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AUCTIONS. DALGETY AKD CO. ADDINGTON YARDS. WEDNESDAY, 30th MARCH. I SPECIAL ENTRIES: Account Mr G. Gordon Holmes, Pigeon Bay. 50} Two-tooth Fine Three-qunrtcrbred Ewes Account Mr R. Aeton-Adame, Wildcn, 700 Two-tooth Haiibrod Kites 700 Four and Six-tooth Hslfbred Ewes 700 Eight-tcoth Halfbrod Ewee 300 Five-year-old Halfbred Ewes Account Client, 4 Berkshire Sows, to pig in April, first liticr Account Mrs Rutherford, Brackendale, COO Fat Lambs 5725 DALGETY and CO.. LTD. TT A WARDEN SALE. THURSDAY, MARCH 31st. Account Mr C. O. T. Rutherford, Kanuku, 1 Draught oyrs, all farm work, sood shatter 1 Ches. Gelding, 7yrs, single and double harness, good hack 1 Brown Gelding, Syre, single end double harness, good hack 1 Ches. Pony, tfyrs, bred at Esk Head, single and double harness, good hack and polo pony 1 Chcs. Geldin?, 4yrs, 'broken to lead 1 Grey Gelding, 3yrs, broken to lead (Both very strong horses.) 1 Bay Mare, a-ged, in foal SPECIAL ENTRIESAccount Mr Fritz Fox, Mt. Whitnow, 650 Two-tooth Half bred Ewes 490 Fuur-tooth Halfbred Ewes 300 Six-tooth Halfbrpd Ewes 1589 Eigbt-tooth Halfbred Ewes, sound mouths 189 Full mouth Halfbred Ewes 220 Four, Six, and Eight-tooth Crossbred Ewes 2000 Halfbred Lambs (mixed sexes) 100 Two-tooth Halfbred Wethers 379 Four-tooth Halfbred Wethers 5317 Account Mr Geo. Rutherford, Waitohi Peaks, 700 Forward Four-tooth Halfbrpd Wethers 200 Forward Halfbredi Wether Lambs Also, 600 Fat Lambs, in lots 100 Fat Ewes 100 Five-year-old Helfbred Ewes 200 Fat Lambs I 200 Lambs, mixed eexee [ 5625 . DALGETY and CO., LTD. I /-V X F O R D SALE. THURSDAY, MARCH 31et SPECIAL ENTRIES: Account Mr A. S. Ford (who h*e sold his Eagle Hill property). 550 S.M. Merino Ewca 80 First Cross Lambs (mixed sexes) 25 English Leicester Rams (four-tooth and upwards) Account Mr P. C. Threlkeld, Methvcn. 10 One Shear English Leicester Rams Account Mr Hugh Ensor, Rakahuri, 20 F.M. English Leicester Bams Account Messrs McCrockcn Bros., Hayland Estate, 15 F.M. English Leicester Rama Account Mr J- Johns, Fernside, 8 One and Two Shear Shrop. Kama 8 One Shear English Leicester Rams Account Mr M. J. Dixon. Wost Eyreton, 10 Four and Six-tooth Corr. Rams Account Mr E. Fairweather, Cust. 12 One- Shear English Leicester Earns— Flock Book 263 12 Two-year Springers, due M«y 12 Two-year Heifers 8 Fet Cows 5722 DALGETY and CO., LTD. HARRIS BROS. TTARRIS BROS., GENERAL AUCTIONEERS, VALUATORS, ESTATE AGENTS, ETC., 155 Hereford street, Cfarietcnurch. SPECIALI FOR SALE I FOR SALE! FOR SALEI GENTLEMAN'S SUPERIOR BESIDENCE, SEVEN ROOMS AND HALF AN ACRE. (More land if desired.) Owner Leaving i>istrict. ST. ALBANS! ST. ALBANS! ST. ALBANS! Few minutes from. Papanui Car. £1450 _ IS THE REDUCED PRICE. Briefly the particulars are:—Almost new Houso (built about 1 year) 7 rooms, large dining and drawing-room, very high foundations, all inside woodwork kauri, leadlight doors and windows, cupboards end wardrobes built in, bathroom (h. and c), pantry, eculiery, detached 'washhouse and coaihouse, etc.; J-scre section, 6lt above footpath, nicely laid out. THIS FINE HOME IS FOR SALE FOR ONE MONTH ONLY. If not sold in that time will be Let. Card to view and further particulars from HARRIS BROS., . Land and Estate Agents, Fol. 90 156 Hereford street. A CHEAP SECTION. WOOLSTON. couple of minutce from tram—Half an Acre, planted with potatoes, about 30 full-bearing fruit trees and a first-class whare, with water tank nd everything complete. THE LOT FOR £160. HARRIS ~nOS., Fol. 43 iss Hereford street. C 4981-1193 Chrisxchurca. BAKER BROS. EASTER EGGS At REAL BARGAIN PRICES. £1040 CASHEL STREET—Fine 6-roomed House, replete with absolutely every modern convenience, including gas throughout, bathroom, lav. basin, H. and c, washhouso, -op. and tubs (h. and c. again), cupboard*, wardrobe, yen. blinda, verandah, sewer connection, etc.; 4-acre (nearly), lawn, garden, fruit trees, etc. BAKER BROS. £2000 PAPANUI—7J ACRES good Land, with new 6-roomcd HOUSE thereon; all possible m-cdern conveniences, fa. and c oil engine foi pumping water, etc.; 3 Greenhouses 1 acre fruit trees, etc. 200 head fowls and CO head ducks go in with the property. Full particulars from BAKEP. BROS. I 111. £810 OWNER LEAVING, AND MUST SELL. MERIVALE—NEW 5-rocmed HOUSE, r!l possible conveniences, including tiled hearths and grates, gat throughout, h. and c. service, 2 oric! windows, verandah front and «id-e, windmill and 2 tanks, etc.; i-acre lection, lawns, garden, 30 fruit trees, asphalt paths, etc. OWNER LEAVING IN SIX WEEKS. BAKER BROS. £280 PAPANUI—I3 ACRES fine Land, nearly 2-1 chaise frontage, fenced front and back. ONI.Y £280. BAKER BROS., Auctioneers, C 4473-1681 138 llancneeter street.
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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 12
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745Page 12 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 12
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