H. Matson & Co. THIS DAY, SHOW YARDS. CANTERBURY AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL SHOW. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1867. H MATSON & CO. will hold a SALE • BY PUBLIC AUCTION of PRIZE and OTHER STOCK at the Show Yards on the above dato, when they will SELL WITHOUT RESERVE the following, entered by John Grigg, Esq., and others :— CATTLE. 2 very superior bulls 1 two-year-old heifer 1 pen of fat bullocks SHEEP. 24 superior long-woolled rams There is 15s. offered for tho wool off each of these sheep, and they can be left at Mr Grigg's paddocks till February 1, free of charge. 20 Romney Marsh rams (Ludlam's) 20 Romney Marsh rams, bred by Webster and Ail ken from pure imported Romney Marsh rams, out of picked Merino ewes 20 Leicester rams, from best breeders in Victoria 8 Leicester rams, bred by George Gould, Esq. 1 Merino ram. This sheep clipped Tttylbs. of wool last year as a hogget. Sale at 2 o'clock punctually. Terms at sale. No reserve. Entries of Stock will be received up till the hour of sale. 11-4 THIS DAY. AUCTION SALE, ON ACCOUNT OF WHOM IT MAY . CONCERN, OF THE SCREW-STEAMSHIP " GAZELLE," Stranded at Sumner. ft|ES9RS H. MATSON & CO. have reIvJL ceived instructions to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION, at the Clarendon Hotel, on & . FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, '
on account of whom it may concern, THE WRECK OF THE SCREW-STEAM-SHIP " GAZELLE," with her masts, spars, machinery, boiler, chains, anchors, fittings, &c, &c, as she now lies stranded on Sumner Bar. Sale at 11 o'clock precisely. Terms cash. No reserve. 11*7 NO RESERVE. CLEARING SALE OF LIVE AND DEAD STOCK, BY PUBLIC AUCTION ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1867. H MATSON & CO. have received in- • struotions from the Trustees in the Estate of the late Wm. Stokes, to SELL at the Farm, River Styx, Harewood road, by Papanui, The whole of the LIVE and DEAD STOCK, LEASEHOLD FARM, &0., consisting of:— LIVE STOCK. 500 sheep, ewes, fat wethers and lambs 10 first-claes milch cows 1 two-year-old bull, by Regicide 20 head of steers and heifers 5 calves 2 heavy draught mares, staunch and sound 1 heavy draught horse, staunch and sound 1 heavy draught filly, unbroken ' Several light backs and harness horses DEAD STOCK. Ploughs, harrows, roller, double and single Sets harness, cart, horse dray Wheelbarrow, 4 stacks of straw And other articles too numerous for an advertiament Also, The interest on the lease of 100 acres land, having Bix years to run, at a rental of £60 per annum; all down in English grass with the exception of twelve acres now under crop, of carrots, oats, wheat, and barley. Sale at 12 o'clock. Terms at sale. Luncheon provided. 11-6
E. Buraell. AUCTION SALES EVERY WEDNESDAY, At Twelve o'Clock, AT THE ZETLAND ARMS. THE UNDERSIGNED is prepared to offer to public competition CATTLE, SHEEP, PIGS, PRODUCE, &c. Settlements made in cash immediately after sale. Advances made on any stock or produce lor unreserved sale. Edwin Bubnell. Entries will be received at the Zetland Arms, or at my ofEoe. 11*7
Page 1 Advertisements Column 6
Press, Volume XII, Issue 1562, 8 November 1867, Page 1
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