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Auctions. H. E. ALPORT. THIB DAY. IN THE BANKRUPT ESTATE OF WILLIAM CLARK, OF KIRWEE, CARPENTER. T|_"B H. E. ALPORT has received instnicJxl. tions from the Trustee in the ab;ve Estate, to BELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, ON THURSDAY, FEB. 21, At the Hereford street Salerooms, Christchnrch, At 1 o'clock p.m., THE BIGHT, TITLE. AND INTEBEST 'Of the Trustee in ONE ACRE OF LAND, With honse and joiner's shop erected thereon, situated near the hotel and railway station at Kirwee, M lvern Branch Railway. 2-21 8698 TO-MORROW, IN THE BANKRUPT ESTATE OF WILLIAM MOSS, OF BARR HILL, SOUTH RAKAIA, STOREKEEPER. "11/TR H. E. ALPORT has received inJjJL structions from the Trustee in the above Estate to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, AT THB PREMISES, BABR HILL, Above named, ON FRIDAY, the 22nd FEBRUARY, At 1 o'clock p.m. THE STOCK-IN-TRADE OF A GENERAL STOREKEEPER, Comprising— Groceries, oilman's stores, ironmongery Boots, wearing apparel and underclothing Blankets, hosiery, Ac. About H tons of! flour The working implements of the bakery, Ac. Also, 2 horses Spring cart and harness. lEg" Note.—The day of Sale altered from TUESDAY 19th FEBRUARY, to FRIDAY. 2-21 FEBRUARY 22nd. 8699 charles clark. Jjlb Charles vlabk, Established 1861, AUCTIONEER AND ESTATE AGENT LICENSED LAND BROKER, Ac, &c. HBBErOBD Stbest, Christchnrch. CASH READY TOBE ADVANCED, At Ctjkbent Rates, On APPROVED FREEHOLD SECURITIES, 2-16 8496 FOR SALE or to be LET, for a term of years, the Premises known as Tbe ALBION BREWERY, At Addington, With siding to Railway, as now in the occupation of Messrs Ward A Co. These excellent Premises consist of large and well-bnilt malting floor, kiln, ample storage, good water supply, private dwelling house, Ac., and are capable of being easily adapted for the general purposes of a merchant, or for. a coal and timber yard, &c. Possession can be given at once. For plan and full particulars apply to No. 958 CHARLES CLARK. 2-16 8497 HOTEL PROPERTY. THAT WELL-KNOWN HOUSE, THE CASS HOTEL, FOR SALE, at a very low figure; doing a splendid trade. All particulars on application to No. 625 CHARLES CLARK, Hereford street. 2-16 8498 TO BE LET, On the RIVER HEATHCOTE, Situate between Colombo street south and Wilson's Bridge, And immediately adjoining Miss Skillicorn's Property, AN EIGHT-ROOMED HOUSE, with every necessary outbuilding, 4J acres of splendid grass land, well watered, witb garden, orchards, large plantation, &c. Apply to No. 568 CHARLES CLARK. 2-16 8499 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. IMPORTANT SALE~OF VERY SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FUBNITUBE AND EFFECTS, Ac , Ac., AT LANDSDOWNE, EARLY IN MABCH NEXT, Inconsequence of the Hon. E. W. Stafford. being about to Visit Europe. MR CHARLES CLARK has been favored with instructions from the Hon. E. W. Stafford, to . SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION (Early in MARCH) (The date of which will be fixed in a future - Advertisement), The whole of his very superior HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, Comprising— Drawing-room Dining-room Library, Hall, and Bedroom Furniture in great variety. Also, China, Glass, and Electro-plated - are, of the very best quality Kitchen and Dairy Utensils Farm Implements Garden Tools, Ac, Ac. A detailed catalogue of which is in course of preparation. CHARLES CLASK, Auctioneer. 2-21 8703 No. 654 FOB SALE. Consequent on Closing Partnership Accounts. A FIRST-CLASS HOTEL PROPERTY, - . Viz., THE NEW BBIGHTON HOTEL. With FBEEHOLD LAND, Fenced in, with Good Garden, Artesian Well, Ac, ' THE Hotel, containing in all 27 rooms, with Bath Rooms, Ac, is furnished in a superior .manner, and in excellent repair. Also, Stabling for 12 horses, 2 loose boxes, coachhouse, large loft, &c. The whole replete with every convenience. The furniture will be sold with the freehold. Tbe price asked is extremely moderate, and easy terms of payment will betaken. If not sold within ten days, it will be advertised for sale by auction. A coach runs twice daily to and from Christchnrch. For full particulars, apply to No. 659 2-21 8702 CHARLES CLARK. E. W. ROPER, ROPERS HOBSE BEPOSITOBT, CATTLE TABDS, AND AUCTION ROOMS. i SATUBDAY, FEBBUABT 23rd, Twelve o'clock. THE USUAL WEEKLY SALE of HORSES, Vehicles, CatHe, Pigs and Poultry, Produce, 4c, Ac. SPECIAL ENTRIES: Heavy draught horse, Duke, 8 yrs, thoroughly staunch, all kinds harness Heavy draught horse, Sam, 8 yrs, thoroughly staunch, all kinds harness Heavy draught horse, Traveller, 7 yrs, thoroughly staunch, all kinds harness light draught horse, Farmer, 6 yra, thoroughly staunch, all kinds harness Dark bay gelding, 5 yrs, thoroughly staunch, now working carrier's spring dray Bay horse, Tommy, staunch, shaft, leader or plough Several good and sonnd 4 year Geldings, broken to Baddle and harness Dog carts, spring cart, tip drays, new and second-hand harness, Ac., Ac, Ac. Covered hood cart. 2-21 8670 BOBERT WDLKIN. FARM FOR SALE (W\/\ ACRES, in <ne block, in native iJW state, ring-fence:!, good well water ihereon. Can be irrigated at little cost. Two and * half miles from Ashburton. Main South road rootage. For particulars apply to i R. WILKIN A CO.: or WILLIAM TURTON, ___ THOMAS BULLOCK, 4 7714 Alttvte* 1
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Press, Volume XXIX, Issue 3926, 21 February 1878, Page 4
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821Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume XXIX, Issue 3926, 21 February 1878, Page 4
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Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 Press, Volume XXIX, Issue 3926, 21 February 1878, Page 4
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