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DRESS AT ADDINGTON, SEASONABLE COSTUMES, Cup Day at Addingion saw a record attendance of the public, so large, in fact, lhat both grand stand and lawns were densely packed. Tho Metropolitan Trotting Club deserves warm commendation for the admirable manner in which it catered for the comfort of it? patrons. T!>>» lawns were i»i perfect condition, and the flower beds nr.'l holders, always brilliant fplnshc.? of colour at this time of tho year, looked brilliant in "their setting of green 6ward. Particularly gorgeous were several beds of anemones nnd ranunculi in front of the tea kiosk. The catering arrangements were very good,' delicious afternoon tea being dispensed in the kios-k, from the verandah of which pretty vistas of lawn, garden, and pond were to be ercn. Afternoon tea was also served in the stewards' stand, the rooms here being bright with yel'ow rhododendrons and other flowering shrubs, while the baltony was furnished with many co9y chairs, ctc.
Their Excellencies the Govcrr.or-Ceneral nnd the Countess of Liveroool arrived shortly before the first race. Her Excellency was costumed in dark lawn gabricora, with a white ostrich feather stole, nr.\l a eaxe blue velvet hat maased with" ostrich plumes.
Dressing, as a who!?, waj ew-eter than was the case at the C.J.C. Meeting, the high wind that prevailed doubtless having mode many women deci:!e in favour of the ever-us=ful tailored costume. Mrs J. JI. Williams wore a navv serge coat and ekirf. and a fawn chrysanthemum straw hat, lined with blue, and trimmed with flat amethyst daisies. Mrs Charles Loui=son was in a black costume, with ft fine white «trip*», ar.-l a small violet hat, the crown of which was covered with green leaves and pink ro'es. Mrs M. G. Lomsson woro a pret'.y frock of pink and lavender floral voile, with touches of pink, and a Leghorn hat trimmed with fruit and black velvet ribbon, Jliss Boyle chose a smart coat dress of b!fack satin, with a tunic overdress composed of black satin and navy «crge, witli rose touches; her plain navy tr~el hat was finished with ospreys sewn round tho edge of tho brim- Mrs Cyril WaiU was in a navy costume, black furs, and a black hat swathed with eilver tissue. Mrs AV. H. Norton wore a fawn costume and a black hat swathed with gold shot tissue. Miss Peggy Norton wore a navy costumo and a. small hat in 6hades of tan, and tete de negrc. .
Very smart looked the Prime Minister's daughter, Miss Isabel Massov, in navy crepe de china, with gold embroideries, ar.vl a small "Peterkin" hat, die narrow brim of which was composed of navy and white striped straw. Mrs Donaldson (with' whom Miss Mas'3cy is staying) wore a nigger brown costume, with braidings of gold, and htvr black and green hat was trimmed with old rose ribbon. Miss M. Xicoll a navy costume and a w>lp-brimmed hat. in shades of amber and amethyst. Mrs Nathan (Wellington) was in a smart costume of shepherds' plaid, and a black tagel hat li with blue and with shaded flowers laid flatly on tho brim. Mrs Kobn (Wellington) wore a fawn costume with touches of pastel blue, and a cream otraw hat, trimmed with bows of blue ribbon and pink roses. Mrs J. S. Nnvi'.le, a white flannel costume, with -tt fine black stripe, and n Leghorn hat trimmt'l with vnri-rnloiu'ed flowers and a touch of black. Mrs F. L. Scott, fawn gabricord costume and a mixed straw hat in shad"* of bronze-green and amethyst. Mrs R. Gillies (Hnkataramea), was in a navy costume with n navy lint trimmed with royal blue. Mrs P. Seli<r wore a nnvy taff=taa costume and a blank chin straw hat trimmed with corded ribbon. Mrs Frank Graham, a putty coloured costume and n small putty-coloured )iat h-immeil with bluo tulle. Mrs David FricdInnder (Ashburton) was in fawn gaberdine and a fawn hat lined with navy blue.
Afw J. Gillon (Wellington) was- smartly attired in bishop's purple gaberdine a plain straw hat in tho same colour. With came Miss Moira Litchfield, also of Wellington. who wore a lovely navy coat dress embroidered with silk braid, and a smart littlo Tam hat- in canard blue straw. Mrs lo Cren wore a costume' of shepherd's plaid with effective braidings of black mounted on white, and a flat white hat lined with black. " Miss Nancy le Cren was in a black and whitd check costume with a white marabout cape and a sage green hat. Mrs F. W. Johnston wore a nnvy coa'nme and a navy osp:- - trimmed hat. • Misa Audrey Richardson wore a navy costume and a navy feathered hat finished with a swathing of apricot georgette. Mrs T. W. Stringer, a navy coat and skirt and a nretty rose-coloured hat wreathed w,ith ostrich feathers. -Mrs J. Clarkson was in a prey checked 'eßstivm© and a black hat lined with royal bluo and trimmed' with royal blue wings. Mrs Green was in a black costume and hat en suite. Miss Edmonds (Dunedin) wore a fawn costume and r. nigger brown and old gold brocaded hat with a petunia shaded rose on the brjm. Mies Lane was in navy shantung aiik arid a cream hat bound with nnvy blue.
Mrs John Stevenson woro a champagne rnce cloak with a black cape collar over a champagne costumo, and a bluo hat trimmedwith old rose velvet. With her came her guest, Mrs H. Acton-Adams (Dunedin), who wore a navy costume with touches of fawn and a smart navy hat with fawn aeroplane wings. Mrs H. D. Acland was in a smart fawn jumper costume and a email fawn hot trimmed with brightly-coloured borries. Mrs Jack Guthrie worn a smart navy costume and a black hat finished with black cordcd ribbon. Mrs V. G. Day woro a cream costume and a jndo grncn feathered hat. Mrs Malfroy, a navy bluo costume and a hat of :jad© green and gold. Very much tadmired was* Mrs Stanhope in a lons coated costumc of navy bluo with deep bands of eilver grey * bearer and a black hat with a- wreath of shiny leaves. Mrs Stronoclt Pnterson wore a fawn costume wiih n brown velvet and fur stole and a email black hat trimmed with bluo velvet.
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Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 2
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1,046METROPOLITAN T.C. MEETING. Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 2
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METROPOLITAN T.C. MEETING. Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 2
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