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TENDERS. CANTERBURY EDUCATION BOARD. HHENDERS will be received at the 1 Board’s Office, Oxford terrace, Christchurch, up to noon on Monday, 22nd June, J936, for the daily conveyance of pupils from the Maronan district to the Hinds School. Number of children —32 approx. Daily mileage —3B approx. Tenders to be for one, two or three years from approximately Ist July, 1936, and to be submitted at so much per day. Vehicles are exempt from requirements of Section 38 of the Transport Licensing Act, but the Board or an Inspecting Officer must be satisfied that they are suitable for the service. Full particulars as to routes may be obtained from the local School Committee or the Board’s Office. L. E. ROWLEY. Secretary. Education Office, Christchurch, Bth June, 1936. 2272 CHEVIOT COUNTY COUNCIL. PROPOSED SANITARY DISPOSAL SERVICE, CHEVIOT TOWNSHIP. OEALED TENDERS addressed to “The Chairman, Cheviot County Council. Cheviot,” and marked “Tender, Sanitary Service,” will be received at the County Office, Cheviot, up to Noon on Friday, June 12th, 1936, for removal and disposal of nightsoil from the proposed Sanitary Area, Cheviot Township. Specifications, etc., may be inspected at the County Office, Cheviot, or at the Office of this Newspaper. The lowest or any tender will not j necessarily be accepted. A. R. CALLANDER,* County Engineer and Clerk. I CHEVIOT, June Bth, 1936. 2273 SPHERE’S NOTHING LIKE LEATHER *■ MANGROVITE, The Best and Cheapest of all LEATHER BELTING. With expert service behind it. Made from best N.Z. Hides. P. F. MANN, LTD., Belting Specialists, 146 Lichfield St. ’Phone 35-386. M 7040 NORTH BRITISH RUBBER FLOORING Every foot and yard of NORTH BRITISH RUBBER FLOORING. offers more wear, service, and fresh patterning for the most moderate outlay. It’s not only British—But NORTH BRITISH! Full details and quotes from: REESE BROS., LTD., Corner St. Asaph and Colombo streets, Christchurch. P.O, Box 40., R8668 CAGED BIRDS. Quality Bird Seeds. Budgerigar, Canary, and Parrot Seeds, in mixture. Gibbons, Seedsman, 637 Colombo street. X 3734 SEEDS for Cage Birds. Budgie, Canary, Parrot, and Finches. Seedsman’s quality. Gibbons, 637 Colombo street. X 3734 T'RY Gibbons’s Budgie Mixture; also Parrot and Canary Seed Mixture. Gibbons, Seedsman, 637 Colombo street. X 3734 RADIOS FOB SALE. 'T'RADE in your Piano for / a new Radiola. Good values offered. Terms. Cordery, Wells. Cashel street. opp. Beath’s. X 3557 T>ADIOLA Radios—Made by the I * l manufacturers of the new YA Broadcasting Stations. Cordery, Wells, Cashel street, opp. Beath’s. X 3557 A ERIAL Masts, 40ft, new, painted, capped, guys, 12s 6d and 17s 6d; erected and installed reasonably: also 30ft and 40ft Oregon. • Fulton, 106 Kilmore street. ’Phone 30-138. 7610 ULTIMATE BATTERY RADIO, Built for 1. Economy of operation—lowest battery drain. 2. Tone—equals best all-electric performance. 3. Appearance—housed in same handsome ‘cabinet as the latest Allwave all-electric models. Models from £23 10s, complete.' With all Batteries. McKENZIE and WILLIS. ’Phone 34-630. PLANTS, SHRUBS, ETC. OHO 2-YEAR Pinus Insignia, £3 per 1000. 10,000 2years Macrocarpa, 10s, 15s, and 20s per 100. J. H. Cooper, Nurseryman, Cheviot. ' X 2047 CHRUBS, Fruit Trees, etc., quality plants. Gibbons, Seedsmen and Nurserymen, 637 Colombo street. ’Phone 33-191. X 3734 XjTRUIT Trees of quality. Apple, Pear, Apricot, Peach, Nectarine, Gooseberries, Currants. Gibbons, 637 Colombo street. X 3734 /"ORNAMENTAL Trees and Shrubs, Rose Trees. Climbing, Dwarf, and Standard. Gibbons, 637 Colombo st, X 3734 KEEN SHOPPERS! You Save £’s in New Regent Street O PRAYS from 9d, Bouquets from 7s 6d; Wreaths from 7s 6d. Jesmond Dene, Florists, Regent street. 2009 A COCKTAIL for the Shin! Madame xx Renee’s Rejuvenator, obtainable Beath’s and 19 New Regent street. 2008 12/0 AFTERNOON Frocks From; x '*' Cut, Tack, and Fit Frocks from 4s 6d. Jeanne, Dressmaker, 11 Regent street. 2011 "VriPS-IT Definitely Cures Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis, etc., Is 6d and 2s 6d. The Regent Street Pharmacy. 2010 WHAT Better! Warm Nights. Pyjamas, Ladies’ and Children’s. Great value. Manchester Warehouse. 13 Regent street. 2107 ■JJEW Sporting Style, Winter Tweed Coats, dainty, ready-made Evening Frocks. Billie Stribling, 9 Reger,* street. 2116 FENCES SMASHED? AN EVERLASTING REPAIR WITH HILL’S (patent) Reinforced Concrete POST BUTTS QUOTATIONS FROM R. B. WALKER, Soles Agent 23 NEW REGENT ST. ’Phone 34-226. Inspect Our MEN’S SUITS Ready-to-Wear 69/6 Made-to-Measure From 79/6 KAY’S New Regent Street. ’Phone 41-391 anmmmmm
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Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21804, 9 June 1936, Page 18
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704Page 18 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21804, 9 June 1936, Page 18
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Page 18 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21804, 9 June 1936, Page 18
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