C. C. Aikman. THIS DAY. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8. AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL j ASSOCIATION YARDS. CC. AIKMAN will bo in attendance in • the above Yards on the Show day to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION ANY STOCK THAT MAY BE PLACED IN HIS HANDS FOR SALE. Entries should be made at once at tho offices, Cashel street. 11-5 CARLTON YARDS. THE UNDERSIGNED HOLDS AN AUCTION SALE FOR STOCK of aU kinds in the above yards EVERY WEDNESDAY. I Good paddock accommodation for sheep or cattle close to the yards. 0-9 C. C. AIKMAK. Tenders. TEMPLETON DISTRICT. TENDERS are invited for tho under-men-tioned WORKS :— Levelling hillocks and filling up gullies on road loading from Taylor's Hotel, and across river bed to Mr Flashbourne's. Forming and metalling about nine chains of road by Mr Jeff's, Templeton. Specifications can be ,eoen at Taylor's Hotel, Yaldhurst. Tenders must be sent in by November 20. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. F. G. Stedman, 11-7 Surveyor to the Board. MANDEVILLE AND RANGIORA ROAD BOARD. TENDERS for a GROIN, near Iron Girder Bridgo, are invited by eleven o'clock on Monday, November 18. Plan and specification, or any further information, may be obtained by applying to Edwin A. Lock, Surveyor to the Mandcville and Rangiora Road Board, Kaiapoi. 11-6
NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. I ELLESMERE ROAD BC^iRD. THB attention of Contractors is hereby directed to sundry WORKS in this district for which TENDERS are RE- | QUIRED— Ist. For 3600 yards metal, between tho Selwyn and Irwell bridge 2nd. For 1900 yards metal, between the Leeston Hotel and McClerie's 3rd. For 240 chains drainage and formation ■ between Leeston and Hart's Creek timber yard ' 4th. For 35 chains drainage formation and metalling through the swamp, Selwyn and Rakaia road ! sth. For formation near Overton's gate, Leeston road, &c, &o. Specifications of these works can be seen and forms of tenders obtained at ihe Road Board Office, Leeston, where tenders addressed to the Chairman, Edward James Lee, Esq., shall be lodged on or before noon on Friday, November 8. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Jameb Cabston, Overseer. Leeston, Oct. 30, 1867. 11-6 Entertainments. m H E A T R E ROYAL. Lessee Mr Geo. Furby, GRAND OPENING NIGHT, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1867. FIRST APPEARANCE OF THAT UNRIVAtLED TRAGEDIENNEMISS ADELAIDE BOWRING, Who is engaged for a limited number of nights. MR J. B. STEELE, From the principal English theatres ; MISS SHEPPARDE, Our old-established favourite; MR & MRS SAM. HOWARD, From the Theatre Royal, Melbourne, and Princess Theatre, Sydney; And a talented company. THE SCENERY ENTIRELY NEW. A MAGNIFICENT NEW DROP CURTAIN By Mr Chas. Massey and assistants. Box-office open daily from twelve to two, where places may be secured. A cloak-room | has been added for the accommodation of visitors to the dress circle. [ B. N. Jones, 11-5 Stage Manager.
Meetings. TAI TAPU, LOWER LINCOLN ROAD ANNIVERSARY SERVICES of tho Wesley an Chapel, Tai Tapu, on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10. Two sermons will be preached by the Ret. A. Reid (of Lyttelton) on Sunday, November 10, morning and afternoon. Collections will be made after each Berries in aid of the Building Fund. TEA MEETING. ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, A Public Tea Meeting will take place Tea at half-past five o'clock. After the tea a PUBLIC MEETING will be held, when several ministers and friends are expected to address the meeting. A selection of sacred music will be susg" a£ intervals by the Tai Tapu Choir. Admittance to the Tea — Adulte, 2a j i children, half-price. 11*2
Page 1 Advertisements Column 7
Press, Volume XII, Issue 1562, 8 November 1867, Page 1
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