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Auctions. MILES, HASSAL A CO. FOE SALE, THE AHURIRI STATION, Within Fifteen Miles from Christchnrch, on the Road to Akaroa. THIB SPLENDID PROPERTY Consists of— i A _ /*N ACRES of FREEHOLD LAND, _t ! J.O • a large portion of which is suitable for agricultural purposes, the balance being first-class grazing land well covered with English grass and clover. Together with 4000 cross-bred sheep, in high condition 700 mixed cattle, a good proportion fat 12 working bollocks 4 bulls 20 horses. For further particulars, apply to MILES, HABSAL A CO.; Or to ROBT. WILKIN. N.B.—This property is now being surveyed into agricultural and grazing farms, and if not sold privately in one lot, -will be submitted to public competition on a day to be hereafter fixed. 1-14 6899 i ' " Bankruptcy. v. *** IN BANKRUPTCY. THE " PBESS " is an authorised GAZETTT For all notices under the Debtors an/ Creditors Act. IN BANKRUPTCY. j IN the Supreme Court of New Zealand Can. terbury district—ln the matter of the Debtors and Creditors Act 1876 and in the matter of bankruptcy of William Donaldson Brunsden and John Fulton of Christchurch in the said district late of tbe firm | of Doyle Brunsden and Fulton printers debtors This is to notify that William Donaldson Brunsden and John Fulton of Christchurch in the said district late of the firm of Doyle Brunsden and Fulton printers have this day filed a statement that they are unable to meet i their engagements with their creditors—The first meeting of creditors to be held at the Supreme Court House Christehurch on Wednesday, the 27th day of February instant at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. —Dated this 20th day of February, 1878. RICHARD DAVIS, Deputy Registrar. 2-21 8711 Election Notices, SELWYN COUNTY. TO THE RATEPAYERS IN THE ELLESMERE RIDING. GENTLEMEN,— I have been asked to allow myself to be nominated for the vacant I seat in the Selwyn County Council, and I have , much pleasure in offering myself to represent , yonr interests. From the knowledge yon have j had of mc for many years past, I trust that you- | will consider mc a fitting representative, and accord mc yonr support. I have the honor to be. Gentlemen, Your most obedient servant, 2-12 8239 EDW. J. LEE. j TO THE ELECTORS OF THE SELWYN COUNTY COUNCIL. DO NOT PROMISE YOUR VOTES till; you Know what Candidates are Coming j 1 Forward. j Remember the Rakaia, and look to your interests. 2-15 8418! Tenders. riIENDERS are invited for the FORMAJL TION of about 53 chains of ROAD in! RS. 154. Apply to > • 2-19 8555 HARMAN A STEVENS. ' r rpo BUILDERS.—TENDERS are invited, JL for. the ERECTION of a DWELLING: , HOUSE on the Maori Reserve, Kaiapoi, near the church. Plans and specifications may be seen at Mr W. Mablet's, -Hereford street, where Tenders will be received not later than I February 28th. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. 2-15 8408 TO BUILDERS. TENDERS are invited for the Erection of TWO WORKMEN'S COTTAGES for the Rakaia Road Board; one at Hororata, and the other near Dunsandel. Plana and specification may be seen at Mr Marley's, Hereford street, until the 21st February, and after that at tbe Road Board Office, Hororata. Tenders, addressed to the Chairman of the Board, to be sent in not later than the Ist March to W. BAKER, Overseer. : Hororata, 12th Feb;, 1878. 2-14 8377 I LAKE COLERIDGE ROAD BOAED. TENDERS are invited for the FORMATION of about Six Miles of. the Road leading to Rockwood, from the gate on Mr Cordy s and Mr Hall's boundary fence to near' Mr Macintosh's house. Specification )inay be seen at the Rakaia Road Board Office, near the Hororata School, between the hours of 11 and 2 on and after February llth, 1878. Tenders to be sent to the undersigned Snot later than Saturday, the 23rd February, 1878. JOHN HALL. Hororata, February 6th, 1878. 2-9 8093 TO BUILDERS. TENDERS are invited for the Erection of FOUR SHOPS IN BRICK, for Mr H. Marks. Drawings and specifications may be seen at my oflice, where Bealed tenders will be received up till 4 p.m. on Friday, the 22nd inst. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. < 2-11 8188 T. S. LAMBERT, Architect. TO BUILDERS. TENDERS are invited for the ERECTION of a VILLA RESIDENCE near the East Town Belt. Plans and specification may be seen at my office, where tenders will be received on or before Tuesday, 26th instant, at S p.m. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. J. S. M. JACOBSEN, Architect, Ac. 2-15 8389 LITTLE BIVER SCHOOL. TENDERS are invited for WEATHERBOAPDING and PAINTING southwest end of the Master's HOUSE; also, Lining Bedroom and Parlor of the same. Tenders to be sent in to the Undersigned not later than Friday, March 1 st, 1878. L. JACOBSEN, Chairman, 2-21 8712 Little River School Committee. RAKAIA ROAD BOARD. TENDERS are invited for the following WORKS.-— 1. Downs road—To erect a culvert and reform the road by Ewans's : 2. Downs road—To erect a culvert and re-' ' form the road "by Phillips's 3. Downs road—To form about 17 chains fronting D. Os bourn's 4. Steel's road—To form track and cuttings at the river 5. Pickering's, road—To reduce tbe rise near the corner of Ramsey's section 6. Wairiri Swamp road—To form about 30 chains near Wairiri Creek 7. Hall and Duncan's road—To form abont 17 chains sontb of the river • 8. SteggaD's road—To form about 17 chains fronting Hartnell's 9. Milne and Cordy's road—To form about 40 chains through Mr James Cordy's paddocks ■ 10. Milne and Cordy's road—To form about 80 chains through Mr John Cordy's paddocks Metalling. 11. Downs road—About 28 chains near Thwaites's 12. Downs road—About 25 chains near i BaHagh's 13. Downs road—About 30 chains near Ewan's 14. Downs road—Abont 20 chains fronting l , Phillips's -»» i 15. Downs road—Abont 50 chains fronting Steele's and Osborne's 16. Wairiri Swamp road—About 100 chains filling ruts Fencing. 17. About 40 chains sod and wire on Mr Jas. ] Cordy's section 18. About 15 chains posts and wires on the Board Room Reserve. Specification can be seen at the Road Board office, Hororata, on and after Monday, Feb. - llth, 1878, between the hours of 11 and 2, where tenders addressed to the Chairman and endorsed with the number of tbe contract, will be received till Noon on Saturday, Feb. 23rd, 1878. p W. BAKER, Overseer to the Board. 2-9 8092 ] TO SUBSCRIBERS. i mHE Manag-r w2H reel 8108% obSgcjft by < JL soj irregukrß? in the aahreryot ; "THB PR »8 8" d E-aHMHHHHB__aHBf>BBIHLHH
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Press, Volume XXIX, Issue 3926, 21 February 1878, Page 4
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1,095Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume XXIX, Issue 3926, 21 February 1878, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume XXIX, Issue 3926, 21 February 1878, Page 4
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To the best of the National Library of New Zealand’s knowledge, under New Zealand law, there is no copyright in this item in New Zealand.
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This newspaper was digitised in partnership with Christchurch City Libraries.