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Tho Lady Editor will bo plowed to rocoivo for publication In tJia "Womr>n'i» Corner" U«mm of eociat or poreonnl nows, Siiohitomi thou Id be fully authenticated, nnd enßngoment notices bear tho signatures of both narticM. Correspondence is invited on any mattors affecting, or of intorest to, women. Mr find Mrs S, Murray (Draomnr) arrived vestordny, and aro staying afc Warner's. Mrs G. 0, Rutherford (Lochiel) arrived vesterday for a short visit, and i.s at Warner's. Mr F. j\r Young and family arrived from Winchester on Fridav, and are staying at the United Service. Among the visitors at TTaeremai, P"'Tinpr. are • —Mr and M''s Cr"*s. InV r.^eir rr 'U; Mrs a pd ?Ti«s Morton, Cbrictr-h'"-^; Miss Macfarl<ine, K»ikm'rn : > T ics Thomson. Christchurcli; and Mr Pt'vnolds, Dnnedin. Miss R'itJ»prfr>rd fMontros") was amone yesterday's arrivals at Warner's. Sir Joseph and Lady Ward left for the sou-th yesterday. Mrs Eli*°beth Wilton, relict of Mr Will'am Wilton, of Mastertori, died on Sunday. Tho deceased, who had reached the acre of 96 vpars. arrived with her r>irp"ts Mr and Mrs Francis Jones, at Wellington, in tho shin George Fife, in T c 42. She had resided in Masterton for forty years. She leaves five sons and Pve daughters. 51 grandchildren, and 32 g'-oat-oTandchildren. Seven of tho grandchildren were on active service two of them making? tho supreme sacrifico. Af*er the wedding of Mr W. Lochard and Miss F/. Watson, which took place at St. 'Stephen's Anglican Church, Ashburton. the members of the choir met tho bride in the vestry. The vicar, the Per. Nelson Wright, on behalf of the choir, made a presentation to the bride in ' recognition of - the valuable services she had rendered as a member of -Mio choir for a number of vears. He wished the bride and bridegroom every happiness and nrosner'itv, and hoped t,bo bride would lone remember her association with the choir of St. Stephen's Church.
YOUR COMPLEXION. The coming of warm weather is often trying to delicate skins. At this tim* the complexion re-mires particular a'tcntion. course in face massage roon softona and in-V)7orpt-o» the ekin. prevents t}i» formation of wrinkles, and a'oo removes all irosurities from the skin. Before troing out doore in "■arm weather it is advisable to use Mrs Rolleston's Special Face Cream. This puf'ranteed preparation is an admirable protection for t-lic complexion; moreover, its regular uso whitens and softens the Bkin tp a wonderful decree, and is a real skin food. It costs Ss Gd and 5s 6d per pot. Call or writo to-day. Mrs Rolleston, Dominion Buildings, Cathedral equate, Ckristchurch. H8302 FUR COATS AND RUGS. LOCAL INDUSTRY. SPECIAL LOW PRICES FOR RACE WEEK. Wo arc holding some. Beautiful FUR COATS and RUGS, no Fancy Prices. Call' and &o© our Stock. COLWILL'S FUR STORES, 205 High street. C 2727-213 BALL AT "TE KORAIIA.."
A BRILLIANT FUN CTTON. Unquestionably the most brilliant ball of tho dancing season ttas tliat given at "Te Koraha" last night by; Captain, and tho Hon. Mrs Taliu Rhodes. "To Koraha" is a house splendidly adapted to grace a brilliant assemblage such as was entertained last night, with a spacious ballroom, ami innumerable cosy drawing-rooms, verandahs and other nooks for resting between dances. The predominant note in the decorative scheme was crimson, masses of lovely peonies, ixias, iums, and African daisies being used with charming efFcct. The mantelpieces in all the reception rooms were banked with these flowers, interspersed with ferns and other greenery, while the lights, screened with Oriental patterned silk, threw a soft glow over tho many charming frocks' worn. In tho supper-room alone was a separate colour scheme, this being supplied by rhododendrums and azaleas in different shades of yellow, ranging from primrose to deep flame colour. The hostess wore a lovely gown of orchid mauve brocaded crepe do chino, beautifully draped; the corsage was
finished with a band of iridescent sequins and a trail of iridcsccnt leaves, while the wing s.eeves were of tulle. A deep rose-color.i ed flower at the waist struck a note of contrast, while diamond ornaments were added, and a white feather fau was carried. The guests included their Excellencies the Governor-General and the Countess of Liverpool, the latter wearing a white souple satin gown, with a tunic overdress of white ninon finely embroidered in gold, and drapings of white Chantilly lace. \Mrs A. E. G. Rhodes wore a distinctive gown of green satin, with embossed embroideries and fringes in colours of rose, black, and green, while the narrow train was lined with uinon in the shade known as "ashes of roses"; in her coiffure was a green velvet band studded with diamonds. The Hon. Eileen Plunket chose a lovely draped frock of deep moonlight blue satin encrusted with gold, the corsage being finished with chains of gold beads. Mrs Hutton wore crepe georgette in a pretty shade of geranium red: the frnek wn« mirln in tunic fashion and was with gold embroideries and vanels of gold and red tissue. Mrs R. Heaton Rhodes's trained gown of sunset pink satin was heavily brocaded in gold, and the corsnpe was finished with sleeves of fine-gold not and lane, nnd a trail of gold roses; she wore diamond ornaments, and carried a lar<rc pink feather fan. Of exquisito pastel grey, and rose pink brocado was .Mrs G. E. Rhodes's 'trained gown, and the corsagc of postel grey georgette was embroidered in tiny beads, Miss Cicely D'liorke wore blush oink ninon with binds of pink satin and silver passementerie.
Mrs Boyle was in a handsome black gown, heavily jptted, arid Miss Phyllis Boyle woro apricoT satin draped over a corsage and sleeves of silver-embrojd-ered lace. Sirs Algar Williams was in shot tissue in tones of emerald .and gold, draped over a petticoat of emerald ninon and finished with trails of French flowers. Mrs Riddiford (Wellington) - wore a black gown trimmed with jet. M iss Riddiford, an exquisito frock of lettuce green and silver shot tissue, finished with silver lace. Mrs Paul Stud holme, black satin, the corsage composed of tulle over which was a dranc of blue and gold brocade. Mrs George Gould's gown of nattier blue satin beaute bad black tulle s'ceves, and a jetted fringe on the corsage, while the train was lined with silver satin. Miss Hester Gould, black ninon over sr>tin with profuse adornments of jet. M'ss Iris Studholme, a dainty frock in delicate shades of pastel pink and blue, 'the cornige having hanging chains of crystal beads. Sirs John Anderson woro amethyst ninon beautiTully drained, the corsage being posed on gold embroidered tissue, and tho eeinture being of velvet in a deeper shade of amethyst. Miss Dorothy Anderson woro pearl grey satin, with a sliawl-liko drapa of old rose ninon.
Very lovely was Mrs Arthur Elworiliy's mist gv.w.i. 'ii.e po iUe:i cteiW do chino tunic, brocadcd iu gold, was mounted on bluo ninon, and the corsage was finished with gold lace studded with emeralds. Another frock which called forth ifiuch admiration v, as that wotn by Mrs Redmond Neil (Mt. Somers). It was of palest pink and gold tissue made in Princess style, and the long angel sleeves were of pink crepe georgette. Mrs G. 11. Helmore wore smoke grey ninon with panels of silver and grey embossed net, and a saxo Clue velvet ceinturn. Miss Ella Helmoro was in emeiald green crepe de chino with a deep corsage of silver lace and touches of bcech-leaf brown velvet. Miss Harcourt' (Wellington) wore a lovely gown of mole grey satin draped with silver lnce on which were totiches of black and mole, while the long train was lined with emerald green. Mrs Derek Wes-j tenra, japonica .pink brocade. Miss I Clifford, wistaria coloured moire with sleeves of heavy silver lace. Miss Molly Clifford, blush pink tulle fringed with ostrich feathers, over pink satin and silver wreath in hair. Miss Dorothy jiu.iiphreys, fuchsia colomcd ninon, With n touch of saxe blue at the waist. Miss Una Rattray (Dunedin), forget-nre-not blue crepe de clime brocaded m gold with a corsage of fine cream lace. Mrs Marmaduke 13ethe:l wore a sinking gown of deep emerald crepe de clime, draped over a pane.) and coinage of silver lace, and with a long train of emerald velvet. Mrs R. M. Maedonald was in black and white crepe georgette with drapings of fine white lace. Miss Mary Maedonald black georgette over satin, with touches of lotus blue. Miss Betty Korthcoto, pale pink tulle with crystal embroideries and a sash of forget-me-not blue velvet. Mrs Norton Francis,' oyster grey ninon dtaped over whito Mechlin lace, with a grey satin ceinturo. Mrs Roger Gould, rose satin with panels of floral chino j ribbon, and a cream lace tunic. M.«i Fell, green and gold tissue frock, with | a drape of' green ninon, and a gold wreath ir. her hair. Miss F. Denniston (Dunedin), dull blue satin and georgette with panels of floral chine silk. Miss Esther Hall, frock of frilled emerald ninon with a silver corsage. Mrs Edfxar Stead, nn artistic dress of amnthysfc ninon, beautifully draped, with a touch of nattier blue at tho waist,
" and a wreath of leaves in her v hair. Of canard bluo and gold brocade was: Miba - M. Cracroft Wilson's beautiful 1 frock, and she carried a black feather I fan. Mrs J. Anderson was in silver grey satin veiled in tulle, and with a trail of brown and blue flowers on the corsage. Miss Jean Bowden avoio a; white satin frock draped with white ninon. Miss •!£. Barker, a pretty gowit of oerisc brocaded crepe do chine with: sleeves of cerise ninon and touches of beaded embroidery. . Mrs Scott, biacir tulle on a foundation of gold and fuchsia tissue, with a trail of fuchsiacoloured flewens on the corsage. Mrs A. McMaster, blush pink ninon encrusted witn silver, with finishing touches of silver tissue. . Miss Sylvia .Fox, japoraca red ninon draped frock with a nar- . row gold girdle. and a gold wreath in her hair. Miss Hope Wood, peach- | coloured satin charruuuso with cor&ago of cream tulle and silver lace. Miss Freaa Moore, gold net and lace mounted on gold tissue. Miss Gwen Moore, cream brocade edged with narrow brown fur; Miss Betty Cotterill, pale primrose georgette over silver tissue, with a wide tissue belt. Miss Pratt, pink georgette and satin, with gold flowers on corsage. Miss Nan Rich, black fidte over satin with touches of jet. Miss ' Dolly Strachey, black brocade with a 1 lovely drapery of black, otue. and rolcl ■ embossed net. Miss Il:in Gibson, black '• with touches of Copenhagen blue, j Theto were also present Mr A. E. G. I Rhodes, Sir Geo. Clifford, Colonel ; Chaffcy, Messrs Gould, J. Anderson, R. ! M. Macdonald, Edsar Stead. ITiiiton, i Kenneth Macdonald, J. Anderson, Nor- ; ton Francis, D. Westenra, Fell, Algar j Williams. G. E. Rhodes, Arthur Elworthy, Helmore, Bcthcll, R. Gould, | McMaster Cracroft Wilson, A. and B. j Douglas, Buchanan, Hudson, G. Maci donald. Fox, G. Reid, A. Humphreys, Nancarrow, Wanklyn. J. Thomson, C. Barker, G. Aitken, B. Lcughnan. G. Cotterill. J. Bruges, A. Ross. 'C. Bell, W. O. Campbell, Sinclair Thomson, George Macdonald, D. Helmore, Heathcote Hfelmore, D. Gould, W. Reeves, Robinson, Wilding (2), Burcher, Wright. i»ood, and Pratt, t Caotain Gavin Hamilton, Captain ' Chaytor, ] Colonel Barton, Dr. Scott, Captain Denny, and many others.
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Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 2
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1,881WOMEN'S CORNER. Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 2
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WOMEN'S CORNER. Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 2
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