THE REVISING COMMISSIONER appointed under the Roads Ordinance Amendment Ordinance, 1867, Session XXVII, hereby gives notice that he will HOLD COURTS FOR REVISING the several ROLLS of the Districts referred to in the Schedule annexed at the following times: — S3# 9 9 S 3 I * -5 B :: : : £ * • - - * S" o I 3 :::":: g> 3. 5 g. S* :::::►< k 3 5* o 5 ? ' tr 1 go w ►, gcr o3 *< i_i opPpjC-otuCj J2 6J 9 o o|S. o 8 £§ P -° ~ 1 - £ ° a 2. a O 2 bj X eg » ? « B ? g 3 3 ~ 2. o' S 5 §• 5- .||? ? : : a : _ *I£ * * 5 p q,; C a b; Q.P S I &,2.3 B «* g. ? % i??»? r & a b <bo r a n jr 5&"B 3 & g o*2to CJ * CJ '2 *< o> to » * K> fcß to tO M <T CO g. O O 00 ~ e» » » ~ # Joseph Beswick, Commissioner. Christchurch, Nov. 7, 1867. 11-8 ALLIANCE TEA COMPANY, (Late Thomas R. Fisher & Co.), IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GROCERS, High Street and Hereford Street, Christchurch, OFFER FOR SALE GOODS of a quality equal to any in Canterbury: TEAS, COFFEES. SPICES, SUGARS, FRUITS, OILMAN'S STORES, ITALIAN GOODS ; Ac, &c, All at the lowest market prices. ALLIANCE TEA COMPANY, Christchurch. 11-7 TO FARMERS, AGRICULTURISTS, AND OTHERS. UNDERSIGNED beg to call the attention of Farmers, Agriculturists, and others to their large and varied STOCK OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY,
now on hand and to arrive per Melita, Glenmark, and Mermaid, consisting of the following articles :— 19 celebrated patent Buskey's combined mowing aid reaping machines 5 self-delivery reaping machines 6 Burgess and Key's reaping machines. Ploughs, by Howard Ploughs, by Hornsby and Sons Ploughs, by Ransam and Sims Ploughs, by Page and Co. Ploughs, by Sellars Ploughs, by Barrowman Chaff-cutters, by Richmond and Chandler Chaff-cutters, by Ransam and Sims Chaff-cutters, by Page and Co. Chaff-cutters, by Young and Co. Corn-brusing mills, by Richmond and Chandler Corn-brusing mills, by Ranson and Sims Zig-zag and flexible harrows Press-wheel rollers Horse rakes Superior dog-carts : Stoves and kitchen ranges Thrasing machine, extras Plough, extras Reaping machine, extras, See., &o. One Clayton and Shuttleworth's trebleblast thrashing and finishing machine, &c., &c. FISHER, BOOTH &, FISHER, Agricultural Implement Yard, Hereford Street, Christchurch. Offices—ln High Street. 11-7 EDWARD THOMAS LAW. IMPORTANT COMMUNICATION from your RELATIVES at home. Deeds from England awaiting your execution at Melbourne. No. 162 Apply to Vandebcoon, Law, 4 Payne, 23 Bush lane, London, England ; or to Uakxux & Stevens, 10-26 ChrUtohurch, New Zealand.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 4
Press, Volume XII, Issue 1562, 8 November 1867, Page 1
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