Public BTotices. ' THE GREAT SALVAGE sale OF CLOTHING, DEAPERT, SILKS, WILL COMMENCE ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 9. o ■■ i ' ■ Gr. L. BEATH & CO. VENDORS. i o THE ENTIRE STOCK SAVED from the FIRE at ARGYLE HOUSE will be SOLD on the PREMISES at present occupied by Mr C. C. AIKMAN, Cashel street, com mencing as above, and continuing till the whole is cleared. ORIGINAL VALUE OF STOCK— £23,288 Os. lln. STERLING. THE STOCK CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING :— Men's Clothing Black Silts Grey Calicoes Boys' Clothing Colored Silks White Calicoes Youths* Clothing Japanese Silks Grey Sheetings White Shirts Brocaded Silks White Sheetings [ Crimean Shirts Dress Stuffs Prints, Costumes Under Shirts French Merinoes Blankets, Quilts \ Drawers, Singlets Black Goods Table Covers, Ruga ! Gents' Umbrellas Shawls, Mantles Carpets, Mattings Braces, Belts Ladies' Umbrellas Feathers, Ribbons Sili Dust Coats , Hosiery,; Gloves, &c. Haberdashery, See, HEAPS OF BEMNANTS AND JOB LOTS. Gr. L. BEATH AJNT> CO., \ AT \ C. C. AIRMAN'S, CASHEL STREET, OPPOSITE "PRESS" OFFICE. JDUSINESS JuLwURS—IO A.M. TILL O P.M. ©ATURDAYS—IO A.M. TILL if P.M. 2-7 8014
CHEAP BOOTS! CHEAP BOOTS! THE CHEAPEST.PLACE IN CHRISTCHURCH for all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES isß. J. HALES BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT, Cashel and Colombo streots, where he is ' SELLING--." : ■.:•>'. .-1 * .. • • ! Children's Colonial lace-nps, from ... ... ... 2s 6d per pair, worth 4s 6d ,' Children's Levant 10-13 Balmorals, from .... 5s 6d per pair, worth 8s 6d Maid's 1 and 2 leather lace-nps, from 6s 6d per pair, worth 9s 6d Ladies' Kid side springs, from ... ... ... 7s 6d per pnir, worth 10s 6d i 'Gents' aU Kid sewn side springs, from ... .... 14s 6d per pair, worth 18s 6d Gents* Colonial Watertights, from 16s 6d per pair, worth 20s Od Babies' Boots, from Is 6d per pair. all other lines equally cheap, note the addressJo. <J. DEI -A. JLi B, Al BOOT A SHOE DEPOT, corner of Cashel and Colombo streets.iCbristcbnrch. 2-5 ■ 7825 COLOMBO STBEET BOOT AND SHOE DEPOT, ESTABLISHED is6o. JOHN OrOOTLXMIAN BEDNG determined to effect a SPEEDY CLEARANCE of what is acknowledged to be one of the LABGEST STOCKS OF BOOTS AND SHOES IN CHBISTCHUECH! * n ..? r ? e J' *° make room for shipments of goods in harbor and to arrive, has made such reductions as will defy competition. , , liadies'French Prunella Boots j reduced, 12s to 10a. Ladies' House Boots, 5s to 4s Ladies' Glove Kid Boots, 10s 6d to 7a 6d -Maids' Levant and Kid, bs 6d to 5s Children's Balmorals, ones to fives, 2s 6d to Is 6d. 10-131905 ~' B. HAJLE & CO., ! SAIL, TENT, TABPAULIN, FLAG, HORSE GLOTH, AND OILSKIN CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS AND ROPE MAKERS, CASHEL STREET, CHRISTCHURCH. \J_TE bave now ready a large and superior stock of Tarpaulins and Rickelotbs, all sizes; Calico, If American Drill, Duck, and Canvas Tents and' Flies; Canvas and Indiarnbber Hose for Gardenb ; Flags of all descriptions: Manilla, Hemp, and Flax Rope and Clotheslines; Plough Line in the coil, and tapered do; and the usual assortment of our other goods. MARQUEES ON HlßE—sizes from 12 x 24 to 25 x 80 and 65 feet diameter. DIRECT IMPORTERS OF EVERYTHING CONNECTED WITH THE TRADE. _~>.- -WHOLESALE-AND RETAIL. Orders by Post or Telegram Pnnchiany Attended to.. 11-1 Pbick Libtß ok ApplicattOK. 2755
f_AS FITTER, BELLHANGER, LOCKSMITH, AND LAMP MAKER, Hot and Cold yf_ Water Apparatus of every description made and fixed on the most approved principle. Hydraulic Rams, Pomps, and Beer Engines fitted and repaired. Gas Ovens, Gas Stoves, and Gas Fittings in great variety always in stock. MANUFACTORY—COLOMBO STREET SOUTH, W-8 , (Opposite Mason and Strnthers' New Buildings.) 4599
-tLevoe's TgBTLLIANT f\^ TJELIABLEI "' TjICONOMICALI! OAFE Desiring {bo benefit by the world-wide reputation •©£ oar 03, certain parties have attempted to i-diate our packages. Suits at law have been instituted against the Makers and Porchasers of these imitations. Buyers should be careful to see that the words "DBVOffS BRILLIANT are etenculed on the cases, and the words «' DEVOE M'FG CO. PATENTS" are stamped on the top at the can. THE DEVOE MANUFACTURTNG CO., 80j B-ATsTB, kWD 127, PXABX, STBMXTB, 10-18 rnrw yobx, tr.s_u 1915 " Educational ' UNIVERSITY OFNEWZEALAND. CANTERBURY COLLEGE. mHE ANNUAL MATRICULATION EX. JL AMINATION wiU be held on MONDAY. March 4th, 1878. ' ' Intending Candidates mnst forward their names and the list of subjects in which tbey will be examined, together with the examination fee, One Games, to the Registrar of Canterbury 1 CoUege, on or before SATURDAY, February 23rd. By order, 1-28 7547 I. Q. STEDJUJi, Eegutrar, i HsfLwsHss^B&nHHHHHHBH