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PROPERTIES FOR SALfc. HILLAR\ AND BAXTER. SPLENDID INVESTMENT FOR £1000. TRUSTEES AND SPECULATORS NOTK. ST ALBANS, near the Id section, one of the finest letting positions—Two substantially built Houses, each oontaoning 6 rooms, plastered, papered, cornices, centre flowers, picture rails, wide, verandah in front, tile grates and h«rths, tile back range, cupboards, linen press and wardrobes, bathroom, lavatory basin, splendid water supply main sewer connection, scullery, P*nwy and washhou?e, grand J-acre section, with * good frontage. The above u> a su P e "?f class of property, which always lets readily to good tenant* at « rental returning a high rate of interest on the price «•>"»• The owners intend going to Lng.and shortly, and this is the cole reason for selling. HILLARY and BAXTER, 122 Manchester street. SHOP AND DWELLING. FIRST-CLASS POSITION IN LINWOOD. FERRY ROAD, corner Cambridge street— First-class section of together with shop and dwe-linghouae of 5 rooms. ecullery, end large outshed. PRICE £4.0. , The above ia one of the finest business positions in Lin wood. • * HILLARY and BAXTER, 122 Manchester street. NEAR THE WOOLSTON PARKOWNER GOING TO AUSTRALIA. OVER J-acre Section of .Land, well built house 4 large, rooms, plastered, centre flowers, picture rails, verandah, tile grates and hearths, wardrobes end cupboards, washhouse, copper, tubs and bath. The ground ie planted with choice fruit treee, and » surrounded with paling fence, PRICE £410. HILLARY and BAXTER, 122 Manchester street. FINE CENTRAL POSITION. ONLY FOUR YEARS BUILT. /CENTRAL WARD, S.W.—Choice i-acre \J section, fronting a full chain road, firstclass house of 6 rooms, plastered, picture rails, gas fittings, 6ft hall with arch, verandah with glass ends, Venetian blinds, tile grates and hearths, bathroom, lavatory basin, hot »nd cold water service, including ehowor, scul.ery with sink, h. and c, pantry, washhouse, copper and tube, main sewer connection, including patent w.c, splendid water supply, asphalt paths, good lawn and garden. PRICE £600. Everything in perfect order. Not a penny required to be spent on the property. HILLARY and BAXTER, 122 Manchester street. GOOD SYDENHAM PROPERTY. OWNER GOING TO~NORTH ISLAND. DURHAM STREET — Good 5-roomed house,, plastered and papered, tiie grates, 2 good cupboards, bookcase, scullery, with sink, washhouse, copper, tubs and bath, main sewer, including patent w.c, h.p. water supply, co». shed, toolhouse, asphalt paths, etc., good i-acre section. This property must be sold. Note the PRICE, £445. HILLARY and BAXTER, 122 Manchester street. MUST BE SOLD. AN OFFER WANTED. "DICHMOND, near the tram—T-House of -tt 4 rooms, ecullery, washhouse, verandah, i-acre section, sunny aspect. The price asked is £280, but any reasonable offer will bo favourably considered. HILLARY AND BAXTER, ESTATE AGENTS and LAND BROKERS, 122 MANCHESTER STREET, Between Caahel and Hereford streets. C 4959-741 SPEIRS ANX> WILSON. ~ SPEIRS AND WILSON, (Hugh L. Wileon, Sole Proprietor.) 146 a CASHEL STREET. LAND FOR THE HUNGRY. uw ~ mnn <oddj acres cf CANTERBURY. IUUU the primest agricultural land in the dominion, fit for harvest; four- j fifths in wheat. Inspect it and out comes your cheque book to pay a deposit. Well - fenced and watered, splendidly situated, 4 mile* of rail; good cottage and whare, stable*. This can be got on ridiculously easy terms, and price (with or without crop). F 214 SPKIRS and WILSON. NORTH innn A<CRES. Prime CANTERBURY. IUUU Little Sheep Run (leasehold) well subdivided and watered. 20 acres oats, CASH WANTED S5 turnips, 600 acres E. £3860. grass, 200 acres native, nearly all ploughable; plantation, rich loam, delightful situation; splendid homestead and outbuildings. 3 shearing machines; Government valuation of improvements £3000; sheep, cattle, horses, implements, oil engine, as a going concern, £6550. F 213 SPEIRS and WILSON. SOUTHLAND. KOJT aCSES, IS -pad--000 docks, all ploughable and in good heart, easy distance of rail, close to school and P 0., splendidly watered, wire fenced, great turnip and rape country; whole farm in excellent condition ; very comfortable house and good outbuildings. Price £10 10s per •ere. F aoo SPEIR3 and WILSON. 80UTHLAND. -| 7fjn ACRES Sheep and XI \J\J Cropping Farm, beautiful rich dark loam, well subdivided, .1000 acre* ploughable, all lying to the sun; shearing shed, stables, whare. good cottage, h. and c. £8 ss. Easy terms. P197 SPEIRS and WILSON, 146 a Cashel street, LICENSED LAND BROKERS. ■C 4287-802 TAYLOR, COLE, AND DERRETT. 1030 ACRES oi the cleanest, sweetest, I , , , and moei P r °fit»Me sheep and agricultural farm m Canterbury. Situated in one \of the best districts in Canterbury, beine | only twenty miles from Christchurch, and about one mile> from railway station, post and telegraph office, and school. The farm is subdivided into about Iβ paddocks, and is all well fenced and watered. There is 9 to 13 inches of soil, subsoil, clay, and stones. The land is capable of growing good crops of wheat, and all the land has been under cultivation, and has only, been cropped a very little. The land is in the best of heart. The farm is capable with cultivation of carrying 2J ewes to the acre. The property is beautifully citaated for cutting up purposes, and would make at least 3 nice compact farms. There is a good homestead of 7 rooms, also good orchard, ornamental trees, etc. Also 70 acTca of excellent shelter plantation. The homestead is beautifully situated for working the estate, it being close to the main road, which runs through the middle of the farm The water is supplied for the house by a windmill and well, and when the Selwyn river is in flood the water can be got 4 feet frem the surface. There is every up-to-date convenience for working the estate, including large sheep yards in good order, good stable for 6 horses, granary, implement iheds, etc A large portion of the fena is in yotin* pass, turnips, rape, etc. The south-east portion of th? farm borders on the Elleamere district. The balance of the farm is close to the Selwyn nver. - PRICE-Only £9 10s _p«r acTe. Exceptionally Easy Terms. Sole Agents, TAYLOR. COLE and DERRETT r.,~«, *" Gloucester street, Cl ™ Chriatehurch. -Pq7K-MODERN 4-roomed Bngaiow", <**c» I U verandah, and all up-to-date conveniences, nice site facing north, adjacent 2d Riccarton tram section. If necessary, easy terms. J. G. Bannerman. 117 Colombo street. M
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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 11
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1,022Page 11 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 6 Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 11
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