'•rp H E PRESS." CASUAL COPIES Od. DELIVERY ISY RUXHERS, | 3d PER WEEK. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Tf paid in advance. £ 1 ]!>? per »TinTrm. If Booked £3 5s p»f tnnoia. 13s Additional if Pot'.^d.
AMUSEMENTS. "GOODY TWO SnOES" SEASON. PLANS for SATURDAY AFTERNOON and KVKNIXG ar.d for THREE subsequent Nisrhts will I\* opened at. Milnor and Thompson's THIS \Wednesday) MORNING, at 9 o clsickt GOODY TWO-SHOES MATINEES. TO-DAY (WEDNESDAYS, at 1.45. And " ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON NHXT. At 1.45 sharp. Children Half-prico to all p&rw excepting ]a',o Door Gallery. II i: A T 1? E ROYAL. Direction: J. (\ WILLIAMSON, LTD. Manager: John F.irrcli. "GOODY TWO SHOES." "GOOnv TWO SHOES." "GOOTtY TWO SHOES." the panto:,n>['y. supreme THE PANTOMIME SUPREME.' t Acknowledged by Tho Pre<=s :i 1 1Public of Australia and New Zealand a.» THE GREATEST OF AI.L PANTOMIME SUCCESSES. THIS AFTFRXOON. T"TS EVENING. THIS AFT K UNO OX, 'ITTiS EVENING. At 1.13. At 7.45. And Fo'lowinir Evenings lip to and including Wednesday Next, and on Saturday Aitomcon-. mE J. C. WILLIAMSON, LTD., Incomparable Pantomime. "GOODY TWO SHOES." "GOODY TWO SHOES." "GOODY TWO SHOES." "GOODY TWO SHOES." It contains over 100 Joyous Happenings, including Magnificent Staco Settings, Stupendous and Brilliant Elcctric Eflfectfi, Astounding Novelties. Beautiful Balleto, Original and Clever Comedy, Beautiful Girls, and Astonishing Acrobatic Specialities. A MAJIMOTK ENTERTAINMENT For tho CHILDREN AND THE GROWN-UTS. Plnns for tho Season will bo on view atf Milncr end Thompson's from 9 o'clock thia morning. Day Sale® at Toy Cave, Prices: D.C. and K.S.. 7« 3d; Stalls, 3a 8d: Gallery, Is 7d. Early Door Stalle and Gallery, le extra. All prices includo amuoement tax. Patrons are respectfully' requested to haw, if possible, tho correct money when purchasing eeats. T R A N D THEATRE. "LITTLE WOMEN." "LITTLE WOMEN." "AMATEUR LIAR" (Drew Comedy.) "HIS PARISIAN WIFE." Continuous from NOON. £045 SITUATIONS VACANT. INSURANCE. XyELL ESTABLISHED BRITISH! £FFICE (FIRE, MARINE. AND ACCIDENT). Requires ENERGETIC INSPECTOR For TOWN AND COUNTRY WORK. « Good terms to man With, ability. Applications, with full particular*, treated iii confidence "INSURANCE," 4937F "Picas" Offioo. 1—: — ■ WANTED, nn Experienced and Capable ASSISTANT to take charge Children's Section Showroom. Apply, enclosing copy foforenoes', to T. ARMSTRONG and CO., LTD., Victoria, square, Chriatchurch. 582F ~~ ~ W~A "jflT" E D, EXPERIENCED SALE - X WOMAN as "First Stt'es" in our Millinery. Showroom, 577F GRAHAM, WILSON, and WANTED TO LET. LET. TWO FLOORS (epaco 60 x 60), recently occupied by ua, at tho corn or of Man* Chester and Cashel streots. For particulars apply CROWN CLOTHING M.FO. CO. (N.Z.), I LTD., ■ C 2761 13Q Mancbe«ter etreet . WANTED TO PURCHASE. TirANTED, Self-acting Slide and ScrowV V cutting LATHE, about 4J inoh Centred, to take 4 foot between centres. Apply, etatI intr price and full particulars, to I 657F BOX 107, Christchurch._ (For continuation of Wanteds aee page 13 ot this issue.) SHOWS. CHRISTCnUKCH jyj-ETROPOLITAN SHOW. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, November 13th and 14th, 1919. THURSDAY—Judging of Sheep. Cattle, Drought and Harness Horses, Pigi, Implements, Produce, etc. COMPETITIONS IN AFTERNOON: , Hunter*' Events. Pony Jumping. PEDIGREE STOCK SALE at p.m. FRIDAY' {People's Day)— Judging of Light Horses, Military Horses, Carrieni' knd • Tradesmen's Turnouts, otc. r GRAND PARADE OF LIVE STOCK. JUMPING EVENTS. MOTOR CARS: All Motor Cars will enter tho Show Grounds from Whiteleigh avenue. Members Free. Non-Members sa. Trams will run at frequent interval*. Thero will be a 15 minuto train eervioe on Friday. ADMISSION TO GROUNDS: Adalts Is, Children 6d. ADMISSION TO GRAND STAND: Adults | 2s Cd, Children Is. O. B. PEMBERTON. 4964F Secretary. BANK'S PENINSULA A. AND P. ASSOCIATION. 1 N N U A L SHOW. | LITTLE RIVER. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 1919. 1 ENTRIES CLOSE on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, and may be maao at Christchurch Show. Convenient Train Arrangement*. I Schedules nil information from Secro- ' teX? ' 11. LEWTHWAITE, 1 4236 Littlo River. 2 ■ -
Page 1 Advertisements Column 8
Press, Issue 16678, 12 November 1919, Page 1
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