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AUCTIONS. C. A. LEES AND CO. AUCTION SALE. DESIRABLE COTTAGE. TRAMWAY AND RAILWAY EMPLOYEES. MESSRS C A. LEES and CO. have received instructions frcm M. A. Kenny, Esq who ha* left Chriatchurc'n, to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, at their Laxid Mart, 138 Cashel street, on THURSDAY, March 31st, at 2.30 p.m.— THAT VERY DESIRABLE COTTAGE, No. 57 ChARLES STREET, Consisting cf Substantially-built House of 6 good rooms, all piaattjred and papered, verandah, bath, hot and cold service, shower, Venetian blinds, gas and fittings, eculiery, detached weehbouse. copper and tube, taps over, etc., together with a. very high Section of 37 perchee, splendid lot of fruit troes, in full bearing. Owner having left Christchurch, our instructions are SELL. Also, ASSIGNED ESTATE. JOSEPH BRUNT, BUILDER. MESSRS C. A. LEES and CO. have received instructions from the Trustees in the above Estate to SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION, on THURSDAY, 31st inst., at their Land Mart, 156 Cashel street, the following desirabio Properties: — WYON STREET, LINWOOD, NEW HOUSE of 5 large rooms, oriel window, verandah, bath, hot and cold service, gas, scuilc*ry, washhouse, copper and tubs, etc., section o£ 31 perches. Also, NEW HOUSE adjoining, similar to above except that KITCHEN IS LARGER. Section of 28 perches. Also. 7 SECTIONS in Wyon street, varying from 16 perches to 28 perches. Ail these sections have water from deep well. Also, FOUR-ROOMED COITAGE, in Aldwin's road, gas, verandah, pantry, scullery, wafhhouso, i-acre. Splendid position, next to Park. As the Trustees wish to wind up this Estate, our instructions are TO SELL. SALE AT 2.30 P.M. Any person desirous of buying any of these properties on easy terms, say £25 DEPOSIT for one of the villas or JEIO DEPOSIT for one of the sections, arrangements can be made by application to the Auctioneers previous to eele. Also, AT SAME TIME AND PLACE. SPLENDID INTEREST INVESTMENT. NO. 8 MOA PLACE—WeII-built Cottage of 4 rooms, scullery, waahhouse, copper. Let to Permanent Tenant at 10s 6d per week. MORTGAGEE'S SALE. are instructed by the Mortgagee to . VY. SELL at same time and place as above THAT "WELL-BUILT HOUSE OF SEVEN LARGE ROOMS, bath, h. end c. service, verandah, plastered and papered, ga«, Venetian blinds, good garden, and other conveniences, large shed, situated in Park road, Linwood, with back entrance from Wellington street. I C. A. LEES and CO., Auctioneers. I Q A. LEES AND CO. AUCTIONEERS, ESTATE AND FINAN- ' CIAL AGENTS. LICENSED LAND BROKERS. MORTGAGES ARRANGED AT LOWEST RATES. j 158 CASHEL STREET. PAFANUI. 4 ACRES CLOSE TO THAM. O-i OCA —NEW House, 6 rooms, bath, h. 3*JlOD\) end c, pantry, scullery, washhouse, copper and tubs, good garden and paddock, nice lawn and flower garden. Away from tho noise and dust of the City. Fol 923 C. A. LEES and CO. RETIRING FARMERS. NOTE THIS. £-i nrrv—SPLENDIDLY-BUILT Houeepl 3Jx.X/O\J H very largo rooms and every convenience, with four acres good land close to tram. Has frontage to two roads. Will Grow into Money whilst you arc enjoying your comforts through living in it. Fol. 909 C. A. LEES and CO. ST. ALBANS. f»r-*r—NATTY BUNGALOW of 4 extra c&c/XGI large rooms, plastered, everything up-to-date, with h.p. water supply and sewer conn/ ctions. A SEAL CHEAP PROPERTY. Fol. 880 C. A. LEES and CO. MERIVALE. ONE MINUTE FROM CAR. n»pQA—ONE of the Little Gems that are SfUOU seldom in the market, New Bungalow of 5 rooms, tiled h. and g., bath, h. and c-, all other conveniences. You can travel tho whole district and not find a prettier place or Buch good value. ' Fol. 879 C. A. LEES and CO. FASHIONABLE FENDALTON. i?7QC— AN Exceptionally Well-bnilt Bun- *» I *jO galow of 6 very large rooms. The appointments of this fine property are superb, tasteful, lead lights, copper furnishings, picked figured rimu panelling, all the latest modern labour saving appliances. We confidently invite you to inspect and know you will be pleased. Fol. 627 C. A. LEES ana CO. PAPANUL EIGHT ACRES RICH LAND. CLOSE TO TRAM. jp-iAZ PE ? ACRE, close to railway. For e£/-l/x«J building, or orchard, or «mall dairy farm, this cannot be beaten. Fol. 8 C. A.. LEES and CO. • ST. ALBANS, WEST. 4?7Qfk — ROUGH CAST, 7 rcoms, modem 3* IwU design, every convenience. Fol. 6 C. A. LEES and CO. HOTEL. "PREE House, £46 weekly. A nibble. C. A. LEES and CO., 153 Cashel street. CASSIDY »nd CO. TELEGRAPH LINE OF KOYAL MAIL COACHES. T EAVE BROKEN RIVEH on arrival of J.J West Coaai Express every TUESDAY. THURSDAY and SATUKUAX. Carrying mails and pastengerg for Otixa, Kumars, Hokitika, . Grey mouth, Reef ton and Westport. ARRIVING GREYMOUTH SAME DAY. Paseengere can obtain through Tickets at Railway Station. WABNEB'S HOTEL, LIMITJSJU, Chratchurch Agents. 1897 CASSIDY ana CO., Proprietor*.
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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 12
Word Count
787Page 12 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 12
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Page 12 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 12
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