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PROPERTIES FOR SALE. W. SMITH. 148 HEREFORD STREET. T INWOOD-i:475-Snus Little Five-roomed Ju House, with washhouse, scullery, kitchen, hall, in splendid condition, i-acro seeStion, laid out in vegetables, fruit trees, etc., with good trap ehed 2 > oca * bo A e9 - f £? house, etc.. all in good order. North aspect, on sunny side of street. This property is ver} compact and well worth ' ns : ~ W SMITH T INWOOD, £583—Bungalow House of 5 JU iarge room?, built in rough cast, w«n bfst workmanship end material, leadhgnu, : gas and Sttanjr-.. hot and cold water service, all the usua! offices under cover, gooa section of 3-lGths of an acre, sunny aspect. Complete in every detail. SMITH ST. ALBANS weet, £525-Sew House of 4 rooms (one 18 x 12, with overhanging bay window) hall, Uthroom, pantry, scullery, washhouse, etc., all under cover, bun- ! gal'ow desism. Tho best Sittings, hot ana I ccld weter ten-ice, gas, deep sewer eonnec- ! tion, fine high' section, well fenced. ouit small family. OPAWA, £100, road and river frontage— House of 7 good rooms and offices, j pleasantly situated on fine high terrace, ' ' with full land, well planted. Thia 1 property is absolutely cheap, would make a ! good family house, and would be far I Cheaper than renting - w. SMITH. FRUIT FARM.—An ideal occupation, over 13 acres, situated close to railway, planted in apricots, pea-ches, plums, cherries, etc. etc.; two glaesbouees for tomatoes, strawberries. An ideal spot, practically frost free, with good markets available for the fruit. Good 7-roomed houee and all out- ■ I buildings, first-claw* water supply. This j property is charmingly situated, and is well ! worth enquiry from those intending to males their livirp by fruit culture. Terms ar- , ranged. Price £2600. W. SMITH. ; SECTIONS. SECTIONS. I HAVE 12 very choice building sections , within a few chains of Ferry road, and , j within the 2d tram section. This land has been kept back by the owners for many years, and is only now open for selection. PRICE. £100 PER SECTION. Very easy terms can be given. A splendid opportunity or a builder or private selector. W. SMITH. • T OWER RICCARTON. with excepUona. ■ -L* terms. £50 deposit, balance at 6J, per i cent.—First-class modern T-eh»ped house of ■ 5 large rooms end all offices, i»rg« oriol i window, patent revolving registers, gta and fittings. About i-acre land, tastefully laid cut, northern aspect, three minutes from car. Why pay rent when such a property oan > » secured on these terms. W. SMITH. ST. ALBANS, £1050, close to Id sectionTwo first-class houses, each with 6 rooms, on concrete foundations,, plastered and papered, verandah, bathroom, pantry, scullery, waehbouse, good water supply, gas, deep fewer connection, good stud cprmces, tiled hearths and prates, Venetian blinds, and standing on i-acre land, with 99ft frontage t > the north. Splendid value. W. SMITH. Moae to tram, aiso an -L walk fhrouph the Park to town—Modern house of 6 good large rooms, 6ft Lall. >athrnom, pantry, ecullery. wanhhouse, etc., two overhanging bay windows, the best of hot and cold wator service, gas, blinds, tiled hrarthe ar d grates, picture mouldings, etc.. «tc., standing on nearly J-acre section, well laid out and planted. An excellent property in every respect. Price £895. W. SMITH A DDINGTON fin best part)— New house, 5 ■£\ rooms, of bungalow design, verandahs front andi back, side entrance, giving movement access to all the rooms, lead-lights, corniced ceiling, first-class mai.tels, etc., walls tinted, gas and fitting*, holland blindi fitted, hot and cold water servioo, eewer connection, nrarly i-acre laud, well fenced, asphalt paths. Not a single thing to do but to occupy. Price £600. W. EliiTH. LOWER RICCARTON.—£6SO. CLOSE to tram car (on north sid«), a perfect house of 6 rooms, bathroom, vashhouse. and all conveniences, rooms lofty an.) well papered, Venetian blinds, cm, hot And cold water, two bay windows and portico front, good concrete . foundations, garden i.early J-acre, Well fenced, and planted in truit trees, -vegetables, and flowers. A very attractive property, and well worth the DDonay . • : C 4764-1750 • W. SMITH. H. 8. RICHARDS. FOR SALE. CITY ALLOTMENTS. SPLENDID POSITION. FACTORY AND WAREHOUSE SITES. i -IMMENSE PROSPECTIVE VALUE. ST. ASAPH STREET. (Near High street.) These SPLENDID SECTIONS, having a frontage of 66ft by 165 ft deep, are situated together, and are FOB SALE either separately or as a whole. OWING to the rapidly increasing trend of business in thia direction, these Sections are bound to become valuable, and are most suitable for either Factories or Warehouses. A fair return is at present coming in from the cottages now on the sections. Price is Reasonable, and extremely easy terms can. be arranged. H. S. RICHARDS, 151 HEREFORD STREET E. (Opp. Christchnrch Meat Co.'s Offices.) C 4635-1078 HANDCOCK AND ENNI3. TTANDCOCK AND ENNI3. m ACRES of Prime Land, situated 30 Ov miles from Christchurch, grows heavy crops of wheat, etc., and would make a splendid dairy farm, being close to dairy factory, school and railway station, well watered, fenced and subdivided. The price for this first-class little farm is only £26 per acre. HANDCOCK and ENNIS. ACRES first-class Land, and modern 7<J roomed house, with good stabling, five years built, three miles from Cathedral square. Full particulars on application. HANDCOCK and ENXI3. GOING CONCERN"! OQA ACRES. Catlin's District-Dairy Farm, with stock, subdivided into 6 paddocks, and five minutes from school and poet office, handy to railway, one mile from dairy factory; 5-roomed house and outbuildings. Price, as a going concern, £4 10a per acre. Very easy terms. HANDCOCK and ENK»ES. QZfl ACRES, first-claae mixed f*rn>7 sulfa «->OV/ sheep, catt.e, and grain, mid-Canter-bury, adjoining railway station, school, creamery and country township; 125 acree in oats and wheat, good homectead, stabling, •heep yards, etc. Price £3 15s. HANDCOCK and ENNIS. C7 f\ ACRES. 30 miles from Chriitchurefc. tJ I\J grand sheep country, welj fenced and watered. 250 acres cultivated, balanct in tussock, carries a sheep to th* aero in its present state, hut and sUble. grand spec at £4 10s per acre Owner retiring, and will accept a very small deposit. 354 HANDCOCK and ENNIS. HANDCOCK and ENNIS. LAND AGENTS. fan Colombo street. Christchurch One minute north from Cathedral saoara 'Phone 3381 C 4417-910 GLASS Houses, 3 large, 2J acres valuable orchard. Modern 6 Rooms, outbuildings, 3 miles tym Square, near tram. Low price tad e»sy financial arrangements. J. G Bannerman, 117 Colombo street. (04
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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 11
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1,055Page 11 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 11
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Page 11 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 13693, 29 March 1910, Page 11
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