New Advertisements. CANTERBURY AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL ASSOCIATION. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a DINNER will be provided at Mr. Kuddenklau's City Hotel on tbe evening of the Show, at half-past five. The Committee will attend, and PAY the MONEY PRIZKS after dinner. Tickets, five shillings each, to be obtained of Mr Huddenklau ; early application is necessary, as only a limited number will be issued. E. B. Bishop, 11-5 Hon. Secretary. END OP NEW ADVEBTTREMENTS. Shipping. FOR MELBOURNE VIA OTAGO AND BLUFF. . a *Lik THE Panama, New Zealand, and Australian Royal Mail Company's Favourite Steamship TARARUA, Jame3 Hagley, Commander, Is appointed to sail for Otago, Bluff and Melbourne on or about i Sunday, November 10, At noon. For freight or passage apply to Mues & Co., 11-6 Lyttelton and Christchureh. STEAM TO DUNEDIN AND THE BLUFF. THE New Zealand Steam Navigation Company's Steamship TARANAKI, H. B. Francis, Commander, Is appointed to sail for the above ports on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10, At noon. Apply to Matheson's Agency, 11-7 Lyttelton and Christchurch. WHITE STAR LINE. FOR LONDON DIRECT. FIRST WOOL SHIP OF THE SEASON. mHE CELEBRATED CLIPPER SHIP BLUE JACKET, James White, Commander, (Carrying first and second-cabin passengers only) will load with Wool as fast as the clip comes to hand, and should be ready for sea about the end of December.
This magnificent ship is well known in Canterbury for her uniformly comfortable and rapid passages, her last voyage home and back to this port having been accomplished in less than seven months, including seven weeks occupied in.discharging and loading cargoes in the London docks. Passengers in the saloon are provided with bedding, linen, and other requisites. The second-cabin is a house on deck, wel ventilated and roomy. j A milch cow will be placed on board. For freight or passage apply to ! Miles & Co;, Lyttelton, Christchurch, and Timaru. 10-4 W. H. Hargreaves. LOOKING-GLASSES, BY PUBLIC * AUCTION. WH. HARGREAVES has received • instructions to SEL* BY PUBLIC AUCTION at his Rooms, Cathedral-square, ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, A consignment of LOOKING-GLASSES, Comprising— Mahogany plain trays, box, drawer, inlaid twist-pillar tray, pedestal box, jewel box and twisted screen, assorted sizes from 14 x 10 to 26 x 18. Sale at 12 o'clock. ' Terms cash. 11-7 C. Clark. THIS DAY. SALE BY AUCTION AT THE AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL ASSOCIATION GROUNDS, Colombo street south, ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8. "fc/TR. CHARLES CLARK will hold an AUCTION SALE Of all descriptions of LIVE STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, &c, &c. Entries can be made at the office of the Auctioneer prior to day of pale ; and on the day of sale entries can be made with the Auctioneer, who will be in attendance on the Grounds of the Association. 11-2 AUCTION NOTICE. ALTERATION OF DATE. THE SALE at the Residence of G. D. Lockhart, Esq., formerly advertised for November 11, will take place on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14. Chablbs Class:, 11-7 Auctioneer.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 5
Press, Volume XII, Issue 1562, 8 November 1867, Page 1
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