proprietor. IM6TSBMOSI? LISTER’S MOTORS, LTD. PASSENGER TRANSPORT RPF-CTAT.TSTS. GARAGE, 194 OXFORD TERRACE. Depart for Ashburton, Geraldine, Timaru, Waimate, Oamaru, Palmerston, and Dunedin, 8.15 ain. daily. Depart for Ashburton, Geraldine, and Timaru, 2,30 pun. Depart 4 p.m. (via Maronan road), daily, except Sunday. CHRISTCHURCH TO TIMARU—£I RETURN, 12s 6d SINGLE. CARAVANS FOR HIRE. PARCEL SERVICE Which is dependable and Safe, anywhere en route. L 9063 CLEMENTS’ MOTORS Royal mail bus services to RANGIORA AND OXFORD. Depart Ctmstchurch. a.m. pm. pa. Monday to Friday .... 8.45 4.45 Saturdays 8.45 1.15 Sundays 1030 930 All Loses Depart from and arrive Victoria square. Depart from: Oxford. Rangier* Monday to Friday 83 am, 83 ajn-‘ Monday to Friday 4.15 pm. 5.15 PA Saturdays 83 am. 93 am Saturdays 1230 pm. 1.15 pm Saturdays 4.15 pa 9.15 pm Sundays ......... 83 a.m. 93 am. Sunuays 4.45 pm. 5.45 pm. COOPER'S CREEK as required, except following trips on Saturdays:— From Christchurch 8.45 am. 1-15 pm. From Oxford ... 1230 pm. 4.15 pm SEND YOUR PARCELS BY BUS. Parcel Depots: Christchurch: 790 Colombo street, opp Bus stand. "Phone 41-318. Rangxora Hlckmott’s. ■ High street •Phones 31. 66. Cust: HoWst’s Store. Oxford: Queenette. 'Phone 31. S. E. CLEMENTS, Proprietor. 525 Barbadoes street. Christchurch. j RINK TAXIS, LTD. PASSENGER SERVICE (Except Sunday) CHBISTCHURCH-KAIKOURA-BLEN-HEIM-PICTON -NELSON. NORTH TRIP— Leave Garage, Armagh street, 8 a.m. Leave Kaikoura, 1 p.m. Leave Blenheim, 4.15 pun. SOUTH TRIP— Leave Nelson (Ingram’s Garage). 6 a.m. Leave Blenheim (Wintringham and Coker’s Garage), 9 a.m. Leave Kaikoura (Rink Taxis, Ltd.), 1 pun. DAILY GOODS SERVICE (Except Saturday and Sunday) CHRISTCHURCH-KAIKOURA-BLEN-HEIM. Tours arranged—per Private or Service Cars. Taxi Service—At Armagh street, Christchurch, at Correct Council Fares. RINK TAXIS. LTD., CHRISTCHURCH. ’ ’Phone 34-878. W. HAYWARD, (3 lines.) Managing-Director, 104 Armagh street. s 4 HANMER SPRINGS AND WAIAU. HANMER SPRINGS AND WAIAU. HANMER SPRINGS AND WAIAU. r<ARS LEAVE NEWMAN’S MOTORS. LTD., GLOUCESTER STREET, AT 9.30 AM. DAILY. AND 3 P.M. On MONDAYS, TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, and SATURDAYS, WEDNESDAYS—9.36 a.m. and 5 p.m. PASSING THROUGH Amberley, Waikari, Hawarden, Hurunui, Culverden, Rotherham, Waiau, and Hanmer Springs. BOOKINGS— Newman Motors. ’Phone 33-553. Thos. Cook and Sons, ’Phone 34-011. Tourist Office, ’Phone 30-130. MOCKETT’S MOTORS, LTD. NEWMAN’S PAR SERVICES RUN- DAILY (Sundays excepted) TO NELSON, KAIKOURA, BLENHEIM, PICTON, Cosy, Comfortable, Cadillac Cars. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS. Leave our WHITE STAR GARAGE, 156 Gloucester street, at 8 a m TRAVEL BY NEWMAN’S. PRIVATE HIRE. We have the latest Cadillac Limousi] Cars for Private Hire to any part New Zealand. BOOKING AGENTS FOR COOK STRAIT AIRWAYS, LIMITE And UNION AIRWAYS OF N.Z.. LT BOOKING AGENTS— All .Govt. Tourist Offices, Thos. Cook and Son, and all White Star Office*. Telephone 33-553. . After hours: 22-284. NEWMAN BROS.. LTD. WHITE STAR GARAGE, 156 Gloucester street. ; TUSTROUS Ready-mixed Paint t equalled for covering capaci durability, appea ce, and econon 21s gallon. SMITH iand SMITH, LTD.,
Page 18 Advertisements Column 4
Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21804, 9 June 1936, Page 18
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