AUCTIONS. McKEXZIE AND WILLIS. AUCTION! AUCTION!! FURNITURE, PIANO, ETC. TO-MORROW! TO-XTORROW! 1 Coramencing at 12.30 p.m.. ON acco-ant of IJ. G. Bivkctt. Esq., on the premises, 234 COLOMBO STREET, SYDENHAM, The w!k>> of Ins HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS, bein 2 tht> con- . tents of J rocnis, including Piano by Chas. Jackson and Co.. Drawingroom Suite, 'l'aprstry Carpet, C. and Eras-s Kerb, C<ai Vase, Palm Stand, Pictures. Ore. Tabic?, Hal! Curtains. Dining Table. CheiTcnicr, Linoleum*. AVitker Easy CbiLirs, Double Black and Brass Bedstead. Wire Mattress. Double Wire Stretcher. Chest of Ornwerf. puehesso Pair, Crockf-ry, Sinspr .Sevir.g Machine, Gent's liicicle. Boot Arm Machine Wringer, aufldrite, 10 Fowls, etc., etc. McKENZIE and WILLIS, 5752 Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE OF SUPERIOR FURNITURE, PIANO. Etc. THURSDAY NEXT, the 31st MARCH. i At i:.30 p.m. McKENZIE and WILLIS have been favoured with instructions from A. Gray. Esq., who is up housekeeping, to SELL on the Premises, 137 WORCESTER STUEHX, LINWOOT), the whole of his very Superior t'URNIIL'KE and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, being the Contents of a well-iurnished 6roomed House. I ON VIEW WEDNESDAY NEXT, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. McKENZIE and WILLIS, 5751 Auctioneers. ■VJcKENZijt »nd WILLIS. R. St. Clair McKeazie.) (Joseph Willis. AUCTIONEERS, LAND AND ESTATE AGENTS, ~ ROYAL EXCHANGE BUILDINGS (Cathedral square, next Fost Office). THE CHEAPEST PROPERTY IN iHE DISTRICT. J?770~ FENDALTON—New House of 6 *• Iv room*, i-acre, lath, ihower and lavatory basin, h. ntd c, verandah, tiled grates and h-eartks, gas, wardrobes, linen press, pantry, icullery, washhouae, copper, tub*. windmill, main sewer connection, centre flowers, plastered, picture mouldings, cornices, bay and oriel windows, eastern aspect. Land Transfer Title. Six minutes' walk from car*. Wo can strongly recommend ibis property at the price, 1 Fol. E7 WOULD SUIT TRAMWAY OR RAILWAY EMPLOYEE. SPLENDID VALUE. i?CQA— MOORHOUSE AVENUE >just wOOv off) —Modern House of 6 rooms, £-acre. bath, shower, lavatory baain, h. and c, portico, tiled grates and hearths, gas, wardrobes, linen press, pantry, scullery, washhouso, copper, tubs, ram, centre flowers, plastered, picture mouldings, cornices, oriel indows, asphalt paths, c. (Upcct. Land Transfer Title. Close to power-house. In good neighbourhood. A cheap property. Fol. 237 GOOD VALUE. AN ATTRACTIVE . PROPERTY. -P7Qn~ ST - ALBANS—New Home of S S*luU room*, nearly £-acre, bath, shower, lavatory baain, h. and c, ytraniUh, tiled grates and hearths and tiled ack range, gat laid on, cupboards and linen press, pantry, scullery, waahhouse, copper, tabs, rain and tank, plastered, centre flowers, picture mouldings, northern aspect, large rooms. Well worth inspection. Fol. 256 SPECIAL NOTICE. AS we find that some people do not tare to submit their Goods to Auction, we beg to announce that WE ARE PREPARED T » BUY SECOND-HAND FURNITURE in any quantity. Beet posaible Caah Price* given. AUCTION SALES OF FURNITURE. ETC., held in our Commodious Auction Kooms EVERY TUESDAY and FRIDAY, at ] p.m. McKENZIE and WILLIS, AUCTIONEERS AND LAND AGENTS, ' Cathedral square (next to Post Office). C5424-I7W GOULD, BEAUMONT AND CO SPRINGSTON. SUBDIVISION SUBDIVISION SUBDIVISION OF THE WELL-SNOWN " KELSIE " " KELSIE " " KELSIE " PROPERTY. DV DIRECTION OF H. J. MeCROSTIE, ESQ. DAIRY FARMS, AGRICULTURAL FARMS, MIXED FARMS IN BLOCKS FROM 50 ACRES TO 400 ACRES. 1 Miie from School. 2 Miles from Kailway. 3 Ali>» from Creamery. i iliies from Good Market. The Land is in splendid heart, havingr l;*en capably managed for many years, and fjompriies come of tie bc?t land in ttiis wellknown and prosperous district. TERMS OF SALE: 10 per cent. ce.ih. 5 per cent, on possession. 15 per cent, in twelve months, balance in two years. Interest 5 per cent. PLANS NOW READY. For full particulars, see Creddock. Mc- j Croatie Company's Auction Advertisement, j Satnrday and Wednesday. C4T75 GOULD, BEAUMONT and CO.