PROPERTIED fOR SALE. W. J. HOPKINS AND CO. x A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. EXTRAORDINARY TERMS OF PAtMENT. ACRES 989 ACRES Of the DOUGLAS ESTATE, CLYDEVALE. This lot comprises the Chinaman's Block. 501 Acres, house paddock 201 Acres, native grass, and in Dun oats 287 Acres—in all 88a Acres. PpICE, £6 10s PER ACRE £6 10s £650 DEPOSIT £650 Will secure this lot, with small reducing annual payments for five years, interest at five par cent. The property will easily carry 1000 breeding ewes and fifty to one hundred milking cows. The proceeds from fifty milking cows alone would pay the total interest and working expenses. A DAIRY FACTORY, recently opened, is within two miles of this farm. Practically the whole of the land will grow wheat and oats, end it is the best turnip and grass-growing land in the South. To a good, all-round, practical and hardworking farmer, with a grown-up son or two, tho above presents a splendid opportunity to carve out a real good living, and cue that mvi t eventually lead to a successful issue. NOTE. Bouse of three rooms on the property. S :hool, church, telegraph office and local stoic within half a mile of the land. Has frot tago to tho Clutha river, and the bj. Clyie delivers and takes away goods once— and in the busy season twice—a week. Fences and gates nearly «il new, and crop of Oun oats given in with the sale. W. J. HOPKINS and CO.. Agents. OTAGO. GRAZING RUN. ACRES 6250 ACRES Silendid ewe and lamb country v fenced.) subdivided, and well watered. Carries .half j a en to the acre without turnips. A large j por ion is agricultural land. < Nice homestead, with all necessary sheds, j out buildings, etc. £ Andy to railway by good road. PRICE, ONLY £1 10s PER ACRE. . GOOD TERMS. W. J. HOPKINS and CO., Agents. WANGANUI DISTRICT. / SHEEP FARM. ACRES 1730 A °BES Freehold, all grassed, fenced, subdivided int > numerous . paddocks, and watered. Wiiters 21 sheep to the acre, half being ewi 8. ' ' ■ GOOD HOMESTEAD. PRICE, £8 PER ACRE. W. J. HOPKINS cad CO., , Agents. I ADJOINING THE ABOVE. ACRES 680 A PBES Leasehold. Rent £28' per annum. Winters 2 sheep per acre. All in grass, fenced, subdivided, and watered. PRICE, £i 10s PER ACRE. (Including improvements.) TERMS MODERATE. W. J. HOPKINS end CO., Agents. CANTEBBUBY. IN S U B DIVISION. 1000 ACEEa Rich black river silt land, the best for •gnculture and dairying that it in possible to buy. BLOCKS FROM 100 TO 400 ACRES. PRICE RIGHT. TERMS EXCEPTIONAL. W. J. HOPKINS end CO., Agents. OTAGO. 2060 ACEES AGRICULTURAL LAND. Grows 60 to 60 bushels of wheat, remarkably good crops of oats and ryegrass, and excellent root crops. Carries 2J ewes to the acre. MAGNIFICENT HOMESTEAD. ! PRICE £10 PER ACBE. Terms arranged. Full Information regarding the above oa application to W. J. HOPKINS and CO., LAND, ESTATE AND FINANCE I AGENTS. I ' LICENSED LAND BROKERS, i BOWRON'S BUILDINGB, Corner Manchester and Hereford streets, CHRISTCHURCH. Cs4Sfi
Page 11 Advertisements Column 7
Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 11
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