nmouiN o» W rpHE Funeral of the late- Waits A liam Berry will Heave faj* residence, 15 Mandeviß* road, ton. This Day (Tuesday). June 2 p.m., for the Bromley Cemc LAMB and SON. rpHE Funeral of the late A Richards will leave his U«|e dence, 171 Tancred street, Luy This Day (Tuesday), June 9th, run., for the Bromley Cemetery, LAMB and SON. rpHE Friends of Mr and Mrs A Dempsey are informed that' Funeral of their late son. Patrick ward James, will leave their 53 Burke street, Addington, nesday, June 10th, at 8. Sacrea Heart Church, Addington; Requiem .... ami then to Sydenham LAMB and SON. .. rpHE Friends of Mr and A Powell are invited to Funeral of thdlr late M. Moreton Arthur, leaving their dence, 199 Woodham road, far Bromley Cemetery, This Day day), June 9th, at 11 am. RHIND. rpHE Funeral of the late Allan A ard Emerson will leave **“ dence of his sister, Mrs LS.B 47 Durham street, Sydenham, (Tuesday), June 9th, at IJO , the Bromley Cemetery. JOHN THE Funeral of the late A Catherine Beckett will Inc late residence, 28 Huxley street.! ham, for the Sydenham Cemett Wednesday, June 10th, at 2 pm RHIND. THE Funeral of the late Thomaal A week will leave his Railway street. Papanui. This (Tuesday), June 9th, at 2 pm, f Harewood Churchyard. lAMB HAYWARD. LTD., 292 Cwbd THE Friends of Mr and |irC A E. Trippner are invited to the Funeral of their late s ~ Edward, leaving their resM Westminster street, St A" Day (Tuesday), June 9th.for the Papanui Churchy* and HAYWARD, LTD., 282 street. THE Friends of the late Leslie A iiss Pierr are informed " Funeral will leave his late 153 Strickland street Chris Wednesday, May 10th, at the Bromley Cemetery. G1 RELL. rfimr. Funeral of the late Many A will leave the residence ef son, Mr Harry Cooke, 54 C street Ashburton, To-day C__ at 12 noon, for the . Sydenham tery, arriving at 2 p.m. THE Funeral of the late Jemma A Stevens will leave the reiiitoMt of her daughter, Mrs F. A. Rla, 21 Albert street, Ashburton, To-mmvom, Wednesday, June 10th, at 2J90 the Ashburton Cemetery. BROS and SHAW. HOPE OF ST. ALBANS LODGE. Na 2, U.A.O. DRUIDS. MEMBERS are requested to iu. the Fimeral of the late Bra Berry, leaving his late residence. Mandeville road, Riccarton. on day, June 9th, at 2 pm for the ley Cemetery. C. H. BROOMFIELD, G. McKENZIE, ~ JOHN RHIND. FUNERAL FURNISHER. Business Address: t 9 LONDON STREET. RICHMOfcI •phone 36-174 (NIGHT and DAYJ Private Address; 106 MONTREAL ST. •Phone 36-197. LAMB and HAYWARD. UOl 7. S. Lamb) (W. Hayward) FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 292 CASHEL STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. HONE 34-522 "* MODERN CHAPEL Also :asket inspection pabiax% A. H. MAK«J'S|;: EORUE DICKINSON and . FUNERAL FURNISHERS. LATIMER SQUARE, CHRISTCHURCH, test Motor Hearses and - for Funerals to Any Fart New Zealand. LONE 33.554 (Night or GEORGE BARBELL, FUNERAL 221 DURHAM STREET. CHURCH. PHONE 30 203 * FUNERALS CONDUCTED TO PART OF NEW ZEALAND. ESTABLISHED 1876. J. LAMB AND SOM. FUNERAL FURNISHERS. PRIVATE CHAPEL ESTABLISHED 1878. ‘ 9 • , * • 234 LICHFIELD STREET. ; CHRISTCHURCH. PELEPHONE 34—530 (Ail L6l7b L. A. KING. £ ManaffICWREATHS. SHEAVES. CROSSES MDISPATCHED AT SHCffIBBHP* NOTICE. •Phones; 36-171. Private, A. AND S. FLORISTS. (Gold Medal 1982.) 271 mO H STREET. , FLORAL TRIBUTES. Wreaths. Croasea Sprays. Shortest Notice. R A S AND C £ 261 HIGH STREET TH W. A. ERASMUSON. Art Private 'Phone (after hj atisfaction in rous Ready-Mixed - Send for tint card
Page 18 Advertisements Column 5
Press, Volume LXXII, Issue 21804, 9 June 1936, Page 18
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