New Advertisements. ! COALS. COALS. COALS. | PER AFFIANCE, FROM NEWCASTLE. TO CONSUMERS AND OTHERS. GEO. SIMSON & CO, HAVING CONCLUDED THEIR ARRANGEMENTS, ARE NOW PREPARED TO SUPPLY THE BEST HOUSEHOLD NEWCASTLE COALS At the following rates for cash, on delivery within the Town Belt,: —At per ton, £2 14s ; at per half ton, £1 7s ; at per quarter ton, 13s 6d. At the Railway Station. Christchurch, £2 9s. per ton ; at Railway Station, Templeton (parties own bags), £2 15s per ton ; at Railway Station, Rolleston (parties own bags), £2 18s. Outside the Town Belt a sliding scale of Is per ton per half-mile for cartage will be made. TOWN OFFICE—CATHEDRAL SQUARE; Where all orders will be received and any information given. WHOLESALE DEPOT—RAILWAY STATION. N.B.—G. S. & Co., from their long experience and sole attention to the above trade, and the extensive and economical business arrangements made by them, can guarantee the supply of A REALLY FIRST-CLASS ARTICLE at the lowest remunerative price, and beg to call the particular attention of consumers to this important fact, viz. : — TWENTY CWT. TO THE TON GUARANTEED. N.B.—CASH BUYERS OF GREY RIVER COAL. Christchurch, September 1,1867. 9-2
ON ACCOUNT OF WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. WH. HARGREAVE3 has received , instructions to SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION at his Rooms, Cathedral-square, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, FIVE CASES SINCLAIR'S HAMS. Sale at 12 o'clock. Terms cash. 11-8 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1867. TIMBER, TIMBER, BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE UNION WHARF, Ferry Road. CC. AIKMAN has been instructed by • the Consignees to SELL, as above, About 100,000 FEET of TIMBER, Ex different arrivals from Picton, and the Bays, consisting of— Black pine and totara scantling, 4x3, 4 x 2, and 5 x 2 Black pine boards, Bxl, and 8 x £ White pine boards, Bxl, and 8i J Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms at sale. A conveyance will leave the Auctioneer's" office in time for sale. 11-8 ZETLAND ARMS. AUCTION SALE. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, At Twelve o'Clock. COWS, HORSES, FAT WETHERS, &0., &0., Ac. SHEEPSKINS, TALLOW, WOOL, &c, will be received in a Bpacious shed adjoining the saleyards, and stored free of charge, if for unreserved sale. Entries for Wednesday's sale will be received up to 11 o'clock on that day, or previously, at the Zetland Arms or my office. Edwin Bubnbll, 11-8 Auctioneer. SELWYN. AUCTION SALE. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, At One o'Clock. THE UNDERSIGNED will hold his next MONTHLY SALE as above. Several entries have been received, full particulars of which will appear in future advertisement. Parties having stock for sale will oblige by forwarding particulars at once, to ensure proper advertising. Edwin Btjbnell, 11-8 Auctioneer. CANTERBURY AGRICULTURAL AND PASTORAL ASSOCIATION'S YARDS. THIS DAY (FRIDAY), NOV. 8, FOR SALE, At Four p.m. (If Not Disposed of Previously), T)RIZE BARREL CHURN, With friction wheels. First prize awarded to this churn by the Northern Agricultural and Pastoral Association at Kaiapoi, November 6,1867; also First prize was awarded to these churns by the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association at their Show at Christchurch in November, 1865. Matthew Hall, 11-8 Manufacturer, Kaiapoi. TO ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO MESSRS. W. STRINGER & CO. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that after the 2lßt day of November Resident Magistrate's Court SUMMONSES will be ISSUED, without respect of persons, for all DEBTS remaining unpaid on that day. Persons wishing to avoid the annoyance of a summons can pay their debts either to Mr. Shackleton, or at the office of Messrs. J. T. Peacock and Co. November 7,1867. 11-8 TO LET, THE HEATHCOTE WHARF (lately known as Knight and Co.'s), with all the warehouses thereon, timber, and coal yards, dwelling-house, and other appurtenances. Terms very reasonable ; Or the property will be sold on terms, should a purchaser offer. Apply to H. Matron & Co., 11-3 Oath»drii-so,uars.
Page 1 Advertisements Column 3
Press, Volume XII, Issue 1562, 8 November 1867, Page 1
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